Learned Words › Universal Suffrage › Landing › Preordained › Development Model › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. learned words
  2. Universal Suffrage
  3. landing
  4. Preordained
  5. Development model

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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learned words › Definition and Meaning

In everyday language the most important thing is that the communication is effective, ie that speakers are understood. In some contexts, people use unusual words. They are learned words. Those terms are noted for their low use. They are typical of scholarly and academic fields and highly specialized people.
In everyday and everyday communication it is not necessary to use learned words (also called cultism). If someone does unjustifiably may be considered a pedantic person, that is, having an attitude arrogant, elitist little closer.
There is no rule about when to use the learned words and not when. Proper use depends on the situation of the speakers. In an act academics (the submission of thesis doctoral, for example) is necessary to use cultism, since specific knowledge implies a specialized terminology, which is uncommon in daily life. In the field professional learned words are also used, since it is necessary to transmit rigor and precision when explaining information. This is what often happens in medicine, where each branch specialists have to use a technical vocabulary and patients are not familiar with it. For this reason, when we go to the doctor we ask that we simply explain our health problem.
The same idea can be expressed in many ways. In a simple way, with plain words that are understood by the vast majority or, conversely, learned words. In the latter case, the speaker may have a problem if your partner does not know the meaning of cultism. To avoid these uncomfortable situations is desirable to limit the learned words very specific situations.
Another peculiarity of cultism is that sometimes there is confusion about whether they really are or not. Someone may say that a word is learned (eg retracted adjective) when in fact seems strange because it has a limited vocabulary.
There are other terms that may be regarded as cults: tremebundo (terrifying), insulso (with little grace), ubérrimo (which is very abundant) or epithet (adjective). Another obvious case is the use of cultismos latinismos: alter ego, cogito, culmen or desideratum. They are words that should not be used frequently, unless the context warrants (for example, a meeting of Latin teachers).
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Universal Suffrage › Definition and Meaning

There are two major trends in relation to the form of organization policy of a state: democracy and dictatorship. These two concepts have, in turn, a wide and varied terminology, depending on the country. However, they are the two basic options.
Democracy is a system in which citizens elect their representatives. And universal suffrage is the main mechanism of participation citizen. It consists of the right to vote in an election. Today, in democratic countries there is universal suffrage in a standardized manner and applies to the entire population over 18 years. This is the general rule, although there are variations in each nation. For example, the age of majority and the right to vote is exercised after 15 years in Iran and from 21 in Ivory Coast. There are also some legal limitations when to vote from the age of majority: they have no criminal record is not a foreigner or not having a mental health problem. There is, therefore, a standard (all adult citizens of a country can decide by voting who will be their representatives) and some exceptions and limitations specified in each state electoral laws.
Universal suffrage did not exist in the old regime (before the French Revolution of 1789) and citizen participation was limited to those belonging to the nobility. In the eighteenth century, a number of philosophers prompted a new wave of thinking (the Enlightenment). They proposed profound social reforms and believed that democracy should be accepted in civilized nations system. These ideas were gradually introduced in Europe, the United States and were spreading around the world. Initially, the first democratic systems would not take full universal suffrage, as there were many limitations: women could not vote or could not in certain countries belonging to certain ethnic groups.
These restrictions were gradually correcting and women were given the right to vote. It was a slow and controversial process in most cases. It is well known the struggle of suffragists a movement female that spread in many nations in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. These women claimed the rights of women and one of them was the right to vote. Their struggle paid off and the female vote was extended to most nations. I could not speak of something universal, if really only involved a part of the population.
One person, one vote: In the political language an idea to sum up the meaning of universal suffrage is used. This means that, apart from certain limitations and exceptions as those already mentioned, all citizens of legal age have the right to participate in elections, regardless of gender, race or social status.
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[ 3 ]

landing › Definition and Meaning

Of the landing it is a typical action carried out when the aircraft journey that culminates carried out and reach their destination.
It is basically that the plane slowly begins its descent, and once on the runway, as it is called the road or path where planes depart or arrive, touch the track thanks to the wheels that have the aircraft to carry out such action.
Airplanes are undoubtedly the means of transport faster there. Let us move from one end to the other of the planet in hours, while, to make the aircraft take off and land from one destination to another. The landing would then be the final stage of the journey undertaken by a plane.
Meanwhile, the last action, and the first one starts with the launch of the mainland, or yes, require a runway on which the aircraft taxiing before flying and after flying too.
It should be noted that in all airports of the world, international, cabotage or other, all trips of an aircraft takeoffs land and also landings are quite organized and planned to ensure control and also as a measure of safety to avoid accidents.
Hardly a plane touches down on a runway without knowing it.
What can happen is if one occurs emergency landing or forced also called before any contingency that occurred in the middle of the flight. For example, a fault is detected technician of it which could put at some risk the lives of passengers and crew, then the pilot must land where you can, if some other runway contained in the roadmap better, but you must do it where you can, taking the precautions of the case if possible, such is the case to do so in an open field, I do not populated.
Another common cause of emergency landing are strong bad weather, such as thunderstorms, fog, which can generate a plane has to land in trouble with the impossibility of continuing in flight.
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[ 4 ]

Preordained › Definition and Meaning

Predestination is a term belonging to religious or spiritual terrain. The idea is to relate to something with the principle that originates and is God who organizes such a principle. God is almighty and, therefore, knows even what will happen in the future. Know what will be the events of humanity in general and people in particular.
According to this view people are destined to something; Success or failure is already written in the divine mind. Consequently, an individual is predestined in his life. He does not really know, since only God knows the plans He has for each individual. This approach incorporates a problem: if defined how we act and what will happen to us, what is our margin of freedom staff?
Proponents of predestination are basically two religious traditions: Calvinism and Buddhism. According to Calvinists are predestined for good and for bad (to save or condemn). This does not mean that we should not behave correctly. It is rather the opposite: we must be good in order to get closer to understanding staff if you are one of those chosen by God parala salvation. It is a complex, highly debated, with multiple interpretations and implications idea of individual freedom, will, motivation, etc.
Buddhists have their own approach predestination. Every individual has a karma, an internal mechanism that acts on reality. If we think positively, positive things we create. There is a relationship between what we think and the projection of ideas. Each effect is linked to a cause and men have the ability to enhance the thinking kind to spread goodness.
If anyone is predestined to something it is because a higher entity (God or a project intelligent nature) has planned our destiny. If we are fated, this means that we have been chosen. We have a gift, something special. We have been selected with a purpose and, although there is no clear evidence to prove it, some people are convinced to be predestined. If they get success, they believe they have met the great plans he had for them. If they fail, they do not blame it because they had been chosen for a reason for failure. Predestination has, from the psychological point of view, a great utility.
Consider that there is predestination predestined people and there is a widespread idea. They defend those who believe in destiny as a force cosmic that moves the world. Some philosophers and scientists use the concept of determinism as a principle that bears some resemblance to predestination. According to determinism phenomena of nature have its laws and mechanisms and nothing can happen outside of them.
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Development model › Definition and Meaning

The concept of development model used in politics and the economy, although it is more applicable to specific sectors.
Both politics and economics have their theoretical principles. These two disciplines are crucial for organizing life in society. Therefore, a development model is a theoretical proposal a strategy applied to the organization of a sector of society, a nation, a region or a specific locality. The development model would be a general reference to what is intended to realize a reality.
Imagine a situation: a group of specialists in economics and politics have to do a study on the future of a region, and the findings will be applied. After learning about the characteristics of the area, experts developed an organizational design taking into account various social, ideological, technical, cultural, etc. The final proposal would be a model of development.
The economic activity is one of the engines of society. There are several economic theories and they all have this two variables: private initiative and the role of the state. From them, economists developed a number of variables from a theoretical point of view: inflation, taxation, public expenditure, consumption, etc. These and other make up an economic strategy, define a development model. The most traditional is based on the idea of a permanent growth. The idea is simple: the natural tendency of all development is growth. Thus, if a country has a GDP and per capita income determined, these economic values have to continue to increase year after year. This development model has a theoretical problem and above all real: the resources of nature are not unlimited. If there are obvious limits on raw materials, it is not logical to aim for steady growth. Those who defend this idea speak of a model of sustainable development. It is a concept that attempts to balance economic development and the environment.
The idea of development model is not exclusive to the economy and politics, but is applicable to any other reality or sector. It is very common to read news about models of urban, energy and business development. In any of the specific circumstances, a development model is a plan of action that has made the claim.
The computer is a very useful tool in the development models of any sector. The computer allows the simulation, ie, the recreation of a reality from the combination of data and variables. This technological tool provides some very useful ideas to decide which strategy will be adopted in practice.
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