Hello Kitty › Parsley › Almendra › Closing › Carrot › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Hello Kitty
  2. parsley
  3. Almendra
  4. closing
  5. carrot

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Hello Kitty › Definition and Meaning

A popular children's character híper created by the Japanese company Sanrio

Hello Kitty is without doubt one of the most popular and beloved of the world, by girls children 's characters especially, who are the ones who consume their products... was created by the Japanese company Sanrio Co., a company that is dedicated to producing various products with the image of the characters he creates, as in the case of Hello Kitty, and plasma in different proposals such as school supplies, clothing, stickers, stuffed animals, accessories of all kinds, among others.

Born in the seventies and becomes a worldwide success

It was created in the seventies by Japanese designer Yuko Shimizu, then take the post Yuko Yamaguchi who designs all kinds of products related to character until today. It launched immediately after the market became a bestseller throughout the world.
In the nineties and noted a fall in the popularity the company relaunched the product with proposals like Hello Kitty handbags and accessories for adults to thereby capture the initial public Kitty. Also in this decade a series of cartoons that have of course starring Hello Kitty is created exclusive.
Physically, Kitty, has the face of a cat, round, with two very lofty ears, whiskers born at the sides of his face and one ear has a distinctive topknot, which marks belonging to the genus female, depending the product can be of different colors and designs.

Controversy following its creators say it is a girl and not a cat

Now, we must say that a purpose of the appearance of Kitty, recently, it has generated tremendous controversy because for most fans of Kitty, who grew up with her, Kitty is a cat, however, a few months ago his creator actually commented that Kitty is a girl who lives in London with her mother, father and twin sister, but in no way is a cat as everyone believed for decades. They even said they never Kitty has shown on all fours as if it were a cat and highlights its well human as cooking, origami and eating apple pie inclinations.
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[ 2 ]

parsley › Definition and Meaning

The Parsley, Petroselnum crispum, is an herb of Mediterranean origin very used to provide aroma and decorate various dishes, today it is important ingredient in juices and smoothies detoxifying. Two main varieties such as smooth curly parsley and parsley are recognized.
The plant has slender stems with leaves of deep green color that are distributed in the form of rosettes usually reaches 15 cm and its flower is small yellow. Parsley grows frequently among the stones, on roads or can even be grown at home in pots.
Parsley is a source of vitamin K, vitamin C and flavonoids.

Health benefits

Parsley components have the ability to contribute to tissue repair while fighting toxic substances such as free radicals.
One of the systems that produce most benefits is on the urinary system, there parsley helps fight infections such as cystitis, while preventing the occurrence of kidney stones by being able to maintain low levels of uric acid in blood.
It is also a good ally bone because it contains calcium, which can be absorbed more easily supplements said mineral because it also contains magnesium and vitamin C to facilitate its absorption.
Vitamin K are contained Parsley is a substance essential for blood clotting so it is able to help prevent the onset of bleeding occurs.
Also it described their use in menopausal women because it contains phytoestrogens that help reduce the intensity of discomfort such as hot flashes and vaporones as well as its benefits on bone which helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

Main uses parsley

This herb has a wide variety of uses gastronomic level, where both leaves and stalks, one of the kitchens where it has more use is used in the preparation of typical Lebanese dishes. Parsley grows from seed, but can also be obtained by sowing of the stems containing roots, is a plant that can be taken at home.
It is used to flavor some foods, especially fish preparations, salads and vinaigrettes, can also be used in making tortillas and the preparation of sauces.
It is also widely used to prepare detoxifying juices where it is combined with other vegetables like carrots, parsley and celery stalks, other admixtures include combination with pineapple or guava.
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[ 3 ]

Almendra › Definition and Meaning

The Almonds are one of the biggest nuts consumption are the fruit of a tree called almond (Prunus dulcis), of which two large groups of varieties that are soft - shelled almonds and almond hard shell there.
This nut is widely used toasted, it is included in a variety of desserts, in chocolate or even be used in preparations as stews and salads.

nutritional properties of almonds

Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid, and therefore have a large number of calories in a small portion, about 570 calories per 100 grams, are also rich in proteins and carbohydrates. They have a high content of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, also a source of vitamin E and a lesser proportion of B vitamins

Benefits of almonds health

Almonds are a very valuable food when bring energy because of its high fat content, this leads them to be present in food products designed for athletes and people with high caloric requirements.
Also constitute a food that helps prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease by the type of fat - containing, predominating on the omega 6 omega 3. This composition also has a protective effect against various conditions associated with the presence free radical including even the aging process.

Almond milk, a popular form of this seed

A method of taking almond enjoys great popularity is in the form of milk, obtained by processing almonds previously soaked with water using, rear blender which is strained through a sieve cloth obtaining milk.
This food can be consumed by anyone as long as it is not allergic to almonds, however its main consumers are vegans, people with lactose intolerance and those with disease celiac.
Almond milk enjoys a lot of beneficial properties for the body, it is a natural product, rich in nutrients and free of cholesterol that can be prepared at home, has a greater intake of fat milks cow or soy, many are are calcium fortified in order to provide the necessary contribution to help protect the bones of conditions like osteoporosis.

Almonds oil

Another way of using almonds is in form of oil, it is a preparation for external use that can be applied to the skin or hair.
One of the main indications of this oil for its high effectiveness is to moisturize the skin of the abdomen and thighs during pregnancy, which stretch marks is prevented. It can also be applied to dry skin chronic dermatological conditions such as psoriasis or dry hair to moisturize.
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[ 4 ]

closing › Definition and Meaning

The closure is the act that puts closure to a university congress or any formal event that follows a protocol also formally. In this case, the closure is the time of closing of that act.
They also have a closing ceremony ceremonies festivals film world 's most important. In that case, those attending the ceremony involved the Procolo that puts the finishing touch to this act culture.

Closing a building

The closure also refers to the temporary closure of a building will be under construction in order to restore it. For example, visits to a church may be closed for both worship and for tourism being closed for reasons of temple work. The closure may also refer to the decommissioning of a concrete building.
The closure is also a lifestyle possible showing the contrast with the life they lead most people.

A lifestyle

Some religious communities live in seclusion, ie, lead a retired life, spend most of their time to prayer and the realization of its closure activities. It is a life choice that shows a personal vocation, that is, the person is a very valuable meaning to their way of living alone since this loneliness lives in company of God. The closure is a lifestyle of praise to God by adopting a life of complete dedication to prayer and religious life.
People living in seclusion often live in community with other members who also have the same life project. In that case, cloistered life has very strict orders because people can not leave the premises in which they do their ordinary life and not receiving visitors can tour all the rooms of the enclosure.
This decision is modifiable, ie, a person who has made the decision to join a religious congregation that is synonymous with a life cloistered can change your mind at the moment he feels that way is not that really it makes him happy.
Photo: iStock - andresr
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carrot › Definition and Meaning

The carrots are vegetables conical in shape and orange widely used in everyday cooking. They can be consumed both as raw cooked even constitute an important ingredient in many preparations juice or smoothie type.
They are at the root of Daucus carota plant, native to Asia, from where it spread to other continents China now being the main producer, followed by the United States and Russia.

Carrots are rich in beta carotene

Carrots are widely known for their effects on vision, especially in improving night vision capabilities, effect due to their high concentrations of carotenoids, substances that are transformed by the body into vitamin A. Another beneficial effect of carrots eye health is its ability to prevent disorders degenerative retina such as macular degeneration, relatively common cause of blindness in the elderly.
These betacarotenos will also confer antioxidant effects, which contribute to the improvement of the skin, cardiovascular protection and quality of bone, also playing an important role in strengthening the immune system which increases the resistance of the organism against infectious diseases and disorders such as cancer.
Carrots are also able to stimulate the production of melanin by the skin cells, this helps protect it from ultraviolet radiation from the sun while accelerating tanning. This is why it is incorporated into the manufacture of various sunscreens and tanning.
Another common use of carrots is as part of the antidiarrheal diets because it has an effect astringent in the gut that helps reduce water loss in faeces and preventing dehydration. In the diarrheas is recommended as an ingredient in soups chicken, accompanying other antidiarrheal vegetables like celery and green banana.

Carrots can be consumed both raw and cooked

This plant can be eaten in a variety of ways. Its main use is prepared cooked or steamed sauteed either alone or accompanied by other vegetables, also part of preparations as rices, stews, creams and soups.
Grated raw can also be used in salads, skipped lightly cooked preparations of Asian food or can even be combined with orange and beet, as well as other vegetables prepared as juices (especially celery, spinach and parsley. Are also very Popular desserts like carrot cake and carrot cake with christmas.
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