Honey › Cuartilla › Soga › Scandal › Skeptic › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. honey
  2. cuartilla
  3. Soga
  4. Scandal
  5. skeptic

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

honey › Definition and Meaning

The honey is a sweet - tasting food that is made by bees from the nectar of flowers for their own consumption, it is produced and stored in their nests in hexagonal structures that come together to form the honeycomb.
Need to be obtained from a honeycomb collect it, however it is possible to domesticate the bees and achieve production industrial honey in a process known as beekeeping.
The main use of honey is gastronomic, being used in the manufacture of food and beverages such as Arabic yogurt flavored like mint and sweetened with honey, it is also used in a variety of breakfasts that include pancakes and donuts often go bathed in honey, in making desserts, in the preparation of sauces and dressings such as vinaigrette with honey and mustard.

Honey is an ancient food

Biblical stories refer to the use of honey as much as food as well as an element to be exchanged for other securities, the ancient Egyptians used it, even found pots with honey in archaeological excavations drawing attention to the fact that honey with more than two thousand years of elaborate was still suitable for consumption, rising evidence that honey is not decomposed.

Therapeutic Uses of honey

Outside the kitchen honey is used for its medicinal properties either directly or as part of preparations as various types of tea and herbal teas in which is often combined with lemon juice. Its main use is in symptomatic treatment of conditions such as colds, sore throat or tonsillitis and pharyngitis in relieving cough.
In these cases the effectiveness of honey is due to its anti - inflammatory and antiseptic properties, the latter means that is able to stop the spread of germs, especially viruses and bacteria.
Honey is also used in the treatment of skin lesions to be placed directly on the lesion, for their antimicrobial effects thereof is able to fight bacteria while stimulating the healing of wounds. Another mechanism by which the honey contributes to heal wounds is its antioxidant power, by eliminating free radicals stimulates production of collagen and the formation of new tissue to repair the wound.

Honey is rich in sugars thus has effects on metabolism

Honey is mainly composed of carbohydrates of fructose type, although they are more natural than refined sugar, are also able to raise the blood sugar, to produce overweight and lead to development of resistance to insulin if ingested excessively as occur with any other type of sugar. An estimated 100 grams of honey provide a total of 300 calories.
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[ 2 ]

cuartilla › Definition and Meaning

Class size paper sheet is a quarter of a sheet

Pastern is the name used to refer to a sheet of paper which has a specific measure which distinguishes it from other types, corresponding to the same quarter of a sheet (14.8 x 21 cm.). Here it is that its name comes pastern.
A half of a sheet is referred to as the paper leaflet and accurately measures 11 x 16 cm. This measure used to be widely used in the past to make pamphlets that linked social or political ideas.

Other paper formats and popularizing the A4

The sheet or foil is a standard paper widely used in Europe until it was decided to adopt the standard international A4 (210 x 297 mm.), Which today is the format most common in the world, and its measure 215 x 315 mm. The statement is often called as a letter or office.
While since standardized and popularized the A4 using cuartillas became obsolete, the concept is still used after checking written work, such as a thesis or monograph, to specify the number of pages that leads or required by same.
Pastern is a sheet of letter size between 20 and 23 lines, typewritten or from an editor of text (Word) and if the language used is Spanish has between 200 and 250 words and 300 in English.
The other typical formats that usually write a monograph job, an essay or any other document are: A4: as noted above is the size most commonly used today by the practicality of its measure precisely, with the same 21 x 29.7 cm; legal: on use is the second most frequently used alternative in writing. written work, as being 35.6 x 21.6 cm, as shown is somewhat larger than the previous one ; and trade: 22 x 34 cm.
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[ 3 ]

Soga › Definition and Meaning

A rope is a rope in which one end is knotted so that an oval shape is created. While a rope is nothing but a rope, it presents a number of very different applications.

various uses

The rope can be used as a tool to execute a person. In this sense hanging it is one of the most widely used means of execution. Already practiced in ancient times, as the system used was simple and very effective (when introducing the head into the rope is attached to a fixed point weight pulls down body and this causes rupture of the neck and death almost snapshot). As a method of execution is also used for suicide.
The rope in the context of livestock is used to link to the animals or to tie them safely.
In the world of sailing there is a known nautical rope or string, which can be very diverse and for all kinds of materials or functions.
The rope is used as an instrument in the initiation process in order masonry. Its meaning has a clear message symbolic and Masons rope represents the umbilical cord that connects a mother with her son (analogously, the rope is a metaphor of the union between his group Freemason or Masonic lodge).
The classic game of string or rope is very popular worldwide. His mechanics are simple: two rival teams stretch each end of a rope in order to displace the computer opponent beyond an established line.

Presence of the rope in the language

Both in Spain and in America there are a variety of phrases in which the word appears rope. If someone is in a very difficult situation because it is under pressure from some sort you can say that "has the noose". If someone acts against itself, one could say that it "has thrown the noose". "Going with the rope dragging" means fleeing problem but leaving any matter pending. "You Die someone" it is said ironically to refer to marriage.
There is an expression rather curious, "not to mention rope in the house of the hanged man" which means that certain things are better left unsaid sometimes because are very inappropriate. If we reflect on the use of this word, we see that in all cases there is a valuation negative, probably because the rope is associated with its macabre use hanging.
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[ 4 ]

Scandal › Definition and Meaning

It states that something is a scandal when it goes against values or habits shared by most of society. When women were skirted, those who dared to wear trousers were harshly criticized because it was said that their dress was scandalous.
The adjective scandalous-a is usually applied to the person or transgressive and provocative normally used to refer to artists presenting different and creative proposals rupturistas. Given the novelty of his work, often critical voices appear and from the media point of view speak of the scandal that has sparked exhibition, a fashion show or sculpture.

A reflection on the concept of scandal

There are realities of the past that were very normal in his day and over time we seem unacceptable: slavery, child labor, arranged marriages, accusations of witchcraft, heresy, etc. If anyone dared to question a truth accepted by most was considered a provocateur or a madman and, therefore, its position was seen as scandalous.
The idea of scandal is one who feels offended by something. Imagine that someone believes that homosexuality is a disease and understands that it would be reasonable to force homosexuals to treat their disease for good. Who thinks this way you feel scandalized by gay marriage or integration social standard of this group. Moreover, a homosexual may feel shocked by the ideas of others who are scandalized with homosexuality.
The idea of scandal depends on several aspects. On the one hand, self - education of the individual, its family atmosphere and the set of ideas and values that surround it. Moreover, the historical era in which we live is crucial. As a rule generally, there have been times and places where an atmosphere of freedom in which the idea of scandal was not too present in society (for example, those known as happy 20s or 60s) breathed.
Conversely, at certain stages of history have lived circumstances oppressing society and any position contrary to conventional was regarded as a scandal (eg, erotic magazines that appeared in America in the 1950s or dance the swing in Nazi Germany).
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[ 5 ]

skeptic › Definition and Meaning

We say that a person is skeptical when it tends to doubt the truth of something. Their attitude is usually due to a way of being, according to which it is not reasonable to accept something as true without sufficient evidence and even with sufficient data and the skeptic can keep their misgivings about the truth. This attitude is more than an inclination of temperament, as there is an intellectual and philosophical based on doubt, skepticism.

Considerations skepticism as a philosophical approach

Skeptical etymologically comes from the Greek and literally means looking carefully. As approach usually it is part of an idea: there is no absolute knowledge of anything. Consequently, it is not possible to maintain any criteria as definitive and secure. This view was supported by some Greek philosophers of the ancient world, uniquely by Pyrrho. There was also criticism of the skeptical stance, as stated it is a contradictory idea: if we can not be sure of anything, we are sure of something, that is, we're not sure.
In the history of philosophy there are two great currents, dogmatic and other skeptical. While dogmatism seeks rational certainty about some aspect of reality, skepticism is presented as movement opposite. Somehow, the skeptical thinker tries to question the excessive confidence of reason or faith.
Examples of rivalry between the two positions there are several in the history of thought : a Plato defending the truth against a sophist who question or rationalism settled on sound principles of reason empiricism faced with a skeptical mood.
Skeptics tend to defend the following argument: if there is a firm and certain knowledge not be changes in the content of knowledge. In other words, the transformation of knowledge is a proof that there is no definitive knowledge. Consequently, skepticism doubt about the very idea of truth. Faced with this argument, non - skeptics argue the opposite: the change in knowledge due to the constant search for the truth, so there is a truth.
Some thinkers have stressed the positive side of skepticism, considering a movement that serves as a deterrent to any form of ideological fanaticism. However, others argue that the attitude of permanent doubt is intellectually pernicious as it is humanly desirable to believe in something and have strong convictions, otherwise we become individuals immersed in doubt and inaction.
Photo: iStock - shvili
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