Insult › Logotherapy › Conditioning › Hydroelectric › Thing › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. insult
  2. logotherapy
  3. conditioning
  4. Hydroelectric
  5. thing

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

insult › Definition and Meaning

It is called insult to that expression or action which certainly offends someone else. Normally insult manifested through words that have a connotation negative in the language in question, known popularly as bad words, but also those that are not formally considered as profanity and whose intention is to hurt can be considered as insults Likewise.
Certainly there is no approved list of insults and therefore we stick to it whenever you want but actually insulting insults vary from culture to culture and are also intimately linked with the uses and customs of a determining place. In any case, there are words in Castilian or English, which is globally recognized as insults and then belong or not to the culture recognize them as such.
As a result of the foregoing, the insult is not an act that people accept as good but on the contrary, insult, always have a social rejection precisely because its mission is deeply offend someone and much more when it is intended to leave in evidence a private matter or something that the person does not want to be exposed.
Insult, most of the time, it triggers the anger you have with someone who did something bad, harm, for example, or it may be something that did not work out as expected and then in an almost spontaneous the giving person needs express an insult. That is, in this case the insult acts as a kind of release mechanism anger, helps unload it.
If we want to enjoy a proper and respectful expression ideally will refrain from expressing an insult, even adults should contribute to this and be an example for younger and avoid expressing insults before them.
As we know, children learn many things by imitating their elders and insult is one of them. Hardly can remove them the habit of insulting once they acquired.
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[ 2 ]

logotherapy › Definition and Meaning

There are different schools of psychology. A school of deeply human psychology is Logoterapia, a school founded by the prestigious Victor Frankl whose thought eminently humanist was highlighted in the book Man's Search for Meaning in whose pages recounts in a surprising way his experience in the concentration camps.

Finding a way to allow overcome obstacles and situations

A thought marked by the importance of seeking a deep sense of pain to a situation in order to enhance the resilience human that involves the ability to even get ahead in situations of maximum suffering. Through the search for meaning in a new light it is provided in the reading of a concrete reality as the sense is that which provides a valuable meaning to reality.
Meaning that allows adversity to endure with more fortitude thanks to the ability to see the positive side even less good realities. The speech therapy is valuable even in situations of maximum pain, for example, to thoughts of suicide.

Each person has a valuation and things look

The human being is a conscious being that reflects on itself and has the ability to ask questions. Therefore, the attitude of seeking the meaning of life is purely human. The search for meaning, ie, the search for personal reasons is totally subjective and that which is valuable for a person to another is not.

Logotherapy is a process that leads towards giving meaning to life

The logoterapia through his search for meaning brings a particular comfort to the heart human, an important lighten the heavy emotional backpack that sometimes filled with frustrations, fears, vital exhaustion, failure and hopelessness relief. In fact, one of the feelings that you have more space in the thinking of Victor Frankl founder of Logotherapy is hope.
The ability to look to the future with an optimistic capability paying attention to the good that is coming. Contrary to hope, despair is like that feeling must be fought when discouragement in the heart arises.
One of the fundamental objectives of the Logoterapia is to provide practical tools helps the person in order that it can better deal with a situation of pain and feel stronger before that hurdle can control. In essence, and ultimately, the Logoterapia is created by Victor Frankl method to discover the meaning of life from the point of view of the dignity of man.
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[ 3 ]

conditioning › Definition and Meaning

The concept of conditioning has several uses in our language, some associated with the use slang and other employment certainly relevant in the field of psychology where even presents various approaches.
In everyday use, when someone is subjected to meet certain condition in the context of a job in a specific situation, or the development of a task or activity, it is called as conditioning. His new partner beat him as conditioning to continue the relationship that no longer see your group of friends.
Normally when somebody submits another to fulfill a condition to maintain will involve the loss of some situation intact.
On the other hand, also we called conditioning that limitation is likely to limit or significantly affect the development of an activity, life or behavior of an individual. The wheelchair is a great conditioning for Mary when mobilization on the street.
In psychology, the concept of conditioning is used to designate a form of learning certainly spread when lecturing on certain issues both animals and people.
Then, according to psychology we can find against two types of conditioning that will lead us in both decisions and behaviors of people and animals, classical conditioning or operant. The first is due to the physiologist Iván Pávlov Russian origin, that is why it is also called by his last name, and the other American psychologist Burrhus Frederic Skinner.
Classical conditioning is characterized implies an automatic response, ie not thought, as happens one stimulus point. We can exemplify as follows: we are watching our favorite TV series and in a scene plays in the background a song that we have associated with an emotion strong and concrete and then as a result begin to feel a huge thrill. That is an existing behavior develops when attached to a stimulus.
Pavlov came to this knowledge through his study of the digestive system of dogs. When the food was ready it rang a bell and immediately the dog salivated in response to that stimulus. For instance, every time the bell rang, regardless of whether or not he had the dog salivated food.
And meanwhile operant conditioning differs from exposed because it proposes rewards and punishments, ie the desired or expected behavior is achieved by applying a reward or punishment. So, if that if I miss a lot of the work will cast me, I will not fail.
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[ 4 ]

Hydroelectric › Definition and Meaning

A hydroelectric plant, as its name suggests it anticipates or is a facility that develops in a particular place with the mission to seize the moving mass of water flowing through there to transform it into electrical energy.
Basically, the hydroelectric plant consists of a dam which is in charge of containing river water for storage in the reservoir. Also you need turbines coupled to alternators, because the turbine becomes mechanical energy the kinetic energy at the request of a watercourse and the alternator is a type of generator power whose primary function is the conversion of mechanical energy into energy power.
Dams are usually constructed with waterfalls, ie upstream as the saying goes, modifying the usual water courses; It will be just the water drop which facilitates the achievement of energy.
It noted that the construction of the dam will always be determined by the geographical features of the land in question and obviously the watercourse.
Normally earth dams or concrete are erected, although certainly the concrete are the most common and effective by the strength and endurance they propose.
This situation unfortunately has as its counterpart the surrounding grounds are flooded regularly and the aquatic ecosystem present in affected normal.
They also have other elements that make your operation to be effective, such as machine room, which is precisely the space where the turbines and alternators will be located, among others.
But hydropower plants are buildings that are used throughout the world for this additional benefit that gives us water to provide electricity, something so precious in this highly advanced technologically world, however, the same can be attributed to them both benefits and disadvantages.
The benefits or do we have to mark their low costs of maintenance and operation, cleaning, failure to use fuel while on the other hand we have a very long time and money invested in its construction and the aforementioned environmental negative consequences: impaired aquatic flora and fauna impossibility of seaworthiness and land disturbance.
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[ 5 ]

thing › Definition and Meaning

The word thing is without doubt one of the most used in our language to refer various issues, providing for case various ways.
In principle everything that we call a thing exists. However, it may be real or not, or something palpable or rather abstract.
Moreover, the term hyper thing is not associated with those animate beings, that is, they do not have life and therefore always taken in opposition to the beings who do have life. The world is composed of people, animals and things of all kinds.
In the language stream, that we use every day in our conversations, the word has a job colloquial allowing referred to what is said, done or thought in relation to a specific matter or someone. The amount of things you're going to have to do when you get married is tremendous. I do not think things like you but you must respect my opinions.
And continuing with the colloquial use of the term must also indicate that use the term in the following situations: to refer to actions or owned by someone thoughts (do not tell me those things are not typical mom), the belongings of a person ( things the baby left in the house) and facts that affect one or more individuals (when things did not go as expected).
It is also recurring the word is used to refer generally to utensils or tools used in a task, some products, among others. Suit things to fix loss bathroom.
In grammar and sentence instances that have a connotation negative thing is the word used to express the concept of nothing. No thing left standing after the visit of the child so naughty.
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