Exhibition › Transport Engineering › Screenprinting › Infatuated › Deference › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Exhibition
  2. Transport Engineering
  3. screenprinting
  4. infatuated
  5. deference

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Exhibition › Definition and Meaning

An exhibition is a sample of some skill, skill or activity artistic -creativa intended for the entertainment of an audience.
Who performs this type of action is usually an artist, an athlete or someone with a special ability and wants to publicize its exceptional skills to a group of spectators.

General features an exhibition

There are common elements in most acts classified as an exhibit. What is shown is something singular and involves difficult to achieve qualification for most people. The motivation implicit which is generally exhibited personal satisfaction, the claim for recognition, the pursuit of success or obtaining money.
One could argue that every human being seeks greater or lesser extent, others admire his qualities and, in this sense, we all need to exhibit or show our capabilities. However, the concept of the exhibition is closely linked to the show in any of its manifestations, as well as in sports.

The hardest yet

In the circus world has coined a phrase, "even harder", symbolizing the essence of what a display, ie, the challenge of overcoming permanent and achieve what others have failed. The artist, creator or athlete has a personal challenge to constantly improve and, in parallel, the public is looking for new emotions.
Not to forget that the challenges that seem impossible are an incentive for some, which is seen in deeds or records that are constantly trying to achieve.


If someone has an exaggerated inclination to draw attention of others is said to be an exhibitionist, something that is considered unconscionable and synonymous with vanity.
Exhibitionism has a double meaning: the inclination of someone exposed to others and the behavior deviant sexual nature, which is to teach their genitals to others.
Exhibitionism sexualised shows that a natural tendency (show a personal capacity) can make an expression sickening and a component of perversion. From a psychiatric point of this behavior it is considered a paraphilia, which means that the individual seeks sexual pleasure beyond conventional sex.
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[ 2 ]

Transport Engineering › Definition and Meaning

The relevance of transport in the displacement of the inhabitants of a city

Means of transport, cars, buses, trains, subways, among others, are currently one of the fundamental pillars of mobilizing people because they facilitate the transfer of urban dwellers from one side to another, ie, in short or long distances. Thanks to transport people can get to their jobs, schools, to their homes or elsewhere.
So they hold this importance demands proper planning in cities whose task will be borne by the engineering of transport.

Plans, designs and implements policies and actions to create a safe, efficient, cheap and green transport

Transportation engineering is a detachment of civil engineering and will handle exclusive manner to plan, design and manage all tasks associated with the transport to bring you, security, safe transfer and of course that is efficient, cheap and is in close harmony with care environment.

Focus on solving traffic

One of the topics that especially transport engineering focuses on traffic is undoubtedly one of the main problems of big cities today. The great increase in the fleet has generated it impossible to travel on roads of the metropolis. Traffic area of this engineering is concerned with studying this issue to find the most effective in allowing efficient circulation without delay solutions.
Improving public transport, promoting other modes of transport such as cycling, improving streets, are some of the issues that are addressed if satisfactorily allow positive change.

Promoting cycling

Regarding the environmental issue, so worrying these days, it is that in most cities in the world, attentive to the problems of pollution, have begun to develop policies that promote and encourage the transfer bicycle, which as we know, it is a medium that does not generate any damage to the planet and it is also very healthy for those who practice it.
Meanwhile, transportation engineering has focused on designing and building bicycle paths that provide exclusive for greater safety for cyclists and to accompany this development offers citizens free bicycles and public parking places for them.
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[ 3 ]

screenprinting › Definition and Meaning

Popular printing process consisting of a fabric stampación from the use of ink and mesh

The screen printing is one of the most widely used printing processes in the world and consisting stamping a fabric from the use of ink and a mesh. Any material may copy a drawing or picture that has been duly recorded in a matrix of wires or metal. In parts where no image transfer ink through blockade generated an emulsion or varnish is prevented.
The mesh is tensioned in a frame and so that the process of ink transfer to the receiver material is optimized, and as noted above lines where no ink passage required for boquearla varnish is used. Meanwhile, the pressure exerted on the wire which will allow print.

Benefits: can be applied on any material and repeated as often as you want without this quality of print will suffer

The main advantage is recognized and attributed this printing method is that it allows to be repeated as often as desired without necessarily resent the quality of print. Another advantage is that we can not ignore is that we can apply to any type of material.

millenary use that originates in the East

This printing method is one of the oldest certainly Millennial might say, as it is known by some records began to be used in the East in the year 3000 BC In the caves, dishes and fabrics were the first materials which the technique was used, while at the beginning of the last century began to be used on paper, more precisely at the behest of the field of advertising.

Dissemination in the twentieth century

Already installed during the twentieth century was extended to the field of advertising art, one of the ways of expression most used by artists.
Nowadays, then, serigraphy is installed as one of the most effective methods of printing and also is one who can find most everyday and appearing in advertising campaigns graphic in artistic works, in clothing, in items metal and ceramic, bottles, labels, among so many products.
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[ 4 ]

infatuated › Definition and Meaning

The word is used synonymously in love with love. One person has been in love with another when you have experienced a crush that has marked a turning point in its present and from that moment the person can not stop thinking in their object of desire.
The crush level is also known colloquially as love at first sight. And, a person is infatuated precisely to something that has a major impact at first sight.


A person is in love when you experience an impact emotional positive, then, is really fascinated by the virtues that observed in the other person and their physical beauty. In fact, in the crush it is not well known yet the other person, however, if the physical appearance of the other is observed and the attraction can have a big impact at first between two people who just met. A person is in love when you can not take your eyes off each other.
A person can not only be when he falls in love but can also be fascinated by a platonic love. For example, your favorite actor, someone who admires in the distance a unconditionally. Being in love does not mean loving someone because to love a person it is important to know and know how it really is. It is a superficial affection produces emotional delight, ie liking.

The subjective taste

Infatuated concept can also be used in a colloquial context, for example, in the context of fashion. A customer may decide to buy a garment that seen in the window of a shop after hanging out for its design. Garments are preferred fashion, which stands in a special way in the wardrobe and has a greater role in personal looks.
The infatuated concept shows the value of taste subjective as a garment can love someone while dislike to someone else.
Beauty is manifold in any form and a person can also be a spectator captivated by beautiful countryside and feel a special bond with the place where you feel particularly good.
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[ 5 ]

deference › Definition and Meaning

Deference is a sign of social politeness that a person has for another. A gesture of respect showing kindness and good manners.
These small details that make the living social is nice, pleasant and hopeful as people show through these gestures that not only take into account themselves but also relate to the other through respect.
There is a very important gesture of deference give the seat to an elderly person in the transport public respect for the age of that person. This gesture shows empathy for anyone who gets in the place of others and prefers to prioritize the needs of the other person above themselves.
Another gesture of deference is very often give way in the door to another person, whether known or not.

social courtesy

That is, these gestures of courtesy can not only between persons known but also, among people who are unknown. A sign of deference in the coexistence between neighbors is helping a neighbor up the shopping bags when you meet him on the portal home. Do a favor for a person is a sign of courtesy.
A level professional, deference also shows the respect and admiration that a person can feel towards another that considers a role model for their professional ethics. It is a positive sign that students feel their teachers deference and respect that this facilitates good atmosphere in the classroom and enhances pedagogy positive.


Children should also feel deference to his parents as a gesture of love and unconditional respect for the people who had such care. In this case, deference can show compliance with the view parents as a sign of respect for your opinion.
Another sign of social deference is giving the right to speak to someone else when he wants to express an opinion in particular. Or ask the right to speak at a meeting. Showing deference attitudes are nice and show the desire to be kind to the other.
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