Homophones Words › Paragon › Odalisque › What Is Kindred › Tarot › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Homophones words
  2. paragon
  3. odalisque
  4. What is Kindred
  5. tarot

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Homophones words › Definition and Meaning

In all languages there are pairs of words whose meaning is totally different but have the same loudness. This phenomenon occurs between two homophones. Numerous examples illustrate this fact of language, such as up and antler, Baron and male, beautiful, hair, and hatajo shortcut, and dug out and many others.
If we look at the etymology of homophone, word comes from two Greek words: homo, meaning equal, and phonos, meaning sound.

The fact that two words are homophones have to frame it within a general phenomenon of language, homonyms

Homonyms are words that have different shape and meaning and, at the same time, a different etymology in the past. However, despite their differences these words have evolved so that they have a very similar or the same way. In fact, homonymous means the same words.
Homonymity manifests itself in two different ways: between homophones (as we noted above) and between homographs words. The homographs words are those that are written and pronounced in the same way as occurs with the following pairs of words close as adverb or near like fence, salt such as potassium chloride and salt verb out, lime as tool or lime such as fruit, etc.

The problem of homophones illustrated with some examples

The homographs words are not particularly problematic because they are written exactly the same and only need to know their different meanings. Instead, homophones itself originate some problems, especially clerical nature.
The preposition to and has the verb to have are two words that are sometimes confused in their spelling and the reason for the confusion lies in its sound identical. The same happens with up Thin Man (the first is a preposition and the second is the horn of some animals), made and echo (spelled with h when the verb do without h when it is synonymous with cast) or the case of browse and browse (goes with h if it leaves without h when it amounts to take a look).
These examples remind us that knowledge of spelling rules is key to avoid possible errors in writing. The most common are those related to h, but also the g and j (for example, a ajito the bulb of a plant and stirred is the present tense stirring), with ll and and (eg brook coiling and stream verb understood as stream water ).
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[ 2 ]

paragon › Definition and Meaning

Término.- the origin of the word comes from the Greek paragon, specifically the parakonan word meaning touchstone. A touchstone is a tool (usually a small stone), once used for detecting the authenticity of metals such as gold or silver.
Ancient alchemists employed touchstones and called paragon. Thus, the comparison with a comparative operation is performed as the touchstone or comparison was compared with metal determined.

As the result was known what the exact metal under consideration

The use of comparison between the alchemists has disappeared because alchemy has ceased to be a discipline, but in the laboratories of jewelry is still used one tool metal to calibrate the qualities of the minerals and the tool is referred paragon.

When something can not be compared with anything they say that is unmatched

Knowing the origin of the word and its use in the field of alchemy and jewelry, and can better understand a very common phrase in everyday language: "no perangón" or "somewhat unprecedented." It is said that an event is unparalleled when it has an extraordinary and unique character. The exceptionality of the event makes it impossible to compare with anything else. Think of a football striker in a final of a championship to score seven goals and after the game a reporter said that this achievement is unmatched.
For something has no paragon should be very special and valuable in some sense. Thus, to extol or emphasize certain heroic or unusual facts is said of them that are unmatched, as they go beyond the ordinary.

While the phrase "no comparison" or "unparalleled" communicate that something is unique and exceptional at the same time

It should be borne in mind that this phrase is usually used in the description journalistic and in order to transmit information with a striking language and this means it can be used improperly (if a journalist says that the beauty of a sunrise is unmatched it is resorting to an expression exaggerated and very imprecise, since a single sunrise is hardly as exceptional).
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[ 3 ]

odalisque › Definition and Meaning

If we consult a dictionary, the word odalisque has several definitions. It is defined as a sex slave and a member of a harem, as Turkish concubine who is serving a sultan or a dancer who enlivened the court of a palace of the Ottoman Empire. All these definitions are true and complementary.

The role of odalisques in the eastern harems

In the former Ottoman Empire Sultan was the supreme leader. In his palace he had a unit exclusively for men (selamlik) and another one for women, harenlik or harem. The harem was a woman 's world and he had an organizational structure based on obedience. The mother of the Sultan was the highest responsible for the harem and from this figure had a certain hierarchical rank. First the first wife of the sultan or kadin was and then came other wives of lower rank familiar with the word ikbal. In the last ranks were odalisques, which were concubines lower category in the harem.
Odalisques they not normally have a Muslim origin, as were women who came from spoils of war or had been bought as slaves. In any case, the odalisque acted as a servant of the harem wives serving the Sultan, but could reach up in weight and become one of his wives.
In addition to its role as a maid, the odalisque had other tasks: to entertain with their dances and songs of social life in the harem and if they were especially beautiful also could sexually satisfy the sultan.

Odalisques from the Western point of view

When interest was awakened by the Eastern world in the nineteenth century in the West, some writers and painters were attracted by the lifestyle of the harems.
Odalisques were seen as inspiring muses with an obvious connotation erotic. In this sense, the odalisques remind us of other figures female: the courtesans of ancient Greece, the courtesans of European monarchies or geishas of Japanese culture.
Concubines, courtesans, geishas courtesans or be assessed in two ways: as women who engage in prostitution or, more accurately, as women who are part of a culture where men have a dominant role.
At present odalisques (which term comes from the French odalisque and in turn the Turkish odalik) they have become attractive characters of historical novels that recreates the atmosphere exotic harems.
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[ 4 ]

What is Kindred › Definition and Meaning

The word stem has two meanings. On the one hand, a stem is a stem just sprouting of a plant. Furthermore, it is a person, particularly someone's son. As for the etymological origin of the word comes from Latin bastum, which means stick or club.

An analysis of the term

In the language colloquial word as a synonym for stem rod is deprecated and instead terms such as shoot, scion and others are used. Instead, the word I stem understood as the son or descendant of someone if used more frequently, although it is a cultism.
In everyday language other terms, such as son, heir, descendant or successor they are used. In any case, someone refers to their offspring indicating that your child belongs to his lineage and, therefore, is a legitimate child ( it should be noted that the concept of a legitimate child opposes the bastard son, that is, a person who does not know who his father).

The idea rod in its various planes

Anthropologists studying social relations between individuals and institutions that are forming within society. One of the most entrenched institutions is the family. If a man and a woman have offspring, their children or their offspring are more than their biological offspring. In this regard, an offshoot is:
1) the child for whom parents are going to make an effort, 2) the rightful heir of the property of parents and
3) which receives a legacy emotional in the family. Therefore, they observed three dimensions or planes organizational level of the family itself, a legal plan to organize the: related to the idea of stem inheritance of parents and, finally, a flat affective and emotional.
If the concept of stem we place in the context of botany, it should be noted that the stems are also called suckers, cuttings or cuttings.
In any case, we speak of the stems as a technique to reproduce plants without resorting to traditional planting. In this regard it should be noted that not all plants reproduce by shoots or cuttings and because of that gardeners or horticulturists focus on evergreens for the offspring, as happens with pine, spruce the laurel. The rods can also be obtained from herbaceous plants (plants soft stem) and some plants.
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[ 5 ]

tarot › Definition and Meaning

Tarot is a divination technique in which a shuffle of cards (typically 78 cards), with which past or present facts or even those events that allegedly happen in future analyzes is used. In other words, the tarot is a set of knowledge that are intended to solve problems people who made inquiries to the tarot expert.

Tarot mechanics and meaning of the cards

People who believe in the authenticity of this knowledge exposed to tarorista any problems or concerns (eg, loving type, employment or family) and the tarotista letters consultation to give an answer to the question.
The usual mechanics of tarot is usually the following:
1) approach a problem, 2) the tarotista shuffles the cards and draws a number of them, 3) the cards drawn are distributed in a specific order and each shows some symbols or drawings
4) the tarotista interprets the selected cards and gives an answer to the problem that you have raised initially.
As for the meaning symbolic of cards, some of which they represent the spiritual leaders of society, others to the powers of nature and other ideas like death, marriage or unhappiness. 78 tarot cards are divided into two groups (22 cards are arcana and the remaining 56 are the minor arcana and represent the four traditional sticks).

The origin of the word tarot card reading and tarot as

There is no definitive agreement on the origin of the word tarot (for some comes from the Hebrew Torah and other scholars argue that comes from an Egyptian goddess, Taor).
Regarding the historical origin of this technique of divination, all indications suggest that this knowledge came between the fourteenth and fifteenth century and the first tarot of which the news is the Tarot Visconti Sforza, which was drawn up by a family of Italian nobility, which kept hidden a series of tarot cards because at that time the card games were banned by the church. Most tarot cards currently used are inspired by the Tarot Visconti Sforza.

Supporters and detractors

Tarot supporters argue that this knowledge is a tool useful to know ourselves and to meet the challenges of everyday life. Those skilled in the art of divination claim that the cards do not fully determine the future, but express hidden desires of the client.
Instead, critics believe that tarotistas are scammers playing with sensitivity of others and take advantage of their inner fears.
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