Intrinsic › Poisoning › Spouse › Fungibility › Crowded › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. intrinsic
  2. poisoning
  3. spouse
  4. fungibility
  5. crowded

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

intrinsic › Definition and Meaning

Intrinsic is what is essential to something. The opposite is intrinsic extrinsic, ie those elements that are not essential and something genuine. It is intrinsic heat of the sun and so does whiteness regarding snow or desire in relation to love.
The idea is usable in intrinsic economy in philosophy or in connection with the human being and the three contexts we talk about the concept of intrinsic value.

in economics

The intrinsic value in economics applies to the actions of an entity. This is not an accountant but economic concept. It is worth subjective but important to value a business market. To calculate the intrinsic value of a share the Discount Cash Flow method (DCF), which is to estimate a predictable income and deduct some interest to find its present value is primarily used. The concept of intrinsic value of a stock is a measure of something intangible and imprecise. as a business model or an entity patents. In contrast to this concept other is used, the market value of a stock, which is that price someone is willing to pay.

in philosophy

Some philosophical currents make the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic. What it is not characteristic of extrinsic and intrinsic thing it is. This distinction is useful for understanding the properties of certain concepts. Thus, the intrinsic principle of something is what defines it, its substantial element without which it could not exist. On the contrary, the principle or extrinsic value of a concept has an accidental and secondary.
Throughout the history of thought human philosophers have pondered what intrinsic nature of human reason, the will or love. The reason for this kind of thinking is clear: to discover the genuine and authentic to distinguish the superfluous or accessory. In other words, philosophers seek essentially without which otherwise would not exist.

In humans

What gives us value as human beings is not what we want but we can buy or aspects of the human condition that define us as individuals, also known as intrinsic values. Somehow these are the values that make us people like freedom, dignity or honor. Let us illustrate this idea with a concrete example: a man with a woman going to show it to others for their beauty. In this case, the attitude of men towards women is based on the extrinsic value of it and not what is the individual woman.
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[ 2 ]

poisoning › Definition and Meaning

A poison is a substance with negative effects on health and in some cases can lead to death. Poisoning is the medium through which someone illness or death by the effect of the poisonous substance.
The poison is associated with suicide, accidental or caused to poisoning and murder (some consieran the weapon of cowards). The idea of poisoning also has a figurative sense (a person can poison someone with your words).

famous poisonings

Socrates was an Athenian philosopher V century BC He was sentenced to drink hemlock to end his life before taking the poison was talking quietly with his closest disciples.
The Roman philosopher Seneca was also sentenced to death by the Emperor Nero and forced to drink hemlock in the l d century. C.
The famous Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, was an expert in poisonings and she decided to end her life at 39 with a snake bite. This version is the most widespread but some historians have questioned and the death of Cleopatra continuous shrouded in mystery.
Poisoning was accidental in some cases and this is what is expected succeeded Isaac Newton, which was slowly intoxicate resulting from the use of mercury, which Newton intended convert gold (mercury is a metal very toxic, such as lead, cadmium or some radioactive metals).
As a technique of premeditated murder, poisoning is part of some literary genres (the character of Sherlock Holmes was an expert in poisons) and all kinds of crimes that have passed into history. It is worth remembering that Mozart died convinced that he had been poisoned and Antonio Salieri, his great enemy, was the prime suspect, but this fact could not be demonstrated. Napoleon's case is also shrouded in controversy, as officially he died of cancer stomach, but recent studies show that may have been envenedado with arsenic.

Envenanamientos mass

Poisoning has affected large numbers of people. In 1981 rapeseed oil accidentally it killed more than 1,000 people in Spain. Something similar happened in Bangladesh in the early 80s, when thousands of people were killed by water contaminated by arsenic. In 2006 in Panama it was discovered that more than 100 people died of drug poisoning in poor condition.
Animals also have been victims and regularly appear cases of dogs and cats envenedados.
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[ 3 ]

spouse › Definition and Meaning

A spouse is one of the two members of a couple. To be more precise, it is the legal term used to refer to each individual in the institution marriage. Spouses establish a link civil or religious nature, which is reflected in a ceremony in which both undertake to respect and mutual support.
Etymologically, the term comes from the Latin coniux spouse, coniugis expressing union and curiously comes from the word iugum, ie yoke. Equally striking aspect is the frequent confusion between spouse and spouse, although the latter term is regarded as a vulgarismo not accepted by the academy.
Both civil weddings and religious spouses formalize their union assume a series of rights and obligations depend on the traditional culture of each country.
When the marriage breaks this legally produced a marital dissolution, which can result from a number of causes: a divorce, a judgment of judicial separation or an annulment of marriage itself.
In recent years the institution of marriage has undergone significant change since the union in marriage between a man and a woman has incorporated a variant in some countries: same-sex marriage. This legal innovation has implications for language, since the concept of marriage is no longer an exclusive bond between a man and a woman.

Main duties between spouses

While each cultural tradition establishes its own duties according to law, in the Western world there are a number of obligations that are consolidated:
- Regardless of mutual support and respect mentioned, fidelity is considered an essential aspect of the couple. However, adultery as an offense has been disappearing in most legislation.
- From the legal perspective, partners should ensure the common interest, so should not act against the family who have formed.
- In relation to coexistence, each spouse is committed to sharing everyday responsibilities and caring for children in a joint.
- As for the goods they share, there are different forms of the matrimonial regime: community property and income, separate property regime of participation or dowry system, popularly known as the dowry. In relation to goods in common, some couples reach an agreement on the conditions that both parties agree, what is known as marriage contracts.
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[ 4 ]

fungibility › Definition and Meaning

Something is considered fungible feature when you have consumed because of its use. Thus, the fungibility of a well refers to the damage or wear of somewhat as a result of its use. Thus, gasoline, money or food are clear examples of consumables, since by making use of them disappear, they consumed or transformed. On the contrary, a good is not fungible when it is not possible for an identical or equivalent (an original painting, a replacing book with a dedication and everything that has a unique and unrepeatable character). While it has no individuality fungible (you can be exchanged for something of the same kind and in the same amount), which itself has an exclusive infungible dimension and exchange it is impossible for something like.
The idea of fungibility implies that there is an equivalence relation between two different things but have the same value and are perfectly interchangeable with each other (for example, a ticket for a new dollar is worth as old one).

Fungibility in the field of law

In the area of civil law nature of the goods it is relevant to determine the assets of an individual and the obligations it has on them. From the point of view of the right an asset is anything that has value or has a certain utility. Consequently, there are two types of goods: those who consume and those who do not. The former are fungible and are, for example, all that is provided for consumption or yield. Thus, owning shares of an entity, the loan something to another person or an inhabited dwelling in usufruct conditions are concrete examples of goods that are subject to fungibility.

Fungibility of money

Money is a commodity that, by definition, has a fungibility. If someone lends another person $ 100, it does not mind the combination of notes when received back 100 dollars (five twenty dollar or two fifty), since the only thing relevant is the return of the amount of money borrowed.
The fact that money is fungible makes it a unique fine, as it affects all economic transactions: bank deposits, loans, savings plans or simply buying something with money. Thus, the fungibility of money has consequences not only as a commodity that is consumed but also in the legal field (very different legal acts in which there is a transaction economic).
The fungibility of money over things depends on the market value of possessing one thing.
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crowded › Definition and Meaning

The term crowded has two different meanings. In one case, it is an adjective that expresses a high presence of something or someone. Thus a crowded street is crowded car or when the number of them than usual or, in other words, when the number of people or things considered excessive for some road motive. Moreover, the term in question refers to an administrative document and in this case the term appears as a noun.

Some types of overcrowded
police report

In the ordinary police work it is necessary to relate events to determine the existence of a possible crime. The document is completed is known as a police report in which a police officer must write down everything he considers relevant on some facts that may constitute an offense (the events, the names of the people involved, the time in which they occurred the facts and all information that is deemed relevant). The police report represents a fundamental information so that later a judge rule on whether the above facts are criminal or not. In policing the best known is crowded traffic, which includes technical information that is very important to define the responsibility in traffic accidents.

medical certificate

The term medical certificate is used synonymously with medical certificate. It is a document to be completed by a doctor to testify about the health of a person; for example to perform an activity labor or to practice a certain sport.

Crowded poverty

Responsible for social services must prove that some individuals or families are in a situation of poverty, for which prepared a document with detailed information, the crowded poverty. The content of this document is important because it will determine whether a person or family can receive any social assistance.

crowded notarial

By definition, a notary has the function to testify about something, that is, ensure that a document is genuine and meets the requirements of the law. Thus, in some American countries the concept of crowded notarial used to refer to the document by which a notary certifies facts.


The document packed in any of its variants expressed an authority (a police officer, a doctor, a social worker or a notary) declares something as true. Accordingly, the content of the document should be objective, accurate and, above all, do not miss the truth of the events described.
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