Freudianism › Equinoccio › Irrelevant › Ulterior › Trisquel › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Freudianism
  2. Equinoccio
  3. irrelevant
  4. ulterior
  5. Trisquel

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Freudianism › Definition and Meaning

There are different schools of psychology. All of them are important because they add knowledge to the study of the human being. Psychology is the science that studies human behavior so it is the science through which the person can better know itself.

The importance of the unconscious

A school of psychology is important Freudianism whose founder is Sigmund Freud. The founder of psychoanalysis studies human behavior focusing special attention on the unconscious, ie in the plane of dreams.
Thus, the behavior human does not exist only reflective attitudes are aware but there is also great information on the unconscious level of mind. From this point of view, the author explains that human beings can have feelings repressed are a source of frustration. Freud believed that repression is not a conscious decision but unconscious, that is, no human being decides this in particular.

Pathways to deeper analysis of the human being

Freud was one of the authors of reference in the twentieth century. One of the major contributions of this author to science is its effort to provide this unconscious reality of an entity scientific, that is, of a reality in itself with great influence on human behavior. One of the most important works of this author is the interpretation of dreams where he presents what is their role model to reach the unconscious of a person. Freud not only determines the existence of conscious and unconscious level but also analyzes the preconscious.

I papers, id, and superego

Freud explains that the mind human is based on three main pillars:
1. It is composed of the primary desires of human beings. This is the engine of thought and human behavior as showing the most basic desires gratification.
2. In the plane of the superego personal ethics of the subject that refers to the level of values and stands moral.
3. He plays a mediating role between It and the superego, that is, between the gratification of the basic desires and moral aspects. Thus, between the two planes may occur infighting and contradictions. Hence, sometimes repression occurs as a way to avoid a contradiction that is a source of conflict moral for the subject.
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[ 2 ]

Equinoccio › Definition and Meaning

Equinox is the name given to a popular astronomical event that takes place at that time of year when the sun is over Ecuador and characterized because the nights and days are identical throughout the world, without exception, this is from 20 to 21 March and from 22 to 23 September each year.
It noted that at the time when the equinox occurs opposite seasonal changes also occur, for example, in the Northern Hemisphere from 20 to 21 March begins the spring and in the southern hemisphere autumn, while the 22 to 23 September in the southern hemisphere autumn and spring begins in the north.
Precisely it is called that way because the word that designates it comes from the Latin Aequinoctium, which refers the same night, that as explicate and is the distinguishing mark of this event.
At the equinox then, the sun achieves what is called in astronomy zenith, which involves reaching the highest point in the sky and case if we look at it from our point on earth will see that sits right over our heads at an angle 90 °. This particular location is what generates the light emanating from the sun projected the same way in both hemispheres, north and south.
Meanwhile, in what corresponds to sunrise during the exact time of the equinox, will rise in the East and will its counterpart, the West, in all places of our planet and there are no variations as noted.
These movements only occur at the equinox because on any other day in the northern hemisphere the sun goes down south and moves as do the hands of our clock, while in the southern hemisphere it materializes in the north and a sense opposite to the sense of our watches.
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[ 3 ]

irrelevant › Definition and Meaning

The concept of immaterial we use in our language to tell what or who has no importance, value or relevance or very little amount in a given context.
So that question or irrelevant situation will have very few chances to modify or change a course or state of affairs while when something is relevant if you have and may be crucial for the case when some influence matter.
It should be noted that the concept we usually apply in relation to things, situations and people. So when an idea should not be considered or a person is not essential in an office or place they both say they are irrelevant.
On the contrary, what has importance, which is significant, stands or stands, it will be considered as relevant.
Now, about the use of both concepts, irrelevant and relevant opposite should be noted that each acquires its corresponding meaning in comparison or linked to other things or people that are part of the same class or category, ie, we know that something is relevant if it just stands out from its peers.
Moreover, the determination of the relevance or irrelevance of things or people will be determined by subjectivity and experience staff of each person. Because what for someone can be very important, for another may not be in the least and vice versa.
For me graduate can be as important happened to me in life and for friend that fact may be deemed irrelevant while most relevant being able to buy a house.
Time staff and professional who is going through and also the stage of life in which someone is can also be essential when determining something as irrelevant or as more relevant.
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[ 4 ]

ulterior › Definition and Meaning

The concept of further use in our language when we want to indicate that something is then something else or beyond such other or may also be used to refer to what was said or what happened after something, it is ie, that which was after a given event.
Now, we should mention that although the concept corresponds in question is employed in the above conditions have not as commonly used as other of its synonyms, back, next, consecutive, subsequently, hereinafter future, distant. That is, to refer exactly what exposed above lines is more common than we use some of these synonyms for further, especially in the use slang of the language.
Meanwhile, in formal communications they are carried out in areas such as law itself turns out to be common to find this item. Even the concept used other terms associated with specific concepts shaping the field legal and that is why for those who dominate the field or develop in this space further word will not be anything alien to them.
Made the clarification we also indicate that the subsequent word is especially used then to describe or mention the thing that lies below, found at the following location after checking with a number, something we are saying, what happens then or which takes place after happen otherwise, and to a lesser extent it can be used when you want to express profound questions.
The concept that contrasts is the former, because just indicated above, precedes something or someone, either at a time or a place.
Also, this concept has been used in the plane of history to designate a division of Hispania. Hispania was the name by which the Phoenicians first and then civilization Roman named the Iberian Peninsula.
When the Romans in their conquistador zeal took control of that territory divided it into two provinces and one of them was called Hispania Ulterior, so named precisely because of its position. This occurred in the year 197 BC In 27 BC disappeared as such.
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Trisquel › Definition and Meaning

The trisquel is a recognized symbol of geometric characteristics of Celtic culture. Recall that is generally referred to as Celtic Indo - European peoples those whose heyday is located between the first and sixth centuries BC in central and western Europe, and also to everything that has any connection with them.
It consists of three spiral-shaped arms that join at a point in the middle to form a helix knows.
Has some similarities with the swastika, but differs in that the latter has four arms at right angles, while the triskelion shape three.
Certainly the number three also has a special importance in Celtic culture, the most sacred number used to symbolize issues such as balance and perfection.
Druids, who knew how to be members of the priestly caste, in times of the Iron Age, in countries with certain ties with the Celtic culture, as in the case of Gaul, Britain, Ireland and Galicia, used to trisquel maximum symbol, even they were allowed only their possession.
Meanwhile, the Druids, he contributed to each of the three spirals special significance... the first spiral represents the feelings and senses that experience, the possibilities of the body and also its limits. The second spiral has to do with consciousness and reason and thus with thoughts and ideas that arise from them. And the last coil has to do with the soul.
But as with many other symbols and objects recognized hyper, the trisquel, has been used throughout history with different motivations and to achieve different purposes including: to alleviate illness and injury, talisman kind of luck and to ensure who possessed an absolute balance between mind, body and spirit.
It should be noted that usually appears also referred to as trinacria or trikele.
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