Free Verse › Parabola (Figure Of Speech) › Fidelity › Consent › President › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Free verse
  2. Parabola (figure of speech)
  3. fidelity
  4. consent
  5. president

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Free verse › Definition and Meaning

There is a period of the history of knowledge and culture that is key. We refer to the classical period that developed in Greece from the V century BC Its importance is so obvious that his study is conducted in all educational plans planet. At this historical moment, the genius of the Greeks promoted culture in all its forms: art, literature, philosophy, science...
in every field of knowledge, thinkers like Plato and Aristotle put toward order and wisdom. It has launched a systematization of each of knowledge. And literature was one of them. The various literary genres should respect very specific rules. The desire to normativizar affected poetry and, since then, verses, rhymes and stanzas had to comply with the rules. The possibility of breaking the rules or ignoring them is not contemplated.
Art in general and poetry in particular had its own rules and creative freedom had its limits. Over time, the human being was incorporating a greater interest in freedom, whether in politics, religion or art itself. Impulse and desire for freedom is to free verse as one of the most notable examples. Free verse is an expression poetic in the absence of standards. Free verse prevails in the law of anything goes. The poet creates his world without counting the number of syllables or verses, rhyming words can be combined or not and the number of verses (stanzas) no longer relevant. Your ability to create is limitless.
Free verse poetry is one of the approaches used in the literature because it multiplies the ability to communicate new ideas and creative power options.
It was from the nineteenth century when free verse began his real career. At that time, the idea of tradition and art weakened initiated new ways, mainly through the movements of vanguard (Dadaism, Futurism and Surrealism, by simply mention some of them). Free verse represented a real turning point in the history of poetry, a way to express musicality without the rigid scores of the past.
The list of known poets who use the free verse is endless: Neruda, Lorca, Auster, Bukowski... Each of them creates his particular poetic reality; a world where the rules disappear and, nevertheless, remains pace, truth and beauty. The true spirit of poetry.
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[ 2 ]

Parabola (figure of speech) › Definition and Meaning

The parable is a story with a teaching moral. It is usually a very simple and easy to understand story in which human passions and desires through characters, animals and everyday aspects of life are used.
When we hear the word parable comes to mind the name of Jesus, who was heading to his disciples so that he could understand easily, because then there was the habit of reading. Most of the population was illiterate and knowledge communicated orally. Was very important that the story was entertaining and, above all, do not prove complex. Something similar happens when we tell stories to children. We do so with a dual purpose; on the one hand we intend to entertain them with an attractive story and at the same time, we want to teach values. A 4 or 5 years need to distinguish between good and evil begin to understand how to behave. And for that, the story is the best story.
The parable has a similar purpose to the children 's story. However, the parable is aimed at the adult man has an argument developed, has experience but also needs good advice, a pattern of proper behavior. It is what Jesus did to the people who listened to him and especially his followers. So it is revealed in the Gospels, where a number of parables (the prodigal son, the sower or the Good Samaritan would be some of the best known) they are counting on the book most important of mankind, the Bible. It is a religious book and, at the same time, a great literary value. Its spread is universal and has been translated into all languages. Consequently, their stories and teachings are part of the universal culture.
The moral intention of the parable is essential because it is the true purpose of the story being told. We need to reflect on our behavior and do it in a conceptual way would be proper to philosophy, an area of complex knowledge and a highly specialized and difficult to handle by the simple man vocabulary. The parable is, therefore, an indisputable literary element, because they are very compelling stories but their real purpose is moral character. It is what happens anywhere in the world when a Christian priest addresses his faithful and uses the scriptures and parables to remember that we must choose good and avoid evil.
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[ 3 ]

fidelity › Definition and Meaning

Fidelity refers to loyalty, the sincerity, truth and honesty that comes from true love and, of respect for self and other. Infidelity shows the case of humans who succumbs to the temptation. Obviously a person who makes a commitment to partner is also vulnerable to the possibility to feel an attraction for another person. However, the commitment arising from love true is that which is marked by fidelity as the right path.
Value honesty in the couple
's fidelity is a symbol of giving unconditional value of the couple. Marriage is based, inter alia, on the promise of eternal fidelity to another person. In this regard, it should be noted that thanks to technology the concept of loyalty has also evolved considerably because currently, there are also virtual infidelities. Infidelity goes beyond having sex with someone else because there are other forms of unfairness that can be emotional. That is, it is possible to be unfaithful level thought to hide an important partner information.
Overcoming infidelity
Infidelity is a very human issue that has also been prominent in several films film, for example, fraud, starring Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon. Infidelity produces fissures within a relationship that often breaks after damage of this kind. However, infidelity also can always overcome that love exists on both sides and the sincere desire to work the communication.
Faithfulness is a value that when is not shared by two people, then married life becomes difficult. A person who wants to have an open relationship can not fit the model relationship waited for someone conservative.
The real secret
Many people understand the loyalty and respect for others, however, it should be noted that loyalty begins at home. Ie always have to be honest, sincere and loyal to what you feel to live in harmony inside and be clear about your priorities.
Fidelity also shown in friendship through loyalty to a friend in both good times and bad. To be faithful is to have the maturity to love in freedom with all that that word implies: humility, generosity and respect.
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[ 4 ]

consent › Definition and Meaning

When we authorize or give permission to someone to do or perform something, an activity, to attend a particular place, among other options, we will be doing is to give our consent, which is nothing but acceptance, approval under it. That is, the concept of consent in our language is extendedly used to express the consent that we owe to something or someone.
Thus, for example, if a parent authorizes the marriage of his minor daughter, we are against that parent consent given to his daughter so that it can effectively get married.
In another vein, a boss can give consent to your employee to be absent from office as a result of the operation of his mother.
As is clear from the examples, the term consent has a regular and common use in our language and can be used in any context in which you want to express the consent or permission of something.
However, it is important that we emphasize that not always issue a consent involves being totally agree with approving it. Many times can you have an opinion contrary to that which is accepted, but motivated by something special, he decides to accept it.
Thus, parents may not approve your daughter to marry at 17 with an older man but still give you the consent to do so because they do not want to argue, fight or strain the relationship with her daughter. If you do not give their consent surely his daughter would get mad and this set off a family feud.
So many times, the consent is given to avoid any unpleasant consequences even if not agree with the situation.
In recent years, as a result of diffusion they have had and have through the mass media mass rape cases, has been incorporated into the discussion the concept in question, since in many cases, the victim of a violation must verify that you have not given their consent to keep the sexual relationship.
Obviously when the force, the violence, intervene can not ever talk about consent.
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president › Definition and Meaning

The concept will occupy us then has two well - publicized uses, one given at the request of the right and the other in the political arena, the latter being undoubtedly the most popular and widely used.
Regarding the law, the president is the term used to denote a person who accepts and displays the role of representative of another individual on any matter or issue that may be associated with a personal issue or failing or a trade issue. So the president of an entrepreneur may represent it in a board meeting or a subscription agreement is made on their behalf.
It should be noted that the scope of this representation will be described in a public document, popularly known as command, that is, conditions set forth therein, power and also may have limitations that relationship agent-client.
But undoubtedly the most sense is used as a synonym for president of a nation. The supreme ruler of a country, who heads the executive branch and as such is responsible for taking the most significant and relevant political decisions of the country, it also called as president and if it is less popular to the concept of President it is current to call it that.
It is in the democratic political system, especially one in which the presidential figure above all things, in which the president is the most important and popular officer is privileged.
Both its actions and its limitations are stipulated in the rules, the constitution, for example, is indicated as should be the development of this official and also the time it will lead the charge. Usually it lasts four or five years and in some countries where it is permitted by mandate law is allowed to be reelected for a second term. After that second term should leave office.
Unfortunately, in many democratic countries bearing a strong presidential trend, the issue of reelection is very present and have known serious attacks on constitutions and democratic systems occur, seeking modifications thereof, with the sole mission of perpetuating a political in office.
The essence of democracy is the alternation policy and this is undoubtedly helping to strengthen it, then when there is this change, that change, democracy will certainly be affected because naturally be giving place to stay someone in the power beyond the stipulated standards.
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