Marine Fishing › Addenda › Aberrant › Supply › Wood › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Marine fishing
  2. addenda
  3. aberrant
  4. supply
  5. wood

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Marine fishing › Definition and Meaning

The concept of maritime fishing is used to designate that fishing activity practiced, developed in the sea waters. Sea fishing is considered to be the type of saltwater fishing because it takes place at sea. Also, fishing in oceans is included in this group. On the opposite side we find the freshwater fishing, which is one that is specified in lakes, ponds, rivers or reservoirs.
Fishing is the capture and subsequent extraction of water, which is their natural environment, fish or other aquatic species so many that abound in the sea, such as mollusks and crustaceans.
It should be noted that fishing is a really ancient activity and has even been the first economic activity that deployed initiatory civilizations from different parts of our planet to feed themselves. Without going any further, at present, fishing stands as one of the most important and profitable in the world economic activities.
Meanwhile, depending on the modality with which it's made we will find the sport fishing or commercial fishing.
The sport fishing is that which is practiced with a recreational purpose, or otherwise by competition, although in both cases the goal is shared and is the same: entertain.
And the commercial fishing as its name already anticipates is one type of fishing is practiced with a commercial purpose, ie, to achieve an economic benefit. It noted that many populations are located in coastal areas have fishing as their main source of income economic and livelihood.
Within the commercial fishing stands on the one hand, industrial fishing which is one that is characterized by the intention of getting a large number of species caught and therefore takes place in solid and large vessels. Also demand for the availability of infrastructure and then disembark and distribute the goods obtained.
On the other hand the artisanal fisheries using typical fishing techniques without intervention of technology. Mostly it is used for own consumption of its practitioners. Although anyway a small part can be used for marketing.
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[ 2 ]

addenda › Definition and Meaning

Called addendum to Appendix or the number of entries to be added in a written statement upon completion and will have the mission of making clarifications, complete, or otherwise rectify any issues that expose the same work.
It should be noted that this concept is used almost exclusively in written, such as books, written contractual, technical manuals, instructions, texts of works character legal, treaties medicine, among others. As with the appendix, addendum, usually appears ready at the end of a book or any of the writings mentioned above.
In the case of books, addenda, usually has the mission of accompanying the central work and explain especially the inconsistencies that emerged from it after editing and manifest as either terminated necessary outside the main body and this is to be added at the end of the text. This usually occurs with works that are already printed and where it would be really expensive to print again, then, the appeal of the Addendum is best to reduce cost and allow reference errors.
For its part, legal contracts, addendums also usually have when you need to change, expand or define some of the conditions exposed them. Normally, addenda, allow you to add details or specific conditions that the original did not settle for any reason but are fundamentaless in a contractual relationship to avoid future problems.
In manuals or instructions, the addendum, is a very common resource and that allows a certain information or specific issue that arises once published it.
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[ 3 ]

aberrant › Definition and Meaning

The word aberrant used in our language with the mission to refer to what section is or deviated from what is considered normal, ie, aberrant never be normal and the case will be on the sidewalk in front of reason, aberrant opposes reason. John's behavior at the party was aberrant, nobody could believe their actions as disrespectful with the guests.
It should be noted that in the language everyday use you most attribute to this word is to describe to that inappropriate behavior in social matters, as indicated with the spillage example lines above, and also to designate those behaviors and behaviors that are characterized by perversity and depravity.
For example, those adult individuals who have inclinations of sexual interest in minors or members of his family, and what is even worse, consume at all costs, as in the case of the force, is considered as the most aberrant behavior that may occur in life.
It follows another feature of that aberrant and it turns out to be illegal, ie aberrant behaviors never assume anything good or permitted thereby are typified by law and be made and tested deserve punishment according to what It proposed the law in question.
Among the synonyms that most employ instances of this concept include that of abnormal and unusual and also that of monstrous which has an even more important to refer to those that are contrary to nature conceptual charge, acceptable and it seems proper to a monster.
Moreover, in the field of biology the word aberrant used to refer to that body having one or more of a difference with respect to providing for the species to which it belongs.
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[ 4 ]

supply › Definition and Meaning

The supply is the action consisting of stock up on what is necessary to live or that which is essential to carry out certain activity. For example, to survive, humans need food and drink which we provisionamos them through different ways and that it called supply.
Also, the supply is considered as an economic activity that has the mission to meet those needs of an economic entity, including a family, a company, a community, meanwhile, must do so under a time manner and calidadsatisfactoria, ie, the supply of materials, supplies, goods and products should reach all and not a few, because otherwise the supply would not meet its goal.
This activity is registered in the areas of logistics and supply chain, if the supply is broken or has a problem it directly affects the stock, as discussed below.
Among the synonyms that mostly use instead of this concept highlights of supply, which refers precisely supply everything that is considered necessary to perform an activity or live, as indicáramos.
Meanwhile, on the sidewalk in front we find the shortage that is precisely the word used to indicate the lack of all those inputs, goods and materials needed for an activity or life of a person and his family, among others.
Shortage scenarios are quite common in times of labor conflicts with precisely those sectors that have the task of supplying a sector or a community of something. For example, truckers are responsible to meet the arrival of supplies of all kinds pantries and cities, while when they are in a conflict union activity is affected and so much so that it affects, for example, on supermarket shelves products that lack these often transported in normal times.
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[ 5 ]

wood › Definition and Meaning

It is called wood to that more solid and fibrous part of the trees and located beneath its crust.
It should be noted that wood is characterized by diverse elasticidadque features, which will be closely tied to the direction of deformation present, and also the conditions vary depending on the type of tree stems and climatic characteristics in which tree grows to be extracted.
Regarding its composition, it is composed of the following elements: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, among others.
While wood is highly resistant to damage biological material, however, there are some organizations that use wood with different objectives and it ends up altering it. Among these agencies they are highlighted bacteria, fungi and insects.
Once it dried the wood is cut and can be applied in various fields and give different purposes, among which include: making a paste consisting allowing the raw material allows us to produce paper; to grow a fire, popularly known as firewood; in construction and carpentry manufacture various objects and furniture, as discussed below; in medicine; and at the request of the means of transport to just build them, as in the case of the carriages and ships.
Moreover, we also call as wood to the part mentioned above, trees and is used to request woodworking for furniture, flooring, among others.
Wood also has use symbolic language colloquially to designate that spontaneous natural inclination and having an individual to carry out certain activity or profession. It has wood for the performance.
And there is an expression popular hyper containing the word wood and we usually use it a lot in everyday language: touch wood, which is precisely the same time that pronounces touching an item or piece of wood to thereby prevent any jinx or damage that could happen. Meanwhile, with that action it would be neutralized, of course, in terms superstitious.
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