Hailstones › Geek › Iconology › I Flushometer › Departmentalization › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. hailstones
  2. geek
  3. iconology
  4. I flushometer
  5. departmentalization

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

hailstones › Definition and Meaning

The hail is a very unusual weather phenomenon on our planet consists of aguacongelada with format ball, simile ice that froze in refrigerators or freezers, falls from the clouds to the surface and usually has a measure of between 5 50 mm in diameter, however, there have been cases considerably they exceeded the average.
It noted that hail is a phenomenon that accompanies the rains and storms, ie, there is no hail but no rain. Meanwhile, hail originates within called cumulonimbus are clouds of enormous size vertically and which are formed by a tremendous mass of air warm and humid; Of course, strong winds add to this cloud are those that generate cooling and subsequent fall of hail.
The solidity presented hail and also virulence with which usually precipitated often cause severe damage to fall on particularly sensitive surfaces such as automobiles, which are usually severely damaged by hailstones not to mention also if you are balls frozen ice fall on the humanity of people, can also cause physical damage.
Per case it is that the language popular is usually called the stone hail is common to hear say that stone fell.
Another use is attributed to the term, although less common, can designate thick cloud that is how the eyes of some elderly people generally.
While as noted bringing hail storms they develop across the planet are more common in areas with tropical climates. Even damage that often trigger such storms accompanied by hail as we said very serious.
Fortunately, technology has developed equipment such as radars and satellites that anticipate the fall of hail and then it is possible to alert the citizens of this contingency and avoid collateral damage.
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[ 2 ]

geek › Definition and Meaning

Beyond the wealth of vocabulary of a language new concepts emerge showing itself evolving social and culture. One of the most recent concepts is geek. It should be pointed out that although in many cases, in the everyday context, pronounced this concept with some disparaging dye, the RAE remember that a geek person is one who has any perticularidad why it is extravagant or unusual. Someone who calls attention to some genuine trait that is rare in society. That is, a geek is one who attracts the attention of others for its difference from any previous stereotype.

An extravagant person

However, to break this association of ideas label being a geek with something negative, it should be noted that an extravagant person can be very interesting precisely for that as only difference and that personality authentic with which you can enrich others through their conversations.

The world would be very boring if everyone were a photocopy of a common model

And the difference inspires emotions pleasant and curiosity. In fact, one of the characteristics of a geek is that person does not go unnoticed and produces feelings opposed. While some people generates a deep curiosity and wonder, conversely, in other repelled. This concept is nothing more than the reflection of the psychology human and social behavior. People tend to label everything, to put names to things.

A geek hobby

From another point of view, a person who practices an almost obsessively also be considered a hobby geek same. Someone who has a hobby that is the center of his life because he spends most of his time and also lives with great passion that activity. While it can be misunderstood in their immediate environment that believes this passion is excessive.
If you put the focus on the positives of being geek as a means to be original and different from others, it also has its funny point. A point with which to put a touch of humor to life. In addition, some feel that all people have their geek part, ie, its picturesque side.
When a person acts strangely or wears outfits for nothing common it will be said of him that is a geek. "Mary is a real geek, breakfast every morning pizza with dulce de leche". This example clearly see the scope of the concept, because as we know pizza is considered by most people as a salty food that is eaten alone but never accompanied by such a sweet food such as fresh milk normally incorporated cakes, Macitas, toast, pancakes, but never a pizza. Therefore whoever eats pizza with fresh milk regularly may be considered geek.
While there are "cases and cases" generally geeks are people who are often regarded with suspicion and rarity of the rest of society and as a result is that geeks are often socially isolated or together with each other, because they they feel different than most, a fact that certainly leads to present a rather anti social behavior.
But there is always a reason to call something or someone with a nickname and in this case dates back to the late nineteenth century and the first decades of the last century in the United States, where geeks and freaks, as there were called they were those that were noted for presenting any outgoing physical characteristic, much body hair for example, or some type of physical abnormality, a very large chin.
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[ 3 ]

iconology › Definition and Meaning

Iconology is a discipline that deals with study, identify and explain all those pictorial representations indicating virtues, vices, moral issues or any other type of natural question that deserves special attention of the people who are practicing or developing in the work question.
In the analysis and study of Greek and Roman mythology, to name the most popular ones that have existed and that even today remain as valid with the stories and legends of their gods, goddesses, creatures, among others, iconology, has been of close relevance to learn more in detail some issues and of course to explain them.
However, it noted that the iconología has not kept the margin of the history of religion and the very history and then has also put its focus on the huge amount of characters who excelled in these fields.
Basically, iconology, which is a well done thorough analysis of the images appropriate, studied in every possible aspect, as noted, cautions or identifies strengths, issues associated with morality, among others. It will also address compare those images with others, for example for other times or several authors to establish new findings, interpretations, or to provide more information about the habits and customs of various times.
For Anyway iconology has focused in particular also to unravel emblems and allegories, loaded images of enigmas and only have a phrase that is what allows unroll the skein, and the representation of ideas through shapes, objects or animals respectively.
It noted that depending on the object of study is the divided into the following branches: pagan iconología (focus on the study of images that have to do with objects and characters of worship), civil iconología (this branch Aboca those figures that they have not had a responsibility rather civil, religious but political ) and religious iconography (it Aboca people to study religion, saints, angels, and God himself).
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[ 4 ]

I flushometer › Definition and Meaning

The term flushometer no recurring use in our language far yet, paradoxically, is an element that we use very often in our daily lives as it is the mechanism that is normally present in toilets and facilitating Download water once people perform an evacuation.
The force of the water flow is designed in such a way so that waste human reach to the drain and thus appear clean the toilet again as before evacuation.
Basically, then, the functions of the flush valve in the toilet are two, on one hand, allow the water flow runs, and another measure intensity.
The flow of an element as water is certainly essential in a space of the house like the bathroom, not only because we use it to freshen up, wash your hands several times a day but also from the above, because it is necessary to run the human waste such as feces and urine.
Undoubtedly the toilet is an artifact present in every space transiting or live humans and although it rarely think about their presence and their proper functioning is important for hygiene. Because otherwise think of the hygiene problems that would arise if there were or not working properly.
Water flow that allows to run the flowmeter is allowing the aforementioned waste transferred to the corresponding pipes and drains.
The procedure is so sophisticated and is specially designed to prevent odors that such wastes hold per se then once the clean water takes them there is a special lock that prevents odors are incorporated into the environment.
There are two types of flowmeters, one manual, which works when the user activates it from the lever or button that starts the discharge of water into the toilet. Once the water level down to the optimum level to close the discharge system is interrupted.
And moreover automatic flush valve has a sensor which determines the proximity of the person and when no one is near but no activity is triggered automatically when the person who evacuation toilet away.
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[ 5 ]

departmentalization › Definition and Meaning

In almost every kind of life, personal, professional, among others, the organization is key in achieving success in projects that are undertaken.
In the flat work, structure and organization of companies is important the organization, and that it is understandable to the worker and the rest of the components. When this is not clear inconveniences often arise will eventually affect employee performance and therefore that of the same company.
As long as regards business organization, departmentalization is one of the key tools to achieve good results...
basically involves the division of labor in separate functions situation that is proven to generate a profit for the company as there will be greater specialization of the employee in that area in which it develops. Because the idea of departmentalization is closely associated with achieving the functions that are developed are made efficiently.
However, it noted that in terms of departmentalization of an organization one plus one is not two as in mathematics and is that what is applicable and beneficial for a company may not be for another even if it applies exactly.
The plan in this regard must be running studied by managers and must respond to the demands and needs of the business in question.
Then the criterion of departmentalization should be linked to issues such as: the objectives it aims to achieve the company, the situation outside, the technology employed, the tasks to be carried out, the training available to employees, dimensions of the company, the existence of offices in more remote to the central geographical areas, among the principals.
So we find the following departamentalizaciones: functional, by product, geographic, by type of customers, among others.
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