What is Cur › Diagonal › Anise › In Vain › Eucalypt › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. What is Cur
  2. diagonal
  3. anise
  4. In Vain
  5. eucalypt

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

What is Cur › Definition and Meaning

The abject adjective has a clearly negative meaning, as equals wretched, disgusting or hateful. Anything that deserves the contempt of others can be valued as something despicable.
From an etymological point of view abiicere this word it comes from the verb, which means debase. Regarding the use of the term could say that this is an unusual and even outdated term. At the same time, its small presence in everyday language makes it a cultism.
If abject is something that can be neglected, it is worth remembering some situations where you can use this adjective.

Abject slavery is an institution

For centuries a part of the activity work the slaves performed. This was possible because slavery existed as an institution accepted and legally recognized. However, some thinkers opposed it and considered it undignified, indecent, abhorrent. Defend slavery meant denying freedom individual some people. At the same time, it meant that the idea that we are all equal is breached because men were superior to others. The fact that the life of a human being could belong to another went against the very dignity human and this led to the abolition of slavery.

Child labor

The International Labor Organization (known by the acronym ILO) is a supranational institution that ensures the dignity of work. In this regard, one of the labor aspects that are explicitly denounced by the ILO child labor. A child to work in any activity is immoral, Reportable and outrageous. It is considered a form of exploitation, as a child is helpless to adults. These considerations make it child labor can be categorized as something despicable.

Why do we say that a behavior is despicable?

Despite cultural differences all humans have a sense of morality that pushes us to say something is good or bad. As standard there is usually a whole series of behaviors that are rejected by the majority and are valued as heinous (murder, abuse or exploitation). Given this widespread rejection it might ask the reason of it. There would be several possible answers:
1) undesirable behaviors generate a feeling of disgust, revulsion, 2) there are supreme values that we use to guide our moral valuations and
3) can not accept as a good thing we do not want for ourselves.
Photo: iStock - RapidEye
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[ 2 ]

diagonal › Definition and Meaning

The term diagonal part of the geometry and may be defined as the segment - shaped line connecting one end or apex of a figure with the apex located on the opposite side.

Examples of diagonal geometric figures

In a parallelogram four sides (A, B, C and D) and there are two diagonals: the straight leading through D and the line going from C to B. Both diagonals intersect at the intersection point of the two straight.
In a polygon of five sides there are five diagonals in a six - sided polygon diagonals are nine and one that is seven sides will have 14 diagonals.
The four examples shown above serve to ask the question: how many diagonals does a polygon? First, the first element to consider is the number of sides. Moreover, a regularity is observed in the number of diagonals and this regularity is expressed with the following formulation: from the number of sides and multiply by the same number and the result least three divided by two.

Diagonal, an urban solution for Barcelona

The language of mathematics has a theoretical dimension that can be projected into tangible realities. This is what happened with the planning planning of the city of Barcelona. In the second half of the nineteenth century a new organization of the city was designed to solve growth. For this, a held design in a grid or grid plan (straight streets that intersect at right angles). The large grid that was built to host the call widening area was crossed by a diagonal strip - shaped and for this reason was called the Diagonal. Thus, the geometry is put at the service of urbanism to the straight diagonal has several functions across town faster, connect the different areas and facilitate transport in general.
The architect of the Eixample in Barcelona was Ildefonso Cerdá, who was commissioned by the city council after they were torn down the walls surrounding the city center. At present this urban proposal is considered as an achievement in the history of the city of Barcelona, but initially the solution of Ildefonso Cerdá was rejected by the city authorities and large sections of Barcelona society. Despite initial misgivings his plan was finally approved and currently is possible to know Barcelona following the line that marks the Diagonal.
Photo: iStock - JulieanneBirch
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[ 3 ]

anise › Definition and Meaning

Anise, whose scientific name is Pimpinella anisum is an annual herbaceous plant that can reach 60-80 cm in height if ground conditions permit. Has an erect branched stem and cylindrical shape at the top and small white flowers. It is a plant native to East built by the Arabs to the Iberian Peninsula and other areas of the Mediterranean. It is cultivated on a large scale and Spain is one of the first producers of aniseed. A lesser amount is also cultivated in Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria.

As a medicinal plant

It is one of the medicinal plants oldest in the world and there is evidence that anise was cultivated 2000 BC in Egypt. Greece is commonly used as a spice and medicinal plant. In terms of composition remember containing 3% essence and fruit essence such consists of a substance called anethole, which gives it its characteristic aroma. At the same time, it contains various sugars and organic acids. These components give the anise several healing properties: it is an expectorant that facilitates the expulsion of gases, acts as a stomach tonic, increases the secretion of milk in women and animals and serves to regulate menstruation. This plant is recommended in cases of loss of appetite, gastrointestinal spasms, catarrh, bronchitis and to encourage breastfeeding. However, it is noted that when administered in doses excessive may be toxic.
As for his administration it is recommended to take anise as an infusion (a tablespoon of aniseed in boiling water to take it as a hot drink).

as liquor

The anise plant can also be distilled from the seeds and obtain anise liqueur or aguardiantes aniseed. Anise liqueur can be sweet, dry or semi-dry depending on the amount of sugar used for its preparation. It has a transparent appearance and has a high alcohol content (some anises reach 74 degrees).
As an alcoholic beverage is very traditional in Spain and regularly drink after heavy meals to promote digestion, accompanying coffee as a flavoring in cocktails and even flavoring in some elaborations of pastries. At present some factories anise continue making it with traditional craft systems.
Anise is so ingrained in some areas of Spain that their bottles are used as a musical instrument, because its surface is irregular and thus be scratching the bottle with a metal spoon drink. Christmas celebrations in carols accompanied by the original musical instrument sing.
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In Vain › Definition and Meaning


In our language is common to use adverbial in vain is undoubtedly one of the most commonly used by people who speak Spanish when we want to indicate that something is or was useless, or has not had the impact expected. Generally it used in relation to any action or activity took place, and of course, not obtained the results expected by x situation or event which adversely affected.
Some examples will see the explanation for this speech so used... "Paint the front of the home is in vain because immediately after the groups do come graffiti paint and ruin the painting." "I feel like I wasted the course because I can not get the job I thought I could get after it." "The cries of the assaulted women were in vain because no passerby or staff security in the area came to help."
As examples appreciate the concept is used always associated with something that was done and that did not work out as expected, or something that happened to us and also had a bad outcome.

Religion: Do not take God's name in vain, second commandment

On the other hand, we can not ignore the importance of this speech on religion Christian because it is part of one of the ten commandments more important than God let their children on earth to be observed and followed to the letter. Otherwise, ie, failure to do so will be committing a sin.
The second commandment states: "Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain." This mandate has a clear mission to force Christians not to mention God's name inappropriately and linked to issues that are not owned or necessary. In other words, do not use it for its own sake, without purpose important. Because of course, it is common for people to say, swear, promise things using God: "I swear by God, " for someone to believe what he is saying, among other issues. This clearly contradicts the second commandment.

Not in vain

However, we must emphasize that as a result of this use arose other, not in vain, whose mission is to counteract the previous and therefore used to refer something was not useless but on the contrary, took effect, a consequence. "Their efforts were not in vain and eventually reward the author."
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eucalypt › Definition and Meaning

The Eucalyptus is a tree whose leaves have a characteristic and very pleasant aroma, plus a number of medicinal properties that have led to be widely used by people suffering from respiratory problems as well as for the manufacture of furniture and paper.
This tree native to Australia reaches 65 meters high and is known more than 700 species, some of which are resistant to cold temperatures several degrees below zero.

Eucalyptus effects on the airways

If you are well attribute beneficial effects on a number of conditions, the effects are more evident Eucalyptus level airway.
Eucalyptus is able to make more liquid secretions facilitating their expulsion, this helps relieve discomfort such as cough and prevent colonization by germs causing serious infections such as bacteria.
Another beneficial effect is anti - inflammatory effect on mucous membranes, eucalyptus Vapors helps relieve sinus and nasal mucosa which decreases pain and congestion that accompanies diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis and bronchitis.
Also has been described an antibacterial effect, eucalyptus is able to inhibit the growth of various bacteria and even eliminate, this effect is helpful to combat respiratory tract infections when inhaled vapors. It is also used to disinfect environments to vaporize the essential oil in closed or burn their leaves spaces.

Eucalyptus is a component of a large number of drugs

The essential oil of eucalyptus is a preparation used in the preparation of medications such as cough syrups with phlegm, for their fluidizing effect of secretions and expectorant, which helps expel them more easily relieving symptoms such as cough and congestion nasal.

Eucalyptus trees are not very popular among farmers

While eucalyptus is good for health and helps reforest and stabilize sloping floors avoiding landslides, it is a great enemy of crops.
Eucalyptus roots usually grow in mirror with the tree, ie reach the same length but in the opposite direction razing what they get in their path as bases of walls, pipes and even underground wells. They absorb a lot of water andnutrients so impoverish the soil, being able besides producing substances prevent the growth of other plants.
Usually in soils where there are eucalyptus trees do not grow other plant species which limits the possibilities of cultivation, making it also necessary to continually pay the ground.
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