Exceeding › Traffic Signal › Rotonda › Crosswalk › High And Low Light Light › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. exceeding
  2. Traffic Signal
  3. Rotonda
  4. Crosswalk
  5. High and Low Light Light

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

exceeding › Definition and Meaning

In a context vial, the concept of exceeding designates a typical maneuver performed by various vehicles, cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, when they are moving and passing through some way, especially on highways or routes.
Basically it is that a vehicle passes over one another or circulating in the same direction and be placed behind it in front of them but without crossing the axis of the roadway. In other words, a car that travels by rail law is surpassed by other circulating in the left lane changes not being necessary since it exceeds a speed higher.
It noted that although as any maneuver involves a risk, we must emphasize that it is quite simple and little risky if it is performed in a highway with several lanes and in which all cars driving in the same direction.
However, it is important that we emphasize the difference that this maneuver has another a little more daring with which the often confused is that of overtaking. The forward is another maneuver that is carried on wheels on a route that involves changing lanes, running it up the left side with reference to the axis of the road. Thus, the vehicle may be located ahead of the chasing minutes before and circulating at a lower speed.
It said certainly is a dangerous maneuver to be performed having an awareness and a mastery of the steering wheel and the path in which it's made.
In final accounts, any maneuver that is made up of a car, overtaking, Exceeding, or whatever, must be done with responsibility and in complete safety, because doubt in these cases can be fatal.
If we were to give advice ideally avoid them because just for those willing and able by the conditions of their cars go faster, highways have fast lanes, slightly less rapid and one with minimum speeds. So everyone should suit them and follow the course they propose each, without trying to take advantage maneuvers involving violence vehicles.
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[ 2 ]

Traffic Signal › Definition and Meaning

Traffic signs are those signs that abound in amounts streets, highways and roads, among others, and are intended to sort vehicular traffic, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists, among others.
Basically they contain important information and serve as our guide on the streets or paths to tell us how we should behave, from the role that we occupy, to circulate them correctly, safely and avoid any road accident that could cost us our life us or any other being with which our paths will cross.
Unfortunately today traffic accidents lives of pedestrians, motorcyclists and motorists are being reached shocking figures. The negligence, neglect because it is attentive to mobile devices such as cell phones, or just recklessness, among others, are some of the causes of this scourge and therefore it is essential that the authorities in charge of the area and from mass communication mass install the theme and diffuse respect for these signals. This will contribute directly to the fact of having a street, a safer route...
It also stated that traffic signals are universal, ie they are composed of symbols universal and do not depend for their understanding of the knowledge of this or which language. Any individual can understand whether it is circulating in your country or another.
There are many traffic signals and then for education and knowledge is that they are grouped in various categories...
On one side are the regulations that can communicate: prohibition, restriction or priority: no parking, limiting long vehicle, exclusive circulation Bicycle, respectively.
Then we find signals preventive which are subdivided into maximum hazard and physical (indicate some special characteristic of the road or route), for example, railway crossing and winding, respectively road.
And finally there are signs informative reporting in the cities destinations, distances or characteristics of the tracks, tourist information and service information.
And although they are not always present because they depend on a concrete fact, the signals are called transient whose mission is to warn about performing some work construction or maintenance.
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[ 3 ]

Rotonda › Definition and Meaning

A roundabout is a special diseñovial, of circular shape, and has the task of allowing the crossing of several paths to thereby decrease the succession of accidents that could occur at the junction thereof absence of this construction.
Basically, a roundabout is an intersection in which the segments that form, streets, roads and avenues, are connected, and has a circulation of rotary type around a central area, which is usually designed as a small square. This makes vehicles intending to travel on the same do round this center and always in a direction opposite to how they do the hands of a clock.
Unfortunately traffic accidents are a constant in the various highways and byways of the world, so it is that those who are responsible for the management of road safety promoted and think constructions and elements, among others, to assist in the prevention of themselves. Even often they have the worst outcomes with hundreds of deaths per year. Especially during the summer season which is more frequent and constant vehicular traffic on the roads.
Then, roundabouts will force drivers to reduce speed in circulating or well appreciate and because the radio that hold the same forces not exceed certain threshold speed, this directly affects the reduction of accidents, collisions between vehicles.
Normally before roundabouts road signs that anticipated as typical of a red triangle in which three arrows rotating backwards the clockwise appreciate placed.
It should be noted that roundabouts are also often called in our language as roundabout, circle and oval.
While it is a fact that when you pronounce the word roundabout immediately think of this special road intersection, we must also say that the concept can be applied to designate various constructs also have a format circular for example, those buildings that hold rooms or buildings with circular plants are called as roundabouts.
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[ 4 ]

Crosswalk › Definition and Meaning

It is termed as crosswalk to that part of the street in which pedestrians must cross it. It is located at the beginning of the street within walking distance of the intersection with another street and is identified and delimited by thick horizontal white lines.
It should be noted that the authorities are responsible for controlling road signs or any issue related to traffic and pedestrians must ensure that this area known as crosswalk is always clearly identified to avoid accidents or road accidents that They charge the lives of pedestrians.
Because if they are not, the motorist, not appreciate, you can accelerate its march or stop accordingly and then if there is an unsuspecting pedestrian worst can happen.
Whenever the light turns red, a fact that tells them that motorists should totally stop their march, the pedestrian may cross over that step, why it is that cars should always stop behind that area. Is a lack vial can be punished but they do.
Moreover, it is important that we indicate that those crosswalks, even if there is no traffic light better organize the crossing, or in case of corners where folding cars that do have step, the pedestrian always has priority to cross that area.
However, we must also indicate that often pedestrians do not respect this vial indication and usually cross the streets beyond the crosswalk, for example, do half street and obviously in these cases where more possibility there is a car get hit because you can not get to stop if the pedestrian crossing intempestivamente by a space where it is not expected or allowed to do so.
And motorists must respect an enormous amount of signals to prevent road accidents and to achieve an orderly traffic, pedestrians also have responsibility for it and therefore in their spheres of competence as such should also respect the cross streets and do as I we said in the corresponding zones.
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[ 5 ]

High and Low Light Light › Definition and Meaning

The lights are basic and important elements of any vehicle, not only for its functionality illuminate those paths, places, steps that have poor light and allow the correct and safe movement of the car but also because they constitute important road signs when cars circulate through all routes. That is, beyond the brightness or not a road, no traffic regulations requiring the use of highlights or low lights, which are the two types of existing lights most used in certain circumstances circulation.
In most countries, it has been imposed with compulsory circulation with low lights on, both during the day and overnight. That is, beyond the degree of natural light or visibility conditions you have, or yes Cars should be lit lowlights.
It should be mentioned that the exception to the rule is newly exposed drops when required circular highlights. For example, in rural areas or on motorways is due circular highlights provided except at intersections with another vehicle traveling in the opposite position to ours, because of course thus runs the risk of being certainly dazzled by the high light.
This is undoubtedly the main problem is usually generated using high light in the above contexts, including, often not respected, by negligence or lack of attention, and that is how many road accidents are generated on routes when a driver hits another car or gets lost because it looks dazzled by the headlights of another car happened in front.
Then, the high and low lights are also a major element that the driver must have and should know how to use efficiently because they attend and can avoid many accidents.
Furthermore, the high beams are also used by drivers to ask a car traveling ahead stop step in the pathway.
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