Ice › Sapphire › Infamy › Labor › Repercussion › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. ice
  2. sapphire
  3. infamy
  4. Labor
  5. repercussion

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

ice › Definition and Meaning

Call ice the water in the solid state due to the high temperature drop which was subjected, ie, ice is frozen water.
Meanwhile, along with the gaseous and liquid ice it is one of three states which can have natural water. It noted that the water in its pure state is frozen to reach 0 ° below zero.
Híper cold temperature and snow - white are the features characteristic physical.
Very few substances including water, at its freezing occur increases its volume, that is, decreasing its density. Thanks to this situation may oceans those polar areas not freeze throughout its volume, leaving only the ice at the surface thereof.
Meanwhile, the blue ice, is one formed when snow is deposited on a glacier, compressing and becoming part of it and then drag until a waterbody. In this transfer bubbles air that had been trapped in the ice are ejected and ice crystals grow in size.
In our daily life we use much ice to cool the drinks we had, especially in the summer where the need for cold drinks more appreciated. Refrigerator, refrigerator or refrigerator as it is often called, is the quintessential appliance through which we can generate ourselves ice. Cuvettes are needed normally to which the load tap water and enters them into the refrigerator freezer of which is the coldest space, and in a few hours obtain ice.
Also, the crushed ice is used for the preparation of drinks, juices and smoothies special. It can grind hitting with a hammer or through blenders available this function.
Use slang, the word ice is used to refer to the coldness that characterizes someone in his way of acting and thinking. It can also be used to describe that relationship or unloving treatment.
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[ 2 ]

sapphire › Definition and Meaning "alt =" Sapphire "width =" 240 "height =" 200 "class =" alignleft size-full wp-image- 21200 "When we think of very valuable gemstones sapphire, emerald, ruby and diamond appear almost instantly and in unison in our head.
Meanwhile, sapphire, arouses amazement and admiration for their particular bluish color and is just this coloration which marks its worth, since although there sapphires with other colors such as: transparent, black, purple, green, yellow, red, dark blue is the most valued in economic terms.
for the message of beauty immediately awakens and transmits the sapphire to our sense of sight is that it has been used extendedly in the field of jewelry to create pieces such as earrings, rings, necklaces, rings, among the most requested.
sapphire is the result of combination of chemical elements such as titanium, aluminum and iron and it can be extracted from mineral deposits. Africa, Sri Lanka and South America are some of the places in the world that stand out by producing
a little trick we bring to the time of establishing the assessment of the quality of the sapphire stone is appreciate directly in front of a fluorescent light or full light day, because if we do it with other light his stone does not look so vividly as to direct light beam, looking far off in terms of color.
Meanwhile, at present, the sapphire would have found a new and remarkable when developing certain aspects of new technologies utility.
Recently, technological scene was surprised to learn that the Apple giant was producing sapphire crystal for the impressive strength that this material has per se and would be ideal in protecting screens as required Iphones.
According to the Mohs scale, which is the parameter which is taken to determine the maximum and minimum strength of materials, sapphire occupies a very high place, 9, about 5.5 glass, main material involved in cellular screens.
Anyway it noted that its high cost relative to materials such as glass make it a material that will be used when the production of high - end goods.
It is speculated that the iPhone screen 6 is of this material.
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[ 3 ]

infamy › Definition and Meaning

Infamy is a term used to refer to that evil, embodied in any comments, information, among others, and is able to affect and dealt a heavy blow to the honesty and credibility that holds an individual. For example, a person who performs public statements without evidence against a politician, accusing him of corruption, will be committing an infamy.
It should be noted that in most of defamation cases can be claimed through the courts that will decide whether or not it corresponds some punishment for those who promoted it.
The use of this concept dates back several centuries ago, at the time of the Roman Empire, where he would settle for ever disappear.
At that time, it implied infamy degradation of civil honor of a person. The censor, who was the authority responsible, was in charge of putting on the infamous poster a person while acting census procedure, and that meant for the same loss of reputation. In the census, he is overseeing the morality and finances of citizens.
This situation of being labeled infamous discrediting the person in addition to access to public office, to exercise guardianship and conservatorship, and vote in elections, ie their participation social was certainly affected.
Meanwhile, Roman law distinguished two types of infamy depending on the causes that motivated... The facti infamy occurred when the citizen was carrying out an action contrary to the provisions of public order, good manners or moral ; The most common examples include that of the woman who commits adultery. And meanwhile the iurs infamy, was the result of fraud or made an intentional action against someone.
In terms of law canonical infamy is considered the loss of goodwill following the controversial and negative opinions that different people have well considered. Infamies of iurs type can be removed by the law canonical from calls purges, while those of facti type may be absolved through the manifestation of sincere regret for having committed an improper act.
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[ 4 ]

Labor › Definition and Meaning

The concept of labor has a use extended in our language and is used to describe e l physical and mental effort that an individual takes to make a well.
Also, the concept is used to denote the cost that shows the work of a worker for example, ie, the price it charged for performing this or that work.
There are various types of labor forces : direct labor (it is one that is consumed in areas that have a direct link with the production of a service, such is the running workers and workers of a company), hand indirect labor (is that which is consumed in the administrative areas of a company and that they support the production and marketing ), workforce management (is that which corresponds to the company executive management and) and hand commercial work (is that which is in charge of the commercial area of a company).
About cost labor disputes and always controversial, especially associated with an excess in the value of the same and opposite misery in some countries you pay for it arise sidewalk.
It is known in the latter than in countries like China and India labor turns out to be very cheap because workers are not allowed paid life insurance.
However, it should also be noted at this point that this situation is possible because there are people who are willing to do work for minimum wage and obviously this in turn affects the market work in this sector because probably better qualified workers are not hired because others They do the same work for less money. Immigrants, for example, tend to accept this condition just come to a country to find work quickly.
Moreover, in areas such as construction, plumbing, and electricity, it is common that in addition to the parts need to be replaced or place, workers who perform paid labor apart.
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repercussion › Definition and Meaning

The concept of impact is used extended way in our language to account for the importance of transcendence that has held or holds something or someone. The performance of Di Caprio in Titanic Leonardo has had an impact on everyone, no exceptions.
And when something such an event, it has enormous resonance or echo, after his succession will be discussed in terms of impact. The impact of his arrest was felt throughout the group.
Then the word will always involve something important impact and that is why we use extended mode in the language to refer to that or that which is relevant, which holds a lot entity or emphasized.
I appreciate a better example... The hiring of Lionel Messi by Barcelona football club generated an enormous impact on the city, the fans of the team and also in the press locally and globally.
When something or someone generates impact without a doubt will never go unnoticed, but on the contrary, they will be discussed, shown, precisely because people arouses interest details about it.
And this is basically because their existence or shocking consequences will happen at a level of life and to be able to change at some point reality. The latter we can explain through a concrete example: an individual falls performing work and the consequence is that breaking his leg and arm, for instance, that decline will have a significant impact on your life by changing your daily routine, including things can not go to work until he recovers.
Moreover, mass media mass, such as radio, TV stations, newspapers and internet, display an important role when contributing to the impact of the events, issues and people, because they are just their coverage the which often increase or trigger the effect. We can even say that there are many issues that without the media coverage had not ever gotten as much impact achieved.
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