Meritorious › Stewardess › Eons › Spoliation › Issue › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Meritorious
  2. stewardess
  3. eons
  4. spoliation
  5. issue

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Meritorious › Definition and Meaning

The term of benemérita can be used in our language to designate one or that which by its services or the task done is worthy of recognition, reward or reward. Benemérita action community was awarded through a prize awarded by the authority city.
Then, the most widespread of this concept in our use of language is given to instances indicate that what makes somebody is characterized by being worthy, worthy and honorable.
The opposite face of benemérito be what is characterized as unworthy and negligible, which has neither a hint of commendably.
However, we must indicate that the Benemerita is not the most popular word in our language when referring grounds, but there are other words that have more widespread and popular use, such is the case of meritorious, worthy, honorable among the most commonly used.
Moreover, in Spain, if we find a specific and very recurrent use this term because the same is called dubs or rather popular way to the Spanish Civil Guard.
The Spanish Civil Guard is the main military body responsible for ensuring the safety public in Spain. As such it engages the rest of the bodies available to the state in this regard.
Its creation is due to the Spanish military and Duke of Ahumada, Francisco Javier Nepomuceno Girón, who created it in 1844. Meanwhile, it would be in 1929 that it would begin receiving the nickname of the Meritorious. And in that denomination it has had much to see action for the safety of the community, providing them with protection, those initiatory years, especially roads.
A serious consequence for the Spanish community that left the war they had with France for independence was the presence of vandals and thieves on the road. Then, ready to end it, the Duke of Ahumada proceeded to its creation.
Its excellent deployment made it the main reference in local security.
Also, the distinction received in 1929, the Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Charity, contributed to the installation of that nickname.
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[ 2 ]

stewardess › Definition and Meaning

The concept of stewardess in our language is especially associated with the field of air navigation and that way is called the principal aides aboard a commercial flight or any other, since their primary and exclusive activity is to attend passengers traveling to travel comfortable and safe, either approaching them their meals, drinks as well as any other necessary such as arranging your hand luggage or need.
In relation to its role of providing passengers safety we must emphasize that one of the main actions of a flight attendant aboard a flight is the start of the warning and informal passengers actions to be followed in case this flight any emergency.
To carry out this task, the flight attendant stands in front of the seats and will indicate through gestures and some basic safety features such as masks, air and life, everything that protocol of action that the passenger must meet if of an unforeseen succession.
Of course the flight attendant profession requires training and special study to be followed and approved to carry out conformity.
Incidentally we must indicate that the activity stewardess is certainly popular throughout the world and work out why many women choose. He also holds a special charm and appeal the fact that it is an occupation that can travel the world and within countries.
And the pilot and co - pilot, flight attendants make up a group called generally crew.
Depending on the uses of language, also the hostesses are called as flight attendants and flight attendants, but of course, the name of hostess is the most popular and widespread.
However, it also noted that the word is also used to refer to that person's gender female whose job is to attend a congress assistant or public exposure, among others.
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[ 3 ]

eons › Definition and Meaning

As we study the planet Earth is indeed complex because the entity in observing just what is, in turn, experts and scholars in the field use various tools to further their studies and then the knowledge obtained are also carefully and particularly structured to it more affordable knowledge and recognition.
And in this way it is that the concept appears eons before us in this review. For eons are each period in which geologists have determined to divide the history of our planet earth. More precisely three.
That is, the Eon is the maximum time division exists and is used in the scale geological time, which is the only frame of reference with which humans have to represent an orderly manner and chronologically the various events that took space the planet's history.
However, it noted, because it is very important in understanding because it begins or ends an eon, that this start or end will be determined by those substantial and important changes with regard to the evolution of living beings.
It is also important to clarify that an eon does not imply a specific number of years to be defined as such, there never was an agreement to establish the idea of its use it is to indicate that the time involved in an eon is important.
To better understand this stratification that makes geology to explore the planet we inhabit, we must indicate that the division that precedes the eon is the supereon, while that continue are the famous eras (Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, among others ).
And finally we must say that those three eons are: Phanerozoic Proterozoic and archaic. The first is characterized in lived organisms macroscopic such as plants, animals, fungi, among others. In the following one of the big events were the first glaciation and the last eon the great movements of tectonic plates that give way to the planetary structure occur today.
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[ 4 ]

spoliation › Definition and Meaning

The term of spoliation definitely does not enjoy a smooth flow and use in our language as their reference is usually expressed through other words themselves are very popular, as is the case of: theft, robbery, theft, fraud.
So when we talk in terms of spoliation, which has suffered the same, it will mean that an individual or group have appropriated something that belonged and who have done so through a methodology virulent and unjust, that did not correspond to nothing with what the law proposes.
So basically, who perpetrates an spoliation or is dedicated to despoil what he is doing is stealing what belongs or property of another. Most often these actions are performed as noted with violence because there is often resistance from the owners of those assets that are to be despoiled, or alternatively, it is also common damage to the action as sometimes it is necessary to break or damage private property in question in order to realize the spoliation indeed.
Thus, he proposed thief entering a house to steal will force the main or indeed to enter the door. It is also common for window panes or other access to housing or private spaces that are intended to despoil break.
Spoliation of course it is an offense against private property and as such has a penalty, a punishment in existing criminal laws that penalize precisely crimes against property of others; seize the property of another with a mission to achieve economic profit, selling for example, in cases where no material goods and money stolen.
It should be noted that in addition to the penalty or punishment for seizing what is not yours, the person who perpetrates an spoliation is also plausible to be punished because of the violence exerted during the process of appropriation. As is usually done violently, at the instigation of criminal proceedings, it considers this too.
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issue › Definition and Meaning

The concept of issuance is used in our language to indicate that someone, an institution, a competent authority, among others, they are spreading in writing a document, which can be of utmost importance when performing a procedure or to realize some concrete action.
For example, people who reside in a country, being citizens of the same, or failing to reside officially in it, we have a personal identification individually is not transferable to another individual such as the National Document of Identity.
This document is very important in the aspect civil because it will allow the person to be recognized as such and will be also applied in most of the procedures you want to make in your life as a citizen, even today, in a world where almost everything happens for banks, people need yes or yes of identification to operate seamlessly with credit cards or debit cards. Because every time we pay in one of two ways, businesses, we demand the presentation of identification mission to prove it.
Meanwhile, to make the document available the required validity is required to be issued by the competent authority in this area, such as the police, or failing that the ministerial portfolio which will fit this responsibility.
Moreover and beyond identity documents, passports and identity cards certifying the identity of an individual, they can issue reports on persons or companies that normally are intended to inform stakeholders or other appropriate person's personal situation, labor or trade an individual.
Another use that supports this word in our language is to send something, a letter, a package, among other issues.
However, it must let us note that although the concept in question is correctly used to refer mentioned more often than others used terms such as invoice, send, send, send and issue.
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