Inhospitable › Labrador › Rice › Fungicide › Latency › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. inhospitable
  2. Labrador
  3. rice
  4. fungicide
  5. latency

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

inhospitable › Definition and Meaning

uncomfortable, unsafe and unwelcoming place

Inhospitable concept is widely used in our language to refer to a place it is unwelcoming, uncomfortable, unpleasant, insecure or no hospitality.
Then, its most common use is to refer to those spaces, places that do not offer them to people who visit or inhabit some comfort, but rather the opposite, we are not very habitable.
The lack of comfort in some aspect, lack of security, poor building conditions, or a place that generates at the inhabitant one feeling of helplessness or insecurity, are some of the conditions we might mention in pointing to a place as inhospitable.

Climate, terrain, lack of natural resources, and military contexts, the main triggers of this situation

Now, a house, a hotel, a hotel business, among others can be seen as inhospitable, however, this should also extend to post their geographic locations or climatic terrain features make them difficult to live. The north and south poles, Antarctica, those countries where the cold turns out to be extreme, or otherwise it is heat, as in the case of deserts, which also contributes sand wind, can also be placed inside the category of inhospitable.
Also the lack of natural resources essential and basic for the survival of living things, such as water and air will be decisive in the sense of bleak.
Another scenario that we can not ignore is that in which predominates the war and armed conflicts between various factions, in which the state may be included. This situation can be seen much these days with the drama of Syrian immigrants, who face the impossibility of living in Syria because of the war decide to leave their homeland and seek refuge in other countries.
That is, in final accounts, in places with the above characteristics would be very difficult to live and develop, and why it is that people tend to settle in places where climatic conditions are acceptable and optimal and where of course there is an abundance of resources to meet our needs. That little hospitality to live and grow animals and plants as man seeking places that report optimal conditions for their life spans.
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[ 2 ]

Labrador › Definition and Meaning

Person working the land for crops

Labrador concept has several uses in our language.
One of the most known and used by all is to refer to a person who is professionally engaged in tilling the land, farming per se the same, whether owned or as an employee of the owner of the land.
Mostly the work is to make the farmer plowing the land, opening furrows in it, through a machine like the plow or other hand tool, to make it more productive and of course to develop appropriate crops. Also the person who develops this activity is often called rural worker or peasant.
We must emphasize that the Labrador is certainly hard work and demanding force and the work is done at very early hours and long hours.

Breed of domestic dog and tasks native Canada

On the other hand the concept is used to denote extendedly also one of the most popular races in recent years domestic dogs, the Labrador retriever. This dog is a native of Canada, more precisely the territory of Newfoundland situated in that country.

Working dog and companion

The great diffusion achieved the farmer is closely linked, on the one hand with its excellent character, very predisposed always mood, making it an excellent companion dog to live and grow up in a family. On the other hand it is also a very good race, properly trained to know how to develop seamlessly and effectively work hunting assistance to people with disabilities, tracking and detection of illegal substances.
For these reasons it is very common to see dogs of this breed integrated brigades of the police and also in some garden sharing games with the children.

Breed characteristics

As for its salient physical characteristics we must say that is a large - sized dog, whose height ranges between 53 and 59 cm. And the weight between 27 and 40 kg. The most common colors are chocolate, black and yellow.
By the tremendous energy available is essential that the farmer receives from its owners exercise, games, and training of some kind. This way you can effectively channel their innate vitality and be a super happy dog who live or use as a company in some of the listed tasks.
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[ 3 ]

rice › Definition and Meaning

Rice, Oryza sativa seed plant is a cereal high consumption worldwide, the base of the food of many cultures, especially Asian.

Nutritional composition

Rice is composed mainly of carbohydrates starch type, providing an average of 130 calories per 100 grams, it is a source of nutrients including calcium, magnesium and protein in small amounts.
Brown rice covered by a bran layer is rich in silicon and vegetable fiber, removing the shell such components are lost becoming easier digestion.

Rice is a versatile food

Each culture has a particular way of preparing this cereal, which has led it to be a basic, everyday food in feeding the population general.
In Asian cultures rice is prepared steamed so that loose grains are obtained, it is also processed to prepare noodles popular rice in Japanese cuisine and Sake which is a type of wine and rice vinegar.
Arabs tend to aggregate prepare meats, especially lamb, nuts and spices give dishes taste great own Iranian and Moroccan cuisine.
Rice in Spain is part of many dishes such as paellas and asopados, where fish and shellfish are used in their preparation, also combined with pork in the preparation of sausages and black pudding.
In America, varieties of fried rice with vegetables, chicken, pork and seafood as part of Chinese fast food are offered.
Also consumed in its version steamed or preparations as chicha consisting of a sweet rice - based and milk flavored with cinnamon drink as powdered cereal to prepare food for children and infants, and even desserts like the delicious rice pudding or rice with coconut Caribbean countries.

Rice has antidiarrheal effect

Brown rice is a good source of fiber that helps combat disorders like constipation while lowering cholesterol levels in blood.
One of the preparations of rice most commonly used to combat health disorders is rice water, effective against disorders such as diarrhea, especially in children. In these cases it is recommended to toast the rice in a pot, then add water and let it boil, strain it and cool it finally to consumption. For young children can use this water to prepare formula or soups for consumption.
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[ 4 ]

fungicide › Definition and Meaning

A fungicide is a toxic chemical to remove those fungi that are a potential threat to the normal development of plants or animal life. The term comes from fungi fungicide, which means fungus.
The most common application technique is spraying fungicides, although there are procedures differ depending on the application areas.
The most widespread fungicide use is in agriculture, since the crops have a number of threats in the form of fungi that harm plants in various ways, which has effects on crops and, not surprisingly, on the economy the agricultural sector.

Health Hazards

Fungicides prevent plant diseases, but being a toxic product has a number of health risks to humans and animals. Misuse of any plant protection product and in particular fungicides is potentially toxic, so care should be taken and measures of security. Thus, professionals who handle fungicides should receive specific training and have a certified applicator.
In a global market in which we find ourselves, is relatively often appear news fungicides or pesticides contaminated food because not all countries respect the protocols established for extreme security.
The contamination of fungicides occurs in two ways: with the presence of chemicals in the fruits or by release of waste into the environment.
In recent years there have been studies linking the progressive disappearance of bees with the use of fungicides. This is not a minor problem, because bees perform the pollination of flowering plants and, therefore, life on the planet would be threatened without the intervention of bees in the exchange of matter and energy. Moreover, without bees we could enjoy honey, a food that only they produce.

Alternatives to fungicides

Its high toxicity and hazards have caused some farmers try to use environmentally friendly alternatives to fungicides. Heat treatments and hot water, with ionizing radiation or changes: currently fungi with other fighting techniques conservation frigorifica food. In short, we try to avoid the widespread use of fungicides.
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latency › Definition and Meaning

The idea latency refers in all its aspects to the period of time between the cause or stimulus something and external evidence is produced. In other words, it is the time period in which something is hidden and concealed, that is, it remains dormant.

Latency from the standpoint of medicine

If we look at the context of diseases, most of them have a latency period. In this regard, we must remember that many diseases are asymptomatic, which means that exist in the body but the individual who suffers not perceive obvious symptoms because the disease is in its incubation period, ie latency. This is what happens to some infections (eg HIV, where the virus remains at rest for a long time).

Latency from the perspective of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis and addressed the issue of latency period in relation to the evolutionary development of sexuality. For Freud, the latency period is the intermediate stage between two levels, namely between the stage and the occurrence of birth oedipus complex and, moreover, puberty. Between both stages sexuality remains hidden and is therefore in this period where latency occurs. We could say that at this stage slows infantile sexuality, which according to psychoanalysis occurs as a result of sexual repression.

latent problems

In everyday life it is stated quite often that a problem is dormant, meaning that there is a discomfort but that is not noticeable to the naked eye. Consider a simple example: long driving. If someone runs for several hours continuously seemingly no problem, but latently the body accumulates fatigue and this can trigger a traffic accident.

Network latency

In the field of computing the term applies to the latency time between an order and the specific response thereto. So, we talk about latency times, a waiting phase, which is related to memory programming. It must be found if we talk about computer viruses, they have a variable latency, as happens with viruses that cause infections in organisms living.
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