Warning › Crevasse › Paradise › Adaptation › Speculation › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. warning
  2. crevasse
  3. paradise
  4. adaptation
  5. speculation

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

warning › Definition and Meaning

A warning notice or information is to be transmitted, inform, about something or someone and has the mission then alert you to a particular issue or the action of a person.
However, this warning can be transmitted orally, in a conversation with someone, or failing to meet recurring is also written warnings which warns or prevents the public about any situation.
Usually appear in public places or constant traffic, hung in a visible place and the word usually appears red warning, highlighted in order to draw the attention of the people and not go unnoticed.
These signs are intended to warn on a threat, danger, imminent or real, or failing, warn that developing this or that action can be dangerous in the context in question or be punished.
In a zoo for example, where live animals of various species and with varying degrees of danger, it is normal, find warnings in the footsteps of the cages warn them to visitors who can not enter or warn about how should be your behavior near some animals.
Also, in those places where they are producing or handling toxic substances usually they have warning signs for the public that can run around and do not know the risk is alerted and know how to behave.
Also with regard to traffic, in order, the various traffic signs such as: maximum speed, minimum, notices of special crossings, curves, prohibited parking, among others, are warnings that both pedestrians and motorists must attend and follow to ensure proper circulation in the streets and security.
Moreover, audiovisual or web content usually also have warnings to the public, especially when it is recommended that they are not appreciated by underage or impressionable people because they have nude scenes of violence, among others. Movies or yes should indicate in their early ages what are suitable or if there are restrictions also indicate that they are suitable for all audiences.
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[ 2 ]

crevasse › Definition and Meaning

A crack is an opening that appears spontaneously on a surface.
In geology, for instance, it is called thus those long narrow openings resulting from the separation of two materials. Meanwhile, distinguished experts in the field that they can be of two types: contraction and wedge.
Shrinkage cracks are quite broad and are produced by contracting the soil or rock. While cracks wedge bearing a vertically are generated after the rapid freezing soil.
Moreover, a crack is deep cut or opening, elongated and shallow that arises on the surface of the dermis or mucous membranes. Then, the cracks are a common condition that can have people in our skin and usually can be treated with skin specialists, as in the case of dermatologists, who usually indicate for treatment moisturizers híper to be precisely applied to the area affected. In those more complex cases often cause pain and discomfort on the part of the skin affected by them.
The concept of crack also usually applied in the world of art to designate precisely this defect that presents an artistic work such as a movie, a concert, a play. It should be noted that these hold a strict cargo opinion of who makes the criticism and that is why for u critical thing may be a crack while for another it is not.
And finally it is commonly referred to as crack, a native plant of acetosa Rumex mainland Europe and is especially cultivated for its edible leaves. He is also called as cruet and common sorrel.
It's a really easy plant to grow, it can appear in any soil, although it is more common in those rich in iron and rather humid areas.
You can reach one meter tall and produces flowers reddish green when mature they turn purple.
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[ 3 ]

paradise › Definition and Meaning

The word paradise means in our language a number of issues, all linked to other issues by pleasant and beautiful.
To begin we will say that is the religion where we find the most popular and widespread reference of this word because in the Bible, more precisely in the Old Testament, is called Paradise to that ideal and beautiful garden where God decided to put Eva and Adam after the creation. Formally it is called as the Garden of Eden.
Meanwhile, in religion, too, in Christianity, it is considered to paradise as one place where God resides and then, it is where all the faithful want to go after his earthly death.
According to the traditions that pay these beliefs are good people, their souls, who have done good and have lived according to the precepts of religion who will access direct way to paradise. Meanwhile, those who have not been good for anything not ascend to paradise. Normally it considered that paradise is in heaven.
The opposite of paradise is hell, commanded by the devil, located in the depths of the earth, a place dominated by the warmth of the fire and which down the evil souls that have hurt and have not repented of their errors and sins.
So then exposed those nice and beautiful paradise outstanding features is that the word is also used in the language common to refer to those places that stand out for their beauty just physical and calm harmony and transmitted. Margarita Island is a paradise, its beaches, climate, ideal for relaxing a real beauty.
In short everything that is considered as an ideal it is often named as paradise.
Moreover, in economics, it is often talk about tax havens to refer to those countries or states that apply a favorable environment for businesses and entrepreneurs who do not live in them tax regime and that only legally domiciled for money transactions and other business. They usually have a total exemption on taxes or pay minimal amounts.
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[ 4 ]

adaptation › Definition and Meaning

The word adaptation is a term we use so widespread in our language and also use it in various fields to refer various issues.
In its broadest and general use, adaptation relates to the accommodation or adjustment of one thing to another. Adaptation dress my body is fantastic.
Moreover, also it discusses adaptation when an object or a mechanism undergo some transformation so that it performs functions other than it had when it was built. After the disease mom had to make an adaptation of Thomas's room so she can occupy it and not have to climb stairs as before.
Also in the artistic field, especially in theater and film, the word adaptation is widely used because it is used to designate the transformation of an original work in another, from one format to another, which in many cases involve changing the language part of his argument, among other issues, which makes it to be regarded as a different work by these changes. Normally the film adapts to its format many literary works and also the theater does the same with literary and film works.
It should be noted that adaptation in this sense is not easy but it is a complex process that involves moving a story from one format to another with the differences that this entails and also when it is a work of great popular acceptance, which are the normally they adapt, the public is often more critical with the end result.
In the film adaptation work is widely recognized even has an award in the delivery of the Oscars: best adapted screenplay, category that just rewards those scripts that have been adapted. The last awards of Holywood has awarded in this category to author John Ridley for his adaptation of Memoirs 12 Years a Slave, the kidnapped African American Solomon Northup, for the film 12 Years a Slave, winning also the award for best film.
Meanwhile, biological adaptation involves the process through which an animal is accommodated in a new environment and changes it proposes.
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[ 5 ]

speculation › Definition and Meaning

One speculation is that assumption, theory, hypothesis, rather based on a subject or situation. In journalism usual practice of speculation when looking to find the causes that triggered a fact. Usually it prevails speculation until it manages to present a reliable source certifying information.
And in the field of economics the word speculation is widely used to refer to that commercial operation involving securities or assets that are purchased at a very low price to keep them without producing and expects its price to rise in order to sell better and get a succulent difference. Obviously the transaction takes place because prevailing economic context of speculation that enables the generation of those differences.
Or is that speculation who acquires an asset does not enjoy the benefits that it holds but for a future sale of it, a benefit, because it is known that price or yes will be increased following the context speculative premium.
Meanwhile, this conduct business required by those who put it into practice some cunning and skill when forecasting and perceived price of the acquired because if it does not properly can lose a lot of money along the way.
Undoubtedly it is in the trade where raw speculation.
It noted that speculation is especially harmful when monopolies prevail because in an economy in which there are several competitors will be the market itself will push for a product is sold at a good price and the premium will be avoided because plenty of supply. While in closed imports or monopolist, as the products they are very necessary and have no market competition, who produces, often relies on this and will speculate on its value, offering it at a really high price to achieve more profit.
Inflationary economic scenarios are highly permeable to suffer such speculative actions because prices change constantly and then usually stop producing their goods and then sell at a higher value.
From the above we can conclude that speculation is a rather controversial practice that certainly hurt the consumer.
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