Manzanilla › Olives › Irrelevant › Felidae › Corralling › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Manzanilla
  2. olives
  3. irrelevant
  4. Felidae
  5. corralling

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Manzanilla › Definition and Meaning

The chamomile, also known as chamomile is an herb native to Europe widely used for its large number of properties, mainly its effects on the nervous system as well as its power antiseptic and anti - inflammatory.
This plant has a long stem which reaches 25 cm in length, with elongated leaves and small white flowers, predominates in the fields having good tolerance to extreme weather conditions. It can be planted in pots which makes it readily available at home.

Chamomile has several uses

The main way to use chamomile is by preparing infusions from fresh or dried flowers, which have a pleasant taste and are used to achieve effects as a soothing action or nervous system depressant and for its antispasmodic effect It helps relieve colic pains.
This infusion can be used cold compresses to be used on areas of inflammation, one of its main applications in the treatment of disorders eye such as conjunctivitis, inflammation of eyelids, facial swelling in crisis sinusitis and hemorrhoids painful. You can also apply on hair to lighten it and get golden reflections in it.
From the obtained chamomile essential oil by a distillation process used in aromatherapy. Its main uses are in the area of cosmetics to promote healing processes, moisturise the skin and achieve a fresher look.
It is also employed in the manufacture of toiletries such as soap, perfumes, creams, shampoos and various cosmetics.

Chamomile is also a homeopathic remedy

Homeopathy includes chamomile chamomile with your name in your repertoire of remedies. In this treatment system chamomile is used in diluted form for the treatment of colic in children small and irritability and crying that only console themselves by taking the child in her arms, in fact there is a very popular phrase among homeopaths he says "when the child shrieks, give camomile".

Precautions when using chamomile

While it is a natural product, chamomile is not completely harmless to the body, the excessive use of this plant can cause irritability in the nervous system and vomiting. Its use is not recommended in pregnant women because it has been associated with an increased risk of suffering from abortion.
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[ 2 ]

olives › Definition and Meaning

The olives are the fruit of the olive tree native to the Mediterranean and Asia Minor, they are also known as olives in some countries. The main producer of olives worldwide is Spain, followed by Italy and Greece in america are also cultivated mainly in Argentina and Chile.
This fruit has an ovoid shape, measuring from 1 to 3 cm in length and contains a seed inside initially is more green color with its maturation after some months assumes a deep black color.
While olives are widely consumed both in its green form as black, they are also processed into olive oil, a product very appreciated in the gastronomy world for its distinctive taste and for its many beneficial properties for the body.

Olives are a popular food since ancient times

In biblical narratives can be seen as olives and olive tree were well known cultures like the ancient Hebrews and various ethnic groups of the time, they not only ate olives, but also got their oil used it in various rituals in which prominent personalities were anointed.
Islamic culture also gives great importance to them the olive tree is a blessed tree among other things as a source of light, this may stem from the fact that oil was then used to light the lamps that provided the necessary light so that people could sit and listen to the teachings of his prophets, achieving enlightenment.

Nutritional value of olives

The olive fruit has a composition in which the oil soluble vitamins and predominate lipids such as vitamin A and vitamin E. Each 100 grams of olives provide 150 calories.
The predominant fatty acid in the composition of olives is oleic acid, linoleic also found (Omega 6) and linolenic (Omega 3), black olives have a greater proportion of oils green olives.

Benefits of Olives for health

Fatty acids, especially those of omegas type, associated with a protective effect on cardiovascular level, by helping lower bad cholesterol (LDL) by increasing good cholesterol (HDL) thereby enhancing the profile lipid blood. This leads to a lower risk of presenting heart attacks or strokes.
Its vitamin A and vitamin E also provides an antioxidant effect olives, so retard aging and the appearance of a number of disorders Degenerative in various organs and systems.
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[ 3 ]

irrelevant › Definition and Meaning

Something is considered irrelevant when you have little or no importance. Therefore, the idea of irrelevance expresses the lack of relevance of something.
The idea of irrelevance has two planes differentiated, since the importance of something can be understood subjectively or objectively.

Since subjectivity

Each individual sets its own priorities. What is significant and important for some is not for others. For one, your weight may be an irrelevant issue because it believes that care is not a priority in your life. By contrast, this same issue is particularly important if we talk about an elite athlete or model professional. This means that we who establish or what things have no relevance in life.

Since an objective optical

There are realities that are measurable and are subject to some kind of measurement. In the field of health, a doctor may ask a patient to a blood test done. The results show a specific range of values and some can be relevant and not others. In this case, the doctor is the one who dictates the importance of the results and does so with an objective criterion.
Bear in mind that the same action can offer two different interpretations as to its relevance. Official sports competition is important, because victory or defeat has consequences. Instead, an unofficial competition (for example, a football match with friendly character) is considered as something without much relevance.

In the context of judicial evidence

The goal or value subjective a test in the context of a trial can receive two qualifications, as there are other relevant and irrelevant evidence. Who dictates whether a test is relevant or not a judge, who decides on the validity of a test based on the provisions of the law.
As a rule general, if a test is a means to prove a criminal action is considered relevant. Conversely, if something has no relationship with the courts facts it will be considered as proof or irrelevant information.
There is a type of legal situation where the concept of irrelevance is controversial. When certain tests are obtained illicitly they are considered irrelevant, but such tests can be significant since they have a direct relationship with the judged facts.
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[ 4 ]

Felidae › Definition and Meaning

Family of carnivorous mammals to which they belong among others the cat and tiger

The felidae or felid is a term for the family of mammals characterized by the following signs: carnivores, digitigrade (supporting fingers walking), round head, short snout, the forelegs have five fingers and back only four, a super sharp and retractable, ie enabling them retraction being hidden in a cavity.
This group includes such famous animals like cats, tigers, lion, jaguar, cheetah and lynx, among others.

Main features

To the features just mentioned, we must add that own slender faces, great dynamic and rapidly in terms of movement, and have a fantastic development of the senses of sight and hearing.
They were developed in the Oligocene, as is called the third geological epoch, for the Paleogene Period, during the Cenozoic Era, about 33.9 million years ago.
Felidae are almost one hundred percent carnivores, ie eat meat that obtained from prey hunt dealing personally. Its sharp claws are the fundamental tools of capture and is virtually impossible to escape from them once captured the dam in question.
Species in danger of extinction
Felidae is a large family because it brings together a large number of species, however, unfortunately and because of the hunting indiscriminate which has been on many of them to take advantage of its fantastic skins, is that the family has been decimation.
Also the destruction of natural habitats has contributed to the demise of many species.

The cat, the most popular exponent

As a result of savagery in which most of the large species of this family man interacts little with them they are raised. Anyway it is possible to sight them in zoos and tourist expeditions.
The species of Felidae that most interacts with man is the domestic cat. A relationship that began more than nine thousand years ago and that every day becomes more intense.
Continents except Oceania and Antarctica as where climatic conditions are not conducive to their survival, we can find species of this family around the globe.
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corralling › Definition and Meaning

The word is used corralling extended way in our language to refer to different situations.

Persecution perpetrated against an animal or person to somewhere that you can not escape

One of the most used references corralling says is that action that involves the pursuit of a person or the animal to a place which can not escape, usually by the physical condition of that just will not let you out. Deadlocks, and any other space that does not have an outlet, are places that facilitate the encirclement of someone.
The main reason why it performs this action is to prevent the departure of a person or an animal, as appropriate.
In the case of animals, they are cornered so they can not escape and thus lose, and people are the corrals for various purposes, to intimidate them, to cause damage or to hold them against their will.

Put someone in a situation of no exit for a profit

Moreover, the term is used to indicate that action to put someone in a hopeless situation and has no other chance but to accept and access to what is asked. So this behavior is most commonly used when someone wants to accomplish something that otherwise would be impossible.
That is, in this case, unlike the foregoing the rounding is not physical.
"I told him I would not pay the rent but I managed the problem of gas supply, and then the owner, cornered, he had no chance to accept to carry out the settlement.

Leave someone confused by a strategy

The other use is also attributed to the word is to let someone through the implementation practice various strategies, confused and without any response. This action is usually concretized by fiscal or personnel forces security when they want a suspect or an accused person is depressed and confess finally be the author of the crime or illegal that he is charged.
We must emphasize that threaten, intimidate and fencing are the synonyms most popular of this concept. And the flipside is liberation.
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