Manners › Inferiority Complex › Vandal › Absenteeism › Fragmentation › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Manners
  2. Inferiority complex
  3. vandal
  4. Absenteeism
  5. fragmentation

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Manners › Definition and Meaning

The education that enhances is essential coexistence social manners through which symbolize these courtesies that improve coexistence interpersonal. For example, a gesture of courtesy and good manners in conversation with another person is not constantly interrupt the other but wait for the end to take the speaking time.

A lifestyle and an expression of respect

Good manners are essential both personally and professionally. For example, in the context of an interview work it is a gesture of good manners to wait for the coach HR tells you that you can sit in the chair to do so.
Similarly, a gesture of good manners is to turn off the mobile phone in those places where it is inappropriate to sound. For example, when going to a concert of music, while attending a play at the theater, at the funeral Mass held in a church... Good manners are acquired in childhood through education children receive from their parents and at school. The most effective way to convey good manners teaching method is personal example.

Protocols in social relations

The good manners show the knowledge to be able to meet good standards protocol. From this point of view, the knowledge to be beyond all individualism as from the social point of view, any person relates to friends and acquaintances. Through good manners, the most pleasing to the other life becomes. Another gesture of good table manners, for example, is not to start eating until all guests are seated at the table and have your prepared dish.

Distinguishing older

From the social point of view, when a person comes home from another can also choose to take some detail, for example, a box of chocolates by way of gratitude and courtesy to the host. From the point of view of intergenerational difference, there are also well-mannered habits that show the added respect they deserve the elderly as a matter of age. For example, a young person may give up her bus seat to an elderly person.
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[ 2 ]

Inferiority complex › Definition and Meaning

Psychologically, a person may suffer inferiority complex, ie, experiencing personal insecurities to position themselves in the role of inferiority to others. A person suffering from inferiority complex idealize the virtues of the other and minimizes the defects of others while having a distorted view of himself.

Self-limiting, and deprecation

A person suffering from inferiority complex tends to minimize the potential own, detracts from the successes and instead raises the personal brand of failures as an experience traumatic. A person suffering from inferiority complex is conditioned with negative beliefs such as "I can not", "I can not", "I 'm no good at this, "...
a person with inferiority complex behaves as if affected by a kind of bad luck while others are bathed good fortune. A person suffering from inferiority complex closed doors in the field professional and on a personal level since his own pessimism enhances its autoboicot.

Inferiority complex realities manifest distorted

The inferiority complex is linked with other deficiencies such as low self - esteem. An insecure person is conditional upon itself through its own thinking showing a perception of reality that is totally distorted.
An insecure person is too focused on their own insecurities and this is because of the fears is further enhanced. A person with an inferiority complex may feel little value in seduction, for example, be considered to have little to contribute to others.

How can an insecure person gain self-confidence?

1. First, it is essential that you take as a starting point for your process improvement personnel your own story: that is, aspires to grow and evolve from yourself without comparing yourself to anyone else.
2. In addition, do not stay paralyzed despite the fear. Remember that the fears are in your mind and not in reality.
3. Set yourself three goals in the short term you want to meet. This goal must be realistic, specific, measurable and time.
4. Do not idealize anyone because every human being has flaws and imperfections. In fact, the essence of human perfection lies in that imperfection.
5. faces the challenges as an opportunity for learning, a possibility of self - improvement and strength.
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[ 3 ]

vandal › Definition and Meaning

In our language it is referred to as vandalism to those actions that are perpetrated by one or more persons and consisting destroy and devastate everything in its path faces. Normally attack with extreme violence and commercial chutzpah, houses, buildings, schools, institutions public, among others, breaking them or attacking them directly with hard objects that cause them severe damage.
It should be noted that this action is called popularly as vandalism.
The designation as vandalism or vandalism is not capricious far but has a raison d'etre is that formerly was a native German barbarian people of Central Europe, which was characterized by acting so hyper wild, uncontrolled and without respect towards nothing and formally called vandals. For instance, over time, that name was transferred to the language to describe people or groups who behave chaotically and violently.
Vandals are absolutely destructive, proposed ending all that is in its path and especially what they consider threatening or contrary to their ideas and proposals. They not stop at private property or to the authority that tries to stop them, even they are able to attack with their total savagery authorities proposed disarm or off.
Typically, the objects of destruction are the banks are national monuments, benches, plazas, walls, which are in the public space. Some consist of painted graffiti in those places or directly destroy them.
The great affected by these destructions is the community that will be complicated when wanting to enjoy those public places that were mistreated and destroyed by vandals.
Not to mention individuals suffering from any such act on their property as they will face per se costs and catering arrangements.
The vandals are punished by the regulations in force in most of the laws of the world, however in some cases and situations, vandals usually attack at night, in times where security is scarce and then it becomes really difficult to apprehend hands in the mass.
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[ 4 ]

Absenteeism › Definition and Meaning

That of absenteeism is a practice or action that is the custom that holds an employee or worker to leave the functions or duties that unfolds in a job, or directly may consist of the habit of constantly missing work.
Absenteeism will be considered as long as the absence or lack occur within hours or working hours stipulated as obviously the worker does not have a justified reason, or with the consent of your manager to leave his job or leave their working position.
Then, as shown, it is a concept that holds a use exclusive field of work.
Of course when the worker or employee incurs will be missing practice and in breach of the labor contract to be signed in due course.
They should be considered as absenteeism justified permit authorized absence, suffering from an illness or accident that prevents the person meet their workday, meanwhile, it must be regarded as unjustified absenteeism to absence without authorization of authority or the presence at work but instead of performing their duties, the employee deploys other activities that do not correspond as: study, do other work, among others.
It should be noted that with such actions the main victims are employers and businesses which employ employees who have these habits, because of course, the recurrent absence of one or more employees creates many difficulties in the proper functioning of the company and goes directly against performance.
Instead of engaging in thinking ideas and ways to maximize the benefits of the company, the same, you must engage in supplying these absences replacements, for example, and obviously this will threaten their earnings and commercial success that any company pursues.
According to most studies that exist about it, almost all agree that this action is closely related to the way of being and acting of the worker, ie if you make an attitude carefree and without commitment to the obligations it is likely to act towards work that way and not caring sole missing.
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[ 5 ]

fragmentation › Definition and Meaning

The concept of fragmentation is used in our language when you meant that in a certain context, social group, or even in society itself exists x situation a division, a subdivision in different parts.
A clear example of this type fractionation of what we see in societies where political level there is a polarization between two sectors or policy proposals. Of course one side are those who defend a position if you want official or is governing, and on the other, those who oppose or criticize. Meanwhile, this strong division will allow us to speak, diagnose, a context of fragmentation in that company.
Normally this state of affairs leads to the disintegration or breakage of the space in question since the coexistence within this framework, where many differences and oppositions perviven is certainly impossible for the group or community concerned can develop normally.
But it not usually happens is customary in cases like this been exposed situation arising from acts of violence specifically among those who think differently. For this very reason it is that a scenario of fragmentation is certainly dangerous and threatening peace and social harmony.
But also the concept of fragmentation has other current uses in other contexts such is the case of that which is attributed to instances of sexual reproduction because it designates a very common method of asexual reproduction. This type of reproduction is that an organism developed is capable of releasing a cell thereof and from it and after the succession of different processes is possible to generate a new body completely and genetically equal to that which comes.
This type of reproduction is very common in bodies simple, among them we include: Sea stars or earthworm.
And where is also using extended way this concept is at the behest of ecology and environmental care to refer to the process that is characterized by containing violent environmental changes and which are essential for the proper and normal development of biology and conservation of the environment in general. We can cite as concrete examples of human activity and geological processes.
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