Luminous Intensity › Glyphosate › Yolk › Turmeric › Tequila › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Luminous Intensity
  2. glyphosate
  3. Yolk
  4. turmeric
  5. Tequila

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Luminous Intensity › Definition and Meaning

The phenomenon of light from the viewpoint of its measurement is studied in the discipline known as photometry. In this framework, the light intensity indicates the amount of light that is perceived (the scientific term used is the luminous flux).
From a mathematical parameter, the light intensity is something that can be measured, for which the unit known as candela used. In this sense, remember that light has different measurement units (lumen, lux, lumen per watt and others) and each used to measure some aspect of light. Not to forget that light is a form of energy, particularly electromagnetic energy.

The light intensity in different areas

The apparatus used to measure the light intensity is the light meter, which operates using a sensor that detects changes in light intensity. The light meter can record a series of data, which refer to the measurement of light in a given space. Such measurements are necessary to determine if the light used is appropriate. For example, in a classroom light intensity at different points (on the board in the location of the teacher and in the area for students) it should be established, since it would make sense that a place in the classroom was in penumbra while another space had a significant presence of light.
The example of the light intensity in the classroom allows us to remember that the presence of light is decisive in all kinds of activities. Think of a covered sports arena where spectators and athletes need adequate visibility. In this case, the light intensity determines the development of any activity undertaken in that space.
Decorators know that the light intensity is a staple, it has effects on the colors on the self - perception of space or in connection with personal feelings that occur in a particular location. The role of lighting in the decor is first order. Normally you try to make the most of natural light and artificial light is a secondary option. Naturally, the interior space artificial light has a role. Thus, the light intensity affects many different ways: creating a climate specific, providing an optical effect or serving a specific purpose. In any case, the light intensity must be associated with a particular function in each case.
In the world of decoration speaking of the language of light. If intense energy is transmitted. If excessive is very likely that an effect of fatigue occurs. And if the light is warm is quite possible that a relaxation effect is created.
Photo: iStock - Warchi
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[ 2 ]

glyphosate › Definition and Meaning

Glyphosate is a herbicide that inhibits an essential plant enzyme for the metabolism of plants. Thus, this herbicide prevents weed growth, ie weeds.
Glyphosate was first used in the 1970s and since the 90s has been widespread use in agriculture. In addition to its function as a herbicide glyphosate it allows profitable economic agricultural than conventional. It is used in all crops, preferably soybean or corn.

Advocates of glyphosate

Proponents of this chemical used several arguments. On the one hand, remember that the official health authorities have classified as slightly toxic glyphosate (for example, states that glyphosate has the same level of toxicity than many other products consumption current). Belie that is related to birth defects, allergies, tumors and, generally, with any health problems to humans or animals. To prove it is a safe product recalls in Europe it is widely used in public gardens and private sphere.
Moreover, transgenic companies argue that there is no relationship between agrochemicals (such as glyphosate) and transgenic products.

Against glyphosate

The reviews are very diverse and are based on a number of arguments. Alternative Scientific studies demonstrating a causal link between glyphosate and a range of health problems (related to autism, Parkinson's, obesity, allergies, cancer, etc.). It is considered that there is a close relationship between glyphosate and genetically modified products. Moreover, some groups claim that at present there is a global experiment to impose the use of this herbicide. While glyphosate should be labeled, products related to it are not, which raises suspicions and fears.


The two opposing positions highlight the existence of two concepts: 1) those who accept the official information as necessarily true and 2) those who understand that behind the glyphosate perverse economic interests hiding and is being put into danger the health of millions of people around the world.
The two opposing views remind us that there is another similar dilemma: those who understand climate change as a natural phenomenon against those who attribute it to human action. When two visions are so opposed and irreconcilable citizens it is at a crossroads of difficult solution.
Photo: iStock - ghornephoto
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[ 3 ]

Yolk › Definition and Meaning

If we break an egg goose, duck or goose inside he will clear and a bud. The first has a transparent appearance and the second has an intense yellow color, appearance gelatinous.

Fried egg

The egg yolk is present in one of the most international dishes, fried egg. In Spain it is usually taken with chips and sometimes accompanied by chorizo. The English usually taken at breakfast, bacon and eggs famous. Argentines take it with fries (a well - known dish is fries horse, ie, with two fried eggs). In recent years in the supermarkets you can buy frozen. In any case, the fried egg is part of the international cuisine.
If we talk strictly egg yolk, culinary applications are very diverse. For example, it is used for making sauces (hollandaise sauce is probably one of the best known). It is also used in pastries home to make custards, ice cream or shortcakes. Kitchen fans are well aware that the important thing is properly separate the yolk from the white.

The bad reputation egg

Popularly eggs have had a bad press. They were associated with cholesterol and therefore it was customary not to consume too many. This idea is reflected even in the Spanish proverb (two eggs a week, healthy habit). However, this belief popular has been disappearing in recent years. According to experts in nutrition egg yolk does have cholesterol but does not contain trans fats increase the levels of cholesterol in the blood and, therefore, the myth of the egg as harmful food is weakening in the wisdom popular.
Nutritionists emphasize the properties of egg yolk: has vitamin B, A, E and D, folic acid, and various (magnesium, phosphorus and potassium). It is advisable to accompany it with fruits and vegetables and is ideal for low calorie diets. Proof that the properties of the yolk are evident found in the diet of elite athletes, who mostly consume egg yolks regularly.

Egg yolk and cosmetics

Egg yolk has uses beyond the kitchen. In this sense, in the field of cosmetics used for several purposes: for healthy hair and scalp for the smoothness of the face by a mask or to maintain a strong and healthy skin.
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[ 4 ]

turmeric › Definition and Meaning

Turmeric is a root belonging to the family Zingiberaceae, like ginger. This species is characterized by its yellow color and is well known in India. In fact, it is known as Indian saffron.

In the kitchen

If we visit a restaurant Hindu is likely to ask for a plate of rice with curry. Its orange color is due precisely to turmeric. In Indian cuisine is very common seasoning various dishes with ground turmeric, something very similar to using salt and pepper in food Western.
In the world of female beauty
Hindus cosmetics made using turmeric. It is a substance used to clean the skin and give a smooth look. For this reason in some areas of India brides who are going to get married a treatment made with turmeric to have a shiny appearance on the day of the wedding. It is usually applied as a mask and also facial cleansing is also used to hide the wrinkles or eliminate acne.

Health benefits

Turmeric is known in the West for its therapeutic properties. The origin of its properties is due to curcumin, its main active ingredient.
They are very diverse applications of this spice. It is considered a potent antioxidant that serves to eradicate free radicals from the body. It is valued as an effective anti - inflammatory. It is also used to reduce pain caused by arthritis. Also, studies support the benefits of turmeric to prevent cancer, leukemia or diabetes type 2. It is useful to purify the liver and improve digestion and even states that slows the effects of Alzheimer's. In the world of alternative medicine it is also used as a substance that helps lose weight.

At the party colors of India

In major cities of India a festival known as Holi is celebrated, although the world is recognized as the festival of colors or spring. While their remote origin is religious in nature, today is a pagan festival in which young bags dyes are released and precisely one of the powders used is turmeric.
In the Western world this celebration is gradually being introduced as a celebration related to the spring and colorful.
Photo: iStock - billnoll
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Tequila › Definition and Meaning

typical and original alcoholic beverage of Mexico

Tequila is a typical alcoholic beverage native Mexico, more precisely in the town of Tequila located in the state of Jalisco, which is known for its high alcohol content of spirit. Tequila is obtained from a plant which of course is native to Mexico, where it is preferably produced and is popularly known as agave or hard.
To determine the drink is original tequila it must have in its composition of at least 51% of sugars originating from the aforementioned plants and be produced in regions of Mexico dedicated to their manufacture.
The either pure tequilas contain 100% of said sugars.

How is your preparation?

Their preparation involves obtaining agave juice, then it ferments and finally said preparation is distilled. However, we note that there are different processes, some more industrial and more craft. Depending on the procedure tequila obtained may be white in color, gold or other. And depending on the time of ripening which holds it may be valued as Reposado, aged or extra aged.

Use in preparing cocktails

Tequila can be drunk alone or mixed with other can drink alcohol. There are many drinks containing different name to this popular drink among its components. The margarita and tequila sunrise cocktail are examples or drinks containing tequila and are very popular in almost everyone.
Meanwhile, the most common way to drink tequila in bars, pubs or disc is in a small glass jar, called shot, and the normal mode is placed in the hand a little salt which must be eaten immediately before Throw drinking tequila and finally must suck a slice of lemon.
We must emphasize that as a result of the large amount of alcohol present is recommended to drink in moderation.
Also, the word designates Tequila territories belonging to Mexico, such as the municipality in the state of Jalisco and one that corresponds to the state of Veracruz.
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