Flor De Lis › Masochism › Sadism › Rationalization › Nervousness › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Flor de Lis
  2. masochism
  3. sadism
  4. rationalization
  5. nervousness

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Flor de Lis › Definition and Meaning

Lily, lily or, as it is also called, is one of the most coveted in the world for its beauty and imprint flowers singular. Meanwhile, heraldry, which is the discipline that deals with studying and explaining the history of coats of arms adopted lily image as one of the most representative and symbolizes precisely through the Fleur de Lis, which it is nothing but a lily.
The presence of the fleur de lis in heraldry is really ancient, ancient might say, and is on par with other figures traditional of this art such as the cross, the lion and an eagle, meanwhile, for several centuries this flower which is normally represented by a yellow coloration it is closely linked to the monarchy of France. Precisely because fleur de lys was part of coats of arms and shields that belonged to the French kings, including King Louis VII who ruled France back in the Middle Ages.
But not only the kings of the aforementioned time took over his image to be recognized through it but there are also other areas, such as some religions, Freemasonry and movements of scouts, who adopted this flower as a symbol to represent issues that they both defend and propose as being: peace, sovereignty, honor, among others.
His use followers have never stopped even today, many people who want to express the values mentioned decide to take fleur de lis tattooed on their skins, to show they are faithful supporters of all of them.
Regarding its origin not too sure but there are various speculations, including his inspiration is called Flor de Loto Egypt. Lotus Flower is a popular aquatic species that is able to germinate after thirty centuries past. On both issues, come from the seabed and for that particular issue of development is that it has a very strong meaning symbolic for different cultures and religions such as Egypt, India and China.
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[ 2 ]

masochism › Definition and Meaning

Human beings are very complex and although the feelings can respond to a logic of cause and effect between an event external and inner experience, the reality is that the puzzle pieces do not always fit perfectly. Humans can also be contradictory as shown in the phenomenon of envy, for example.

Masochistic pleasure involves feeling the pain

A person may feel sadness at the good of others. Similarly, another possible contradiction is emerging from masochism. Masochism shows the attitude of one who instead of running away from a situation that causes you pain is still there.

Manifestations of guilt and victimization

Masochistic releases certain sense of guilt through situations that cause pain and become a kind of self - imposed punishment through which repair that feeling of guilt. In some cases, the masochistic person who shuts himself up in a certain reality, can also take the role of submissive victim. Masochistic person feels an enormous internal repression and high levels of frustration.
At the human level, masochism shows the internal contradiction of one who seeks some pleasure through pain, for example, through humiliation.

When masochism hurt, it is becoming a serious threat

In the case of masochism resulting in harm to oneself and in a form of extreme self - destruction, then, you may be linked to suicidal thoughts showing a situation of urgent help to level emotional. There are many different forms of masochism, some as everyday as the attitude of the person who suffers a high degree of unhappiness in one area of his life in particular, and yet still stuck in that role, does nothing to get out of that situation and complies with that reality.
For example, it may happen that a person who feels very frustrated at the level work, has been formed to follow this routine because it has lost hope of finding a vocational work by having a certain age. No doubt, though suffering and pain are part of life, it is very important to remember that the true vital goal of every human being is to be happy. In other words, happiness is an existential call and any person must travel the most effective way to achieve this goal.
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[ 3 ]

sadism › Definition and Meaning

The masochism and sadism are two concepts that are deeply related by their meaning. Masochism shows the attitude of a person who
experiences some degree of pleasure in situations that logical cause pain, such humiliation.

Pleasure pain and humiliation

In the same vein, a sadistic person is one that is characterized by a degree of pleasure experiement by subjecting a victim to a situation of pain or humiliation. An example of attitude sadist is mistreating another person or psychologically.

Sadism displayed to the person as an object

Every human being is worthy of respect and dignity, however, a sadistic evil person can have serious consequences. In a way, sadism shows the attitude of submission seeking the sadist by his victim, a victim over which it exercises control and which treated as an object and not a person. An object using completely ignoring personal freedom of others. Sadistic acts are acts of violence that may occur to a greater or lesser degree.
Sadism is an act of violence that shows a significant aggression by the subject. A force aggressive that is unrelated to the defense of life or defense against an external attack. That is, this aggressiveness arises without a cause and effect. The sadist has a character with specific qualities. For example, the need for control over external reality to the point of wanting to also control people so that everything fits your scheme prior.

A power differential

Sadism shows all manipulation and as such, when a person uses another provides an instrumental link that is not based on the relationship of equality absolute. The sadist with evil is especially weak, with whom discharge all its fury and uses fear as a form of coercion.
The sadist is an obsessive order, a person who becomes extremely nervous as he felt the impossibility to plan every detail of existence. Feel that things are beyond one 's control is something that distresses specially the sadist.
Instead, and contradictorily, the person sadist can adopt an attitude of obedience maximum stronger superior to others.
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[ 4 ]

rationalization › Definition and Meaning

The human being has reason and willpower. It is also possible to live the duality of reason and heart inner level. In that case, people who fall into the excessive and frequent rationalization use a defense mechanism to justify their attitudes and behavior by rational arguments that provide weight.

Rationalization answers attitudes and behaviors

Through rationalization, a person can give a logical explanation of behavior a thought or feeling in order to gain a greater understanding of that particular reality. A person can not only be justified to others, for fear of what people say, but a person can also justify to itself in order to ease his conscience.
The rationalization of a fact is not a mere justification, that is, the subject really believes in what he says precisely because it is an issue that has dedicated time to reflection and rationalized. Rationalization has an ethical approach, ie, the person brings concrete arguments of a matter in accordance with the provisions as correct a social level.

Rationalization in Psychoanalysis

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, the subject could rationalize behavior that could cause some guilt in the case not to put the situation in context reasoned.
The reason is very important because through knowledge, humans can reflect on the reality with the aim of making balance and know the reality itself. However, on a human level, it is very important to seek the balance of reason and heart to achieve true happiness a human level.

Rationalization as management and organization of time and resources

The same word can have very different meanings. So also in the case of rationalization concept. There is a different way of applying the concept to rationalize. In the professional context, rationalization refers to streamline gesture times, resources and costs in order to make a perfect planning.
For example, we need to analyze the process in order to achieve a good rationalization of the production process. In this case, rationalization refers to an optimal use of resources according to a precise and specific objective.
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[ 5 ]

nervousness › Definition and Meaning

A person feels really good when it is quiet, at times of maximum tranquility everything flows naturally. Instead, there are times when the person reacts to an external cause may feel some nervousness, ie, may feel anxiety. Nervousness produces a number of physical effects, which vary in each case depending on each person.

uncomfortable and challenging moments that they test one

A person feels some physical strain to an interview of work presented as an uncertain challenge, it is also possible to experience anxiety before an important exam that is hard to beat. This timely and momentary nervousness produces fatigue added to the pressure that comes from resisting that inner restlessness. You can perform relaxation exercises to be relaxed.

Nervousness scenarios that you're not used

The nervousness is usually caused by an experience rare, which involves leaving the comfort zone and to which the person feels responsibility and have expectations. Nervousness in such cases is not negative, ie, nervousness interest shows precisely that challenge. Otherwise, a person who does not experience any jitters before a job interview could transmit certain indifference to it. In that case said ribs are positive because they are specific and have a reason to be logical and concrete.

On a deeper field, when it affects health

Nerves become a real problem when the person experiences excessive nerves at any time without a logical cause. This is, for example, to the case of a person suffering usual crisis situations of anxiety or stress.
It should be pointed out that in some cases the nervousness can also be a symptom of disease. For example, there are children who are very anxious and nervous that suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Nervousness can also result from some habits unhealthy lifestyle. For example, nervousness may also result from addiction to snuff or drug addiction. It is important to ask for help professional to overcome an addiction.

Nerves also appear in love

You may also experience nervousness before such positive situations like infatuation. Moment when the lover feels vulnerable and feel dizzy with the fear of not being reciprocated. In addition, it is also common to feel nervous in the moments before the first appointments to the loving anxiety that everything is perfect moments.
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