Gracia › Agronomy › Denominator › Aptitude Test › Theoretical Reason › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Gracia
  2. agronomy
  3. denominator
  4. Aptitude Test
  5. Theoretical reason

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Gracia › Definition and Meaning

From an etymological point of view, grace comes from the Latin gratus, which means pleasant or enjoyable. The word grace has several meanings. First, it is synonymous with humor and in this sense speaks of a person with grace or wit to express that is fun and has things with a humorous twist (if someone does not have this quality is said not funny). At the same time, equals elegance and panache (has a special grace when dancing). In the area of law, grace is forgiveness exceptionally granted (for example, the release of a prisoner for a special purpose). Finally, grace has a religious sense.

Divine grace

The idea of divine grace in Christianity of the attitude of God to men, ie their unconditional love. God gives men a special gift, grace, because it allows them the knowledge of the supernatural. In other words, the grace that God has given us is the element that allows us to connect our soul with God himself. You could say that is a quality that God has placed in men to be enlightened in understanding the supernatural. In this sense, grace is a force singular that allows human beings to strengthen their faith and, at the same time help to avoid sin.
In the tradition Christian grace is received through the sacrament of baptism. However, this gift is consolidated in the human soul fulfilling the sacraments and through prayer. In conclusion, Christian theology presents grace as the way to salvation.

Common expressions

Input must be remembered that the word has the same origin thanks to grace. In fact, in a religious sense, there are two possibilities: divine grace and graces or gifts that God gives us to help us in difficult times.

The irony applied in everyday

In everyday use of language there are different contexts in which the word grace is very present. So, if something is unpleasant we say ironically "will grace". When children small tender gestures make or emit sounds that arouse sympathy is considered to have made a grace. When a person starts an activity it is important to be nice to others and trying to "ingratiate" (there is a saying popular that says it is better to fall into grace to be funny).
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[ 2 ]

agronomy › Definition and Meaning

Discipline that brings together practical and technical knowledge with scientific basis that apply to cash farming

In our language we call agronomy to that discipline which brings together a range of skills and techniques also apply to the scientific basis for cultivation of the land with the clear mission of making the same as satisfying as possible. Both agriculture and livestock need the intervention of agronomy with all their wisdom and efficiency to carry out their activities in a manner consistent.

Improve production processes and processing of food and raw materials

Agronomy participates undoubtedly one of the most important areas of life of people as is the food because its purpose is to improve the quality of the processes of production and processing of food and raw materials, which we know, mostly arising from crop and animal.
In this important task it is that agricultural science should study various factors and conditions related to the physical, chemical, economic, biological, social and even economic, because all these influence the production process.

Comes to solving typical problems facing agriculture and livestock

Agriculture and livestock are activities that their duties require resolving some aspects to be as efficient as possible in their work, while, agronomy and agricultural engineering, as it is also called, is concerned precisely the scientific level and comes to solving typical problems faced by these activities.

The soil is as productive as possible

The main mission is that the soil is as productive as possible and it just agronomy is concerned, detailed studies that soil, its composition, these substances can do stronger and also those that affect their improductividad, also poses its attention on the natural environment, among others, and thus be able to decide the measures and the most successful techniques used to make the soil produce as much as you can.

Promote a sustainable project

As we know, natural resources, especially those exhaustible, are at serious risk as a result of irresponsible and indiscriminate human use, meanwhile, agronomy of these times should apply above all a plan, a sustainable project, ie, taking into consider this situation not to worsen.
Yes leverage the resources of nature available to produce more and better products but do so with responsibility and not at any price using techniques that further damage the planet and soils.

District of the city of Buenos Aires in Argentina

Also the concept is used in Argentina to designate one of the Neighborhoods of Buenos Aires
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[ 3 ]

denominator › Definition and Meaning

In a sense literal denominator is who gives or give a specific name to something, ie, it puts name. In this regard and in the context of technological change in which we live in recent years there is a phenomenon related to naming, naming. It is, in short, to create a trademark. The naming is more than just putting a name to an entity or service as it is subject to a number of techniques to make the brand more attractive to consumers.

The denominator in mathematics

Denominator is a proper term of mathematics and is very common in several operations. In the study of the fractions, it is necessary to identify two elements: the numerator and denominator. In the fraction 3/4, the numerator is the number 3 and the denominator 4. This means that in a portion formed by four equal parts of something, three of them are chosen.

The common denominator in different operations with fractions

In problems of fractions, they can add or subtract a common denominator or a different denominator. In the first case, the operation is simple (add or subtract the numerators and stays the same number in the denominator)
If the fractions are added have different numbers in the denominator the procedure is more difficult and what you need to do is get a common denominator, also known as least common multiple or their initials mcm to do this, follow the following procedure: the denominators for the fall prime number less than give an exact division and the number obtained is the LCM In other words, in an operation other than the denominator fractions mc m it is the least of their common multiples.

shared data and progress towards the use of the term and daily application

The reduction of various fractions with different denominators in another fraction equivalent to a common denominator is a basic operation in the learning mathematical. In this sense, this mathematical concept moves into the language stream and speaks the common denominator between things or different aspects. This means that different realities share similar things and share what becomes their common denominator.
This idea is useful to explain very diverse phenomena. Think of three people with difficult situations (one does not work, another owes much money and the third urgently needs to sell their home). Every case is different but they have a common denominator: the three individuals need money.
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[ 4 ]

Aptitude Test › Definition and Meaning

There are tools that are very useful in the selection process to determine the potential of a candidate and their specific skills to perform the job. Knowing the skills of a candidate participating in a selection process is very important to choose the professional whose profile is best suited to the needs posed by the workplace.
These types of tests measure specific abilities such as the ability numerical, verbal aptitude and abstract fitness.

Measure skills

There are specific jobs where specific skills are valued. For example, in artistic professions abstract fitness is assessed. Professionals who work as commercial or public attention also require intelligence remarkable verbal.
Professionals working in the administrative sector must have a numerical aptitude for perfect performance of his job. The post of technical jobs require a professional profile that has a spatial intelligence.

How competency tests are then used in the selection process?

First, it is very important that the skills of the job specified to specify what aptitude test is more suited to those expectations.
The information provides an aptitude test is complementary, ie, adds value to the information provided by the candidate 's curriculum and the impression of an interview of work.
By using an aptitude test in a selection process it is very important to specify the time the candidate will have to perform the test. Should also be clearly specified what precise instructions to follow the candidate to perform the test are.

The value of objectivity

A selection process aims to select the most qualified professional for a specific task. In which case, it is very important to use the resources that best meet the needs arising from the post of employment with the aim to make the best decision with the highest number of objective data. One of the most important values in the results of an aptitude test is his approach to the objectivity of the results provided.
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[ 5 ]

Theoretical reason › Definition and Meaning

The concept of reason reflection shows that the human being makes of reality from rational judgments.
In the experience of living itself not only involved the value of practical experience that shows the value of learning that brings the action but there is also a very valuable knowledge and in many cases even before practical experience.

Principles a priori

This theoretical knowledge of actually conducted by theoretical reason is valuable for practical reason basis since both planes are in harmony. Theoretical reason trials and observations shows that a person takes from reality. One of the thinkers that has reflected on the value of theoretical reason as a point of knowledge is a priori judgments Kant.
From a philosophical standpoint, the reason is the ability of human beings to question the facts, reflect on the experiences and deliberate on a particular matter. That is, the theoretical reason shows the ethical principles governing the mode of action of a human being.

Making true judgments

In the context of philosophical thought Kant, the principles of reason are different understanding. Practical reason on the other hand, refers to the value of the experience of action, ie the purpose of the act.
The ability to reason theoretical and practical level is one of the most important for humans because an important difference in their existence from other beings in the universe who have this consciousness of themselves.
The purpose of theoretical reason is the approach to achieving true judgments that becomes a basis for action. In addition, theoretical and practical reason also show two very important areas of happiness as are the reasoning and action since happiness is also drawn to the harmony that exists between the theoretical plane and its reflection in the practice of reality itself daily that constitute the core of the heart human.
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