Merengue French-Italian-Swiss › What Is Paratext › Red Rice › Volitional › Bikini (Mixed Sandwich) › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Merengue French-Italian-Swiss
  2. What is paratext
  3. Red Rice
  4. volitional
  5. Bikini (mixed sandwich)

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Merengue French-Italian-Swiss › Definition and Meaning

Merengue word has several meanings. It is a dance and music native to the Dominican Republic. In the context of football, a merengue is a follower of Real Madrid. If we talk about food, the merengue is a dessert known throughout the world. Focusing on the merengue as food, it should be noted that this is a dessert and, therefore, is part of the pastry. Moreover, not all are equal meringues. For this reason, we talk about three different versions: French, Italian and Swiss.

French merengue
This merengue is considered the most classic in the world of pastry while the simplest to develop

In the French merengue whites and yolks of eggs are separated. Then sugar is used, so that the amount is twice that employed in the clear.
The first step is to beat egg whites until foam begins to emerge and then the sugar is added in the form of rain. With all the sugar added the mixture is shaken until the sugar is incorporated totally clear and stops when a thick mass beat is achieved. This simple recipe of French meringue is normally consumed cold.

Italian Meringue

It is more complex than the French merengue and used as decoration, to make mousse or soufflé or ice cream. As for ingredients, they are: egg whites, refined sugar and water. In a small pot sugar and water, so that the water covers the entire complement sugar is heated. This process ends when the syrup is created. Then the egg whites beaten with a pinch of sugar until frothy.
Then you need to pour the syrup in the form of thread on the clear, stirring constantly. The thread of syrup must be poured very close to the wall of the bucket mixer. We must continue beating until meringue is cool and left to temperature environment.

Swiss Meringue

The merengue is equally simple to elaborate. Its ingredients are egg whites with nothing yolk and sugar normal. The peculiarity of this merengue is its slow cooking in a water bath, which produces a more consistent than the French and Italian recipe result. Swiss meringue is very versatile and used in decorating cakes, desserts and ice cream. In some cases, a vanilla or lemon is incorporated.
An important aspect in the development of merengue French, Italian and Swiss is the use of fresh eggs and quality. Moreover, it is necessary to use adequate amounts and prepare the recipe with the proper temperature.
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[ 2 ]

What is paratext › Definition and Meaning

The Greek prefix expresses the idea of "outside" or "beside", as happens with words like paranormal, paramilitary, paramedical and others. Thus, the paratext is anything that is related to a text. So, if we consider the contents of a book we are talking about the text itself, which has a number of partners such as the book title, cover and back cover, the dedication, index, glossary or elements the prologue. All these elements make up the paratext of a text. Paratext concept can be applied to a newspaper article, a novel or any format with some written content.

The function of the graphic elements and examples

The set of graphic elements allow the reader to have a better understanding relevant to reading a certain text information.

Reading the graphic elements allows the reader to have a kind of guide text

For example, a dedication of the author can express a key idea of a novel. If we think of a cover with a brief summary of a literary work, reading the cover can be a key for the reader decides to read the book element. There paratextual information that may seem irrelevant at first glance, as the number of editions of a book, the year of publication, the name of the translator or the city where it was printed.
While these data seem secondary, they are important, because each brings a nuance to textual content (for example, think of the difference in the translation of the same work depending on the quality of the translator).

Paratextual elements in a journal

A journal is designed to be read over a day. To facilitate reading there are a number of graphic elements to be considered. If we think of a story, there are a number of paratextual information such as the title of the news, subtitles, highlighted words, boxes, images, etc. Each element has its particular function. Thus, the headline of the story has to be suggestive and clear to the reader predisposes them to read the whole story.
The role of images is fundamental and for this reason the press uses photography as a complementary element. The font and ease of reading is a determining factor. Distribution of information also influences the attitude of the reader.
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[ 3 ]

Red Rice › Definition and Meaning

Rice is one of the foods basic to humanity. There are many different variants of rice: round, parboiled, ecological, wild, thai, brown, arborio, basmati, pump or red. Each of these rices is part of a traditional cuisine and has specific properties.

Special features of the red rice
is grown mainly in areas of India and Southeast Asia and to a lesser extent US and France

It is a brown rice and is the most consumed on the planet.
Its characteristic red color is because grains retain the bran layer (shell), which has a reddish color due to the presence of anthocyanins, some natural pigments which are also present in other crops.
There are red rice of various types: red brown shell, wild, red yeast. They all require a longer cooking time than traditional white rice and as for its flavor is more intense.
In the context of gastronomy Latin American, red rice is an essential ingredient in Mexican cuisine.

Its health benefits

The consumption of red rice is beneficial to health for various reasons. It is a food with a high fiber content and is composed of complex carbohydrates. This rice controlled levels of blood sugar to have a low glycemic index. Various studies certify that regular consumption of red rice provides energy to the body.
On the other hand, it contains antioxidants, which help counteract free radicals. It contains iron and manganese, two power sources and the same antioxidants while avoiding aging cell.
In addition, red rice is rich in zinc, one mineral that aids in the healing process of wounds. It also improves the health of bones, nails and hair. It is a liver protector and assists in the action of insulin. Another benefit is based on vitamin B6, a vitamin that helps balance the formation of serotonin to feel good (for example, during PMS women or release glycogen).
Experts in nutrition say that red rice is useful in diets aimed at weight loss. Finally, one of its most valuable properties is its ability to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels.
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[ 4 ]

volitional › Definition and Meaning

Volition is the act of the will or voluntary action and, therefore, the term refers to the phenomenon volitional by the intervention of the will. As to its etymology, the volitional adjective comes from Latin and means literally phenomenon and act of will (Latin volo I mean I).

Volitional processes

Wanting to do something depends largely on our will. The will is equivalent to a series of processes, volitional processes.
The first step in any volitional process is the determination, ie, the firmness of our will that drives us to action. In other words, we are talking about a state of mind that predisposes us in a certain way. The second step is to determine the purpose and assess whether its realization is feasible and possible. A third paragraph is deliberation, in which we reflect on what you want to do. Accordingly, in the volitional process involves human reason and at the same time, the willingness and sensitivity.

Volitional behavior

When we decided to do something concrete several we are acting factors in our minds: our individual freedom or free will, the circumstances that surround us and the will to act. These factors combine and translate into behavior volitional, which implies the realization of thoughts in acts from the intermediation of the will.
It is considered that an act is willful when we are fully aware of it, because we have so chosen. At the same time, the volitional act is associated with a particular purpose, a wherefore. Moreover, the intervention of volitional behavior for possible necessary motivation.

Volitional act is usually some form of external resistance acting as counterforce

If I say "I want to study nuclear physics at California" this act of will is accompanied by a series of material and non - material limitations (possible support for my purpose, my financial ability to achieve the objective and other obstacles).
Volitional act opposes the instinctive act. The first is characteristic of humans and depends on the intelligence, the education and values of each individual. Instead, the instinctive act is intended to satisfy a primary biological need. Volitional acts of human allow us to go beyond the instinctive and rise in one dimension moral very different and spiritual to which animals have.
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[ 5 ]

Bikini (mixed sandwich) › Definition and Meaning

If we are in a cafe and someone asking the waiter goes a bikini, we should not think in the garment two - piece beach but food is being mentioned, namely a mixed sandiwch.

Development and historical origin of the bikini

The mixed sandwich or bikini is made as follows: between two loaves a piece of cooked ham is inserted and other cheese. You can eat with hot bread or cold depending on the taste of each. As you can see it is very easy to prepare food and does not require any complexity. Who consume a bikini usually do that in a hurry and can not waste time on other foods. So, this food is part of the world of work, especially in Anglo - Saxon countries.
In fact, from the historical point of view, the first references to mixed sandwich appear in the nineteenth century in America, because this food was standard among fans who witnessed sporting events. However, by then the mixed sandwich did not get the name bikini, but the terms were ham and cheese sandwich, ie a sandwich of ham and cheese.

As in other areas, the fashion of mixed sandwiches of American culture eventually reached Europe with the passage of time

It was in Spain, in Barcelona, where he began using the word to refer to bikini mixed sandwich. This came for a curious reason : in Barcelona there was a room dance well known, the Bikini room, where customers were asking the classic mixed sandwich and instead call it gave him the name of the room. This was in the 1950s, an era in which the customs of other countries were joining the Spanish popular culture due to the tourism boom.
Moreover, it is noted that it is logical that this room had the name Barcelona since the time of the inauguration of the local coincided with the popularity of the first bikinis.

Bikini and bocata

Hispanoablantes in many countries a curious phenomenon occurs: renounces the terms in Spanish and equivalent English words are chosen. It is not simply a matter of replacing words but there is an undercurrent culturally more complex. This can be seen with the "rivalry" between bikinis and sandwiches in Spain (the word sandwich is a way slang to refer to the popular snack).
Mixed or bikini Sandwich consumed in most exclusive environments and, therefore, is aimed at a clientele with greater purchasing power. Instead, the sandwich is more popular and is related to neighborhood life and establishments with low prices.
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