Lexical Family › Ellipsis › Peon › Rollercoaster › Fill › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Lexical Family
  2. ellipsis
  3. peon
  4. Rollercoaster
  5. fill

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Lexical Family › Definition and Meaning

The study of language covers many different areas: syntax, etymology or semantics. In this post we will focus on the semantics of the language, ie, in the meaning of words.
There are three semantic concepts are useful: the lexical field, the semantic field and family Lexical. The concept of lexical field refers to a series of words that have a relationship between them for some reason, for example because they concern the same subject (as in the lexicon soccer field can talk about striker, defender, midfielder or thrashing, because all these terms share the same field, even if they are words of a different nature).
We speak of a semantic field when a series of words are included in the same semantic content (for example, a chair or sofa semantic field belong to furniture term). Lexical understand the family as a set of words that come from the same primitive word, ie, they all have the same lexeme or root of a word.

Some examples of lexical family

Class acts as the word lexeme or root and from it can make other words of the same family classification, unclassifiable, sort, class, etc.
With the root bread we can form words like baker, bakery or bread basket. The word cold can articulate other: chill, chilly or refrigerator. The term form words like merchandise market, flea market or flea market. The term sea is quite curious, because its lexical family is quite extensive (sailor, sickening, sea, swell, tide, marines, tide, submariner and so on ).
The example of the word sea allows us to remember that terms of the same lexical family can be used in very different contexts (dizziness is related to the health and diving is a sport). It should be borne in mind that two words may seem a lot but not of the same lexical family (given and given are homonyms but do not share the same lexical family, because the first is the past participle of the verb give and the second is a piece used to play and therefore do not share the same origin).
The above examples communicate the same conclusion, namely that a word lexical family consists of those terms that have the same spelling characteristics (gift given both with and written g) and the same semantic origin. The highlight of the words from the same lexical family is sharing the same root (sun, sunny, solecito or hand, manual, craft). It is appreciated, therefore, that in different words in the same lexical family is a part of them that does not change (the root) and another part does change (the gender, number, augmentative, diminutives or prefixes and suffixes that go with it ).
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[ 2 ]

ellipsis › Definition and Meaning

The figures of speech are language elements that enrich the communication and provide a creative touch to the literature or the world of advertising. As we know, they are very different figures of speech (the metaphor is the best known, but there are others, such as metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole or ellipsis). Each provides a "formula" singular, a mechanism for management of words with a certain intention. Then we will try to explain one of the most unique rhetorical figures, ellipses.

What is an ellipsis and some examples

As literary figure ellipsis is not mention a word or intentionally. The purpose of this omission is to express an idea in a straightforward manner and with simplicity. Deleting a word should not alter the message, because it is omitting a term that is not essential. In other words, the word is not said is already implicit in the message. In most cases, removal of one or more words occurs because you say them or write them unnecessary.
If I say "A Vicente likes toys, but Mary not" I am using an ellipsis, I do not explicitly say that Mary does not like toys, because it is totally unnecessary. Here 's another example: "My cousin Gabriela married six years ago, his sister not yet" (needless to say that the sister is not married). Thus, the ellipsis omits words for various reasons (they are dispensable, mention them be somewhat repetitive and also is a way to economize words and make more effective communication). Here 's another illustrative example: two good friends meet and one says to the other "My arms" (obviously, it goes without saying "Come into my arms" and both complete and incomplete forms have the same meaning).

In the sayings and advertising

Proverbs are sayings that communicate a teaching. In the refranero we can find examples where the ellipsis is used as a resource to achieve greater brevity and more impact on the message (A fleeing enemy, the Silver Bridge).
Advertising language (either using words or images) have to be effective and suggestive, for which the ellipsis is a good resource in the field of communication. Imagine that in a TV ad for a soft drink from a well known brand in the shadow of a bottle appears without the express indication of what brand it is and a youth group observes the shade with great joy (in this example it is evident that what is not it is said, the name of the drink, is very present in the message).
Photo: iStock - kate_sept2004
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[ 3 ]

peon › Definition and Meaning

A pawn is a type of worker who has little expertise. Usually, the pawn is one who starts his work, which has no specific qualification and who receives a modest salary. Because all this tends to perform his duties as an assistant to other workers with greater job qualification.
At one time existed in Spain the job of navvy, who took care of the maintenance and conservation of roads. It is a trade which no longer exists. However, there is an expression popular in reference to this office is done. Thus, it is said that someone asks questions roadmender when a person asks absurd or inappropriate things, because they have an obvious answer. Moreover, in some rural areas still they exist peonadas, which are the working hours of a pawn.

In the game of chess

In the game of chess there are a number of pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights and finally, 8 pawns. The pawn is the largest and most part weakness in the strategy of the game. It is the only piece that can not retreat, it must always move forward in the vertical direction, but to capture a piece of the opponent's pawn moves diagonally.
There are several moves or positions of the pieces in which the pawn plays a role (for example, isolani or poisoned pawn). Chess players have several ways to play with pawns: some prefer to sacrifice them for greater mobility and others use them to strengthen their position or to weaken the opponent.
From a strategic point of view the pawn is the figure that symbolizes the role of infantry in the army. Thus, losing a pawn in a chess game would be like losing a soldier in battle.

Moving the pawns without playing chess

In figurative language the concept of moving pawns used. Someone moves the pawns margin chess when launching a strategy in which something without too much sacrifice in order to achieve greater success. In this regard, we must not forget that the pawn in chess represents two values, humility and courage. Consequently, in some circumstances the life of someone with much power has the ability to sacrifice "peons" for some purpose.
In a figurative sense you could also say that someone thinks like a pawn, that is, with a modest and humble mentality ( as opposed to a king or queen). These uses of the word pawn show that the game of chess is present in the language (for example, when something is too complicated and we must make an intellectual effort to fix say it is like a chess game).
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[ 4 ]

Rollercoaster › Definition and Meaning

One of the favorite entertainment plans of many people is to go to an amusement park where there are attractions of various kinds. One of the best known is the mountain coaster. Which produces an emotion intense because passengers are up to it, are mounted in a car or carriage that slides quickly through a circuit with constant ups and downs.
Besides the vertigo that can produce this change tilt circuit level, also it highlights the speed at which the vehicle in an automatic mode, that is, the passenger is guided in a sliding loop that repeats in a mechanical way.

Fun at amusement parks

The roller coaster is common to have parts of the route where the vehicle is traveling at a moderate speed while an increase in speed occurs at certain times of the track, for example, in parts of decline. It is recommended that when children get on a roller coaster do always accompanied by an adult.
In addition, it is also very important to consult information in the amusement park on the recommended age to get into this kind of attraction. Not all roller coasters are equal, there are more or less height.
Entertainment provided by this type of experience is closely linked to the value of the emotion felt by many passengers. An emotion that while producing a nice adrenaline for some people, however, repelled others that feel fear of the vertigo of speed and feeling of lack of control.

Pay the entry price

When the passenger wants to ride this attraction must buy your ticket by paying the fare for a trip. If you later want to repeat, you need to buy a new entry. The roller coaster is, along with the Ferris wheel, one of the most visited attractions in amusement parks.
From the visual point when the passenger watches from the ground the treaty circuit roller coaster can see certain parallels between this and the form of an actual mountain. In most roller coasters, passenger cars are mounted in pairs. In some parts of paths can be reached even upside down.
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[ 5 ]

fill › Definition and Meaning

The space may be empty when it is free of any object but may also be busy when full of something. For example, families make the basket every week to stock up on food to enjoy healthy menus for the next seven days. In addition, many families buy new clothes each season to update the background Children 's closet and drawers filled with clothes chords to meet the school routine.
When a singer organizes a concert tour is hoping to fill the theaters and halls in offering his performances as an audience, it is synonymous with success. By contrast, a concert empty room is a disappointment professional for any artist. We are so used to link the idea of filling the space with the material universe because it is more visible, ie we see through our sight when a space is occupied. For example, when a driver looking for parking on a street, can see whether there are gaps to park your vehicle gaps. It is also possible to fill the piggy bank with savings.

Fill gaps soul

However, we also have a universe emotional that even immaterial and invisible, is real and feel. That is, we all aspire to fill our emotional universe of love and happiness. In fact, a heart that is full of self - esteem is happier than the heart that as a result of emotional deprivation feels lonely.
In addition, from the point of view of happiness, we must also fill our lives that make us dream goals, goals ofpersonal fulfillment, timeshare with friends, renewed hopes and carpe diem. However, although the time is not an entity that can trap between our fingers, we've also experienced the feeling opposite of empty time. For example, when we invest in a meaningless order.

Fill time

People also tend to fill our time with occupations and tasks that help us structure our days through habits. A full schedule of obligations may be synonymous with stress. Life is time, therefore, invite you to fill your time experiences that connect with your existential vocation. That is, to help you project yourself into the person you want to be.
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