Gentle › Complementary Colors › Ticklish › Muralismo › Primary And Secondary Colors › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. gentle
  2. Complementary colors
  3. ticklish
  4. Muralismo
  5. Primary and secondary colors

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

gentle › Definition and Meaning

The word peaceful use to refer to people or situations. Thus, an individual is peaceful when it is calm and peace. The same applies to situations in which one breathes atmosphere of well - being and undisturbed.

A peaceful life requires a balance between material and immaterial

Some personal circumstances create uneasiness and little peaceful existence. Thus, lack of money, emotional problems or loneliness desired are no clear examples of life experiences that produce uneasiness and discomfort. If someone has a lot of money but no friends and lives in isolation, it can not say that his life is exactly peaceful.
Conversely, someone with good friends and a stable love life but without economic resources, nor enjoy the emotional balance needed. Thus, the material and non - material goods (mainly, the love and friendship) must be balanced to achieve inner well - being.

Search Serenity

The idea of mildness is equivalent to another, serenity. There are several ways to achieve it. In the tradition oriental, yin and yang and nirvana are two ways to conquer the desired inner peace or peace of mind. In the Western tradition, ataraxia is one of the proposals to achieve genuine mildness.
Yin and yang of Taoism are two complementary principles that should guide the existence to achieve inner peace. Yin symbolizes the individual female and male yang and both forces have to complement each other, otherwise the spirit is in permanent imbalance. In Buddhism, the soul achieves wholeness and happiness when the individual gets rid of desires and concerns and this spiritual level is known as nirvana.
The ancient Greeks, especially the Stoics, ataraxia understood as imperturbability of mind. Thus, ataraxia is reached when the mood remains calm under all circumstances. According to the Stoic ideal, the success or failure should not disturb the serenity of spirit.

False mildness

While all seek serenity and inner peace, very often the chosen path is wrong. Thus, excessive consumerism, addictions or pleasure for pleasure can be apparently desirable strategies, but they all provide an inauthentic false serenity and peacefulness.
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[ 2 ]

Complementary colors › Definition and Meaning

Primary colors are blue, red and yellow. Mixing the primary is possible to obtain secondary colors. Thus, the mixture of red and blue produces a violet, blue and yellow creates a green and yellow with red orange form. These palettes are reflected in a circle color, ranging from red to violet in a progressive manner.
Thus, a complementary color is one that the color wheel is in front of another color. Thus, the complementary color of red is green, the complement of blue is orange and violet is the complement of yellow.

The usefulness of the complementary colors

In the color wheel are the primary and secondary colors and said circle is possible to check the complementarity of each. This is to know the harmony and the contrast between the different colors.
If two complementary colors are combined in a paint, such combination produces an impact intense eye, since both colors are opposite. Thus, in an illustration where the red and green display its complement, the resulting image has a clear contrast. The same would happen in an image in which blue and orange were predominant.

An analysis of the color wheel

The order of the colors in a color wheel is not random. Thus, each color has an opposite opposite color, we could call "the enemy". Knowing the complementary colors is essential for any creative activity, it must be taken into account that two complementary colors mixed form would mean a color that does not exist in nature, which occur in our brain a rejection.

In the jargon of painters when two complementary colors are mixed speaks of a dirty color, Suppose we mixed a yellow with an indigo with the same proportion of paint. One is get kind of brown and his appearance would cause a rejection in the brain of the beholder. Therefore, knowledge of the color wheel is very useful not match colors inadequately.

However, if the complementary colors are mixed moderately, the final result may be satisfactory (for this possible need to correctly measure the proportion of both colors). Thus, if the yellow is added a little indigo, duller yellow is obtained.
In synthesis, the complementary colors take bad when mixed in the same proportion, but are compatible and generate harmony when mixed properly and in the ideal ratio.
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[ 3 ]

ticklish › Definition and Meaning

Some people have certain parts of their body, when touched gently, one triggered feeling strange, as a mixture of discomfort and pleasure. This feeling is called tickle. Effect produces a physical agitation that can cause spontaneous laughter.

Not all are equal tickles

One might think that all are equal tickle. However, there are two types: knismesis and gargalesis. The first are those in which the individual feels the tingling through gentle contact (for example, by using a pen) that activates a physical agitation. The latter are more intense and often accompanied by a incontralada laugh.
In any case, tickles have a foreign component for several reasons:
1) not all people react the same to them, 2) there are areas of the body are more sensitive than others (eg, feet, stomach or neck), 3) physical reaction depends on the mood of the individual and
4) when someone tickle is itself the same reaction is not triggered.
According to some research, the reason for which they occur is simple: the stimulus physical generates activation of specific neural circuits that are normally activated when the individual is in a good mood. Studies show that tickles release dopamine, a type of neurotransmitter associated with pleasure.

It is a peculiarity of the human species

For centuries it was thought that laughter and tickling were two genuine features of the human species. In recent years it has shown that this is not so. In fact, some animal species have also tickle (such as rats, some birds and some primates).

Tickling and love

The feeling of love has a resemblance to tickling, as in both cases the individual feels pleasure and unease at the same time. No wonder, therefore, that speaks of love as a tingle. It should be noted, moreover, that love and tickling plays an important role dopamine ( a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in certain addictions).
Tickle part of human relationships. You could say they serve to launch a mechanism of pleasure. Because of this many couples they turn to tickling as a part of foreplay.
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[ 4 ]

Muralismo › Definition and Meaning

A wall is a representation of an image, typically on a wall or a wall. For centuries the murals were in the churches, although in prehistoric men drew on rocks all kinds of images, usually related to everyday life. Despite the long tradition in the history of art, mural painting today manifests mainly in the urban space, where artistic images of different themes are represented. The walls of the cities are the scene of this form of expression artistic.

street performers

The city walls are usually gray and colorful little. Creators engaged in muralismo turn gray walls in an explosion of color. Images can be mere entertainment or, conversely, have some sort of social and vindictive message.
In general the art of mural painting has a transgressive and provocative ingredient. In this sense, many of his images have a political content, as can be seen in the streets of Caracas, Belfast, Buenos Aires and Mexico DF
The muralists and graffiti are two artistic expressions closely related. Both are forms of art with a clear social commitment and it is common to find murals and graffiti in urban areas degraded. Remember that the graffiti was born in the 1970s in the Bronx, a borough of New York in which historically have experienced conflict situations. Despite the similarities between graffiti and muralismo are two different manifestations. The first uses intense colors and street language, while the second has a decorative purpose and a function didactic.

Mexican muralist

In 1910 there was an armed conflict in Mexico that has passed into history as the Revolution Mexican. Since then some artists began the muralist tradition. The language of muralismo intended to connect to the national reality.
One of the most outstanding creators was the painter Diego Rivera. His murals have a clear revolutionary component, because with them was intended to educate and sensitize the population. The issues addressed by Diego Rivera are popular, but their political and social issues are discussed.
The first Diego Rivera mural was painted in 1922 at the Escuela Nacional School of Mexico City and its title is "The Creation". The topic is the origin of the sciences and the arts and its creator intended this work to inspire a feeling of closeness to art as a transformative element of society.
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[ 5 ]

Primary and secondary colors › Definition and Meaning

Primary colors are those that can not be obtained by mixing any other, and in this sense, are known as single colors. The yellow, the blue and red are the ones that have this feature.
Instead, the secondary colors are those obtainable from the combination of two primary colors. For example, the orange is secondary, it is obtained by mixing red and yellow and the same applies to the green, which is achieved by the combination of yellow and blue.

The three primary colors are easily recognizable in nature

Red is in the flowers, the blue sky and yellow in some animals. The set of different primary colors to derive from a combination of red, blue and yellow. In other words, the mixture of two primary obtain a secondary color.
The diversity of ringtones around us comes from the primary colors, which are visible to the role of light. Colors such as purple, orange or green are some examples of secondary called.

tertiary colors

If a primary color is combined with another side, the end result is one of character tertiary. If we combine red and orange, a reddish orange is obtained. If we mix the orange with yellow, the result an orange yellow.

Color theory and color models

From the different colors and their different combinations we have the ability to create images associated with ideas or feelings. It means having color appearance things due to the different qualities of light. Note that our eyes perceive only the colors that are reflected in the objects by the action of light. This is because the sun's rays contain all colors of the rainbow mixed and this mixture is known as white light.
When white light hits a target object, the object does not absorb light, but this light strikes a black object, the object itself absorbs all light and therefore can see its black color. In summary, the white color is the mixture of all rainbow colors and black is the absence of light.

Two models of colors: light or pigment

The former are known as RGB because they refer to red, green and blue in English (red, green and blue) and are normally used in virtual media (computers, tablets, mobile...).
The pigment, correspond to the abbreviations CMYK English, referring to the cyan, the magenta, the yellow and the letter k refers to black as the key color (mixture of the first three colors results in black).
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