Effect › Slowing › Streusel › Sheave › Perogrullo › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. effect
  2. slowing
  3. streusel
  4. sheave
  5. Perogrullo

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

effect › Definition and Meaning

The term effect has many meanings depending on the field in which it is used, but the most frequently used is that which defines it as one result obtained as a result of a cause.
In the world of sport, the effect is a movement rotating an object that when throwing or hitting is printed, so that runs deviating from what would be its expected trajectory. Among those sports practices where use is widespread effects tennis, golf, table tennis, football or pool would be found.
Moreover, the word effect is also used to describe an impression produced in the feelings or mood of a person.

The butterfly Effect

When a small change can generate enormous consequences draft is said that this is an effect butterfly. The reason why it is known in this way is because of an idea that became popular meteorologist and mathematician Edward Lorenz, who exemplified one of his theories by an ancient Chinese proverb saying that the flapping of a butterfly can feel in halfway around the world.
In his studies Lorenz argued that the slightest variation in the initial conditions of a given system can make it evolve in totally different ways. Lorenz observed as small details (for example, the fact of using three instead of six decimal) ended up causing large differences in the predictions of a model.

The greenhouse effect

It is known as the greenhouse phenomenon whereby certain gases of the atmosphere retain part of the energy caused by solar radiation. Its main effects are the melting of the polar ice caps, thus causing a rise in sea level; alteration of the rainy season, which directly impacts on agriculture ; increased desertification; and changes in the seasons, affecting customs migratory birds or the reproductive processes of living beings.
Contrary to what many people believe, the greenhouse effect is not caused directly by man, it is a natural phenomenon. Human action causing it to increase the concentration of certain gases such as carbon dioxide, leading to the greenhouse effect intensifies.
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[ 2 ]

slowing › Definition and Meaning

Slowing down is the action of doing a job or activity more slowly decreasing their speed of execution.

Slowing economy

Among the fields it is what the term most commonly used to slow down, that of the economy is one of the most prominent and present in our daily lives. In recent years the term "slowing economy" has become very common as a result of the economic crisis of 2008.
This slowdown means the economy has stopped growing at the rate it did previously, which is reflected in rising unemployment, an increase in public debt, a decline in real GDP and a decline in investment among many other factors.

Slowing of metabolism and weight loss

Another of the most common expressions in which the term slowing included is "slowing metabolism ", which means a decrease in vital rhythm. In some animals the slowdown associated with hibernation while in humans is used in relation to the loss or gain of weight.
Metabolism greatly influences weight. His slowdown causes the body need to burn fewer calories to maintain their vital functions, which in turn implies it harder to lose weight. Diet and exercise are two basic allies to speed up metabolism and improve calorie burning.
In addition, age also plays an important role in the slowdown of metabolism, because young people have a much higher metabolic rate than older people. This is mainly because as we age we lose muscle mass while increasing the amount of fat, leading the body does not require to burn as many calories as before.

Slow time

Technically impossible to slow down time, however, there are some details that can work to our perception of it is different.
A classic example is the feeling that we grow as time passes faster and faster. This is because when a child is is very easy to meet new things that attract our attention and make us to give importance to petty details priori. By contrast an adult stops to look at the little things, losing the ability to surprise and focusing only on major events.
Many scientists say that if an adult were able to re surprised as when I was a child would have the feeling that time passes much more slowly.
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[ 3 ]

streusel › Definition and Meaning

Streusel is a German word that roughly translates to spread, poured or sprinkled. Etymologically the word comes from the verb streusel streusen, which means spreading.
This term is used in the world of pastry, as are various desserts where there is a covered part with some ingredient, usually sugar or butter. Thus, some cakes or muffins incorporate this technique. The purpose of the streusel is to provide a flavor unique and at the same time texture crisp.

How to Make streusel

The basic ingredients are: butter, sugar and flour (usually two equal parts butter and sugar and flour twice). To make streusel must first derritir butter and then gently mixed with the other ingredients. To do this you can use your fingertips and so few like sand crumbs are formed.
To complement its flavor is possible to incorporate other ingredients, such as cinnamon, vanilla, nuts or fruit pieces. The final mixture was placed as a cover over the mass of a cake or a biscuit to be introduced for about 40 minutes in the oven to heat up.
The aim of this process is to create a texture that contrasts with the juiciest content of the pie, cake or cupcake.

The streusel in the German confectionery

In the German pastry cakes with this coverage they are known by the name of Streuselkuchen. Thus, this crisp envelope is presented in the apple pie in cakes and all kinds of desserts. In Germany, the Streuselkuchen are very popular in select cafeterias and are also consumed in the home on special occasions.

Other typical desserts with international projection

The streusel as Streuselkuchen coverage and pastries remind us that in some cases local pastry reaches the dimension international. The ensaimada is a dessert medieval typical of Mallorca and currently a large number of tourists visiting the island returning home with a ensaimada under his arm. Something similar happens with the Greek baklava, Japanese cheese cake, cake Portugal, Israeli honey cake or Salvadoran quesadillas.
Internationalization of pastry has a direct relation to tourism, as one of the options for any tourist is to know the flavors of the place you visit.
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[ 4 ]

sheave › Definition and Meaning

A pulley is a device intended for heavy lifting. This simple machine is based on Archimedes ' principle, according to which from a fulcrum can move a body.
A pulley is merely a sheave rotating around an axis. The channel passes a cord connecting with the intended load increase, while the other end of the rope one applied force determined.
The first pulleys were designed precisely by Archimedes in lll century. C in order to facilitate the work of civil engineering and military.

How a single pulley

A simple pulley has a wheel in which there is a slot in its perimeter and said wheel rotating about a central axis. This pulley to change the direction and sense of the applied stress and the distance walking load equals the length of the rope collection. This type of pulley is a lever with equal arms, as the first effort to pull the string matches the weight of the load. Thus, it is possible to lift weights comfortably with little effort and moving an object at a certain height.

Other types of pulleys

When two pulleys are used is called movable pulley. Thus, one is fixed and the other is mobile. The movable pulley is moving the load when pulling the rope and thus significantly reduces the effort, namely half of the fixed pulley.
Sometimes composite pulley systems to move heavy loads with minimal effort are used. These complex systems are a combination of fixed and mobile pulleys and are also known as hoists.
Different pulley systems allow multiplying a force like a lever. Thus, the extension of the lifting force or gain mechanical depends on the number of cord sections load bearing.

Other inventions attributed to Archimedes

Besides the pulley system, Archimedes devised a method for calculating the volume of an object with a structure or irregular shape as well as the famous Archimedes principle.
These theoretical advances enabled a number of inventions and gadgets of great practical use, such as the Archimedes screw for engineering, the catapult as a weapon of war and a type of crane (the Claw of Archimedes) that it intended to sink enemy ships. These and other machines were decisive for the development of engineering civil and also for war.
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[ 5 ]

Perogrullo › Definition and Meaning

It is said that a statement is patently obvious when it is so obvious that it is not necessary to communicate it. Thus, the phrase "truism" or a platitude indicates that what is said is unwise, because it does not provide any relevant information, because it is obvious, evident and so logical that it is totally unnecessary. The expression "this is patently obvious" means saying that something is silly and it would be better not have said.

Examples of truism

In the context of a football game someone claims that win the team that scores the most goals. On a very rainy day a person tells another that the floor is wet street. Comment that the sun rises at dawn. These examples are examples of truths perogrullo. Such expressions are used with some frequency in the language everyday and show that the sender of the message has committed a blunder to speak, because information communicated is banal, irrelevant and does not say anything that is not known.

Truisms amount to tautologies

In the context of the figures rhetorical tautology is one expression in which unnecessary words are used because they add nothing from an information point of view. Some examples of tautologies would be: previous history, full house or three - sided triangle. As can be seen, tautologies are empty formulas of language content and refer to the same idea that the truths of platitude.

The origin of the term perogrullo

In the study of the origin of words we can find curious stories, as happens with the word platitude.
The perogrullo word is formed by the union of two words: Peter and Grullo. According to a popular legend of unknown origin remote and there was a man named lapalissade. In this imaginary character predictably singular statements attributed to him and, for example, that the hand closed fist and called similar statements.
Thus, the legend of lapalissade spread in the popular language and hence comes the word platitude and platitudes.From the standpoint of literary, it was the seventeenth - century Spanish writer Francisco de Quevedo who first used the idea of platitude to refer to the simple and inconsequential comments are part of the communication everyday.
Photo: iStock - Anna Rise
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