Impersonal Verbs › Zombie › Milk › Perfect › Kefir › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Impersonal verbs
  2. Zombie
  3. milk
  4. Perfect
  5. kefir

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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Impersonal verbs › Definition and Meaning

As its name suggests, impersonal verbs are those who have no person, ie not incorporate a personal pronoun and therefore do not have a subject. Impersonal verbs, also called defective, are the verbs called meteorological (eg verb forms as it is raining or snowing), the verb to have his way in the third person singular (there will be, there or there) and also when used the impersonal (he said or spoken).

Illustrative examples of sentences with impersonal verbs

If I say "in the jungle tropical rains a lot" can see that we have information about the place in which the action (the rainforest) occurs and the amount of rain ( a lot), but no subject appears, because no one takes the action. In this case, we are talking about a sentence with the impersonal verb rain.
Saying "there are many shirts in the closet", you can see that there is a supplement direct (many shirts), but neither is there a subject, because we are using the verb to be, which is impersonal. In this sense, we must remember that it would not be correct to say that " there were many shirts in the closet", as there should always be in the singular, regardless of whether the direct object is singular or plural.
In the sentence "dawns early, " we find an impersonal dawn prayer because the verb refers to a phenomenon of nature and, consequently, there is no accompanying subject.

impersonal communication versus personal communication

When we communicate we speak in an impersonal way. So, if I say "no made sense" or "that does see things negatively" are communicating impersonally and thus the speaker is not involved emotionally in the message. If we want to convey our own connection with our ideas we will be facing a situation of communication personnel. In this sense it is very different to say "I think you're wrong" or say "you're wrong is considered".

Classification of sentences according to the type of subject

Depending on the aforementioned subject are impersonal sentences and, on the other hand, personal prayers. It is meant by personal prayer that which is subject, which can be an explicit subject in prayer (I have hunger or Juan drink milk) or a subject implicit (also called elliptical subject) as in the case of the following sentences: Off I will bring afterwards or go to the cinema (in the first sentence the subject is implicit and the second is us).
Note that in some cases we know the subject of the sentence by its context, such as in the prayer composed "She will pick you up tomorrow suitcase, it was red, right?" was the verb refers to the suitcase, which acts as an implicit subject.
In a few sentences the subject is not a noun or pronoun, but a collective subject is used (for example, in the sentence "a crowd came to party", a crowd is subject function).
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[ 2 ]

Zombie › Definition and Meaning

A zombie is a dead person who has returned to life. As is logical and clear the zombies do not exist but are part of a traditional culture based on supernatural beliefs. The belief in zombies have to frame it in the Haitian folk tradition.

The origin of the zombies in the Haitian tradition

The population of Haiti has a high percentage of descendants of slaves. We must note that the French colonized this territory in the late seventeenth century and imposed an economy based on the labor of slaves who were brought from West Africa. These people incorporated their own beliefs and rituals and especially the religious tradition of voodoo. According to voodoo sorcerer (in Haiti is called houngan) knows the ritual for the dead can return to life and become a zombie. The figure of the zombie has a direct relationship to slavery because it is considered that the dead man is back among the living is a kind of slave to serve someone.
The zombie in the Haitian tradition is a kind of sleepwalking and people who believe in them believe that supernatural forces have allowed beyond the dead return to meet the living.

Beliefs of Haitian voodoo global culture

European privateers pirates and the seventeenth and eighteenth century came into contact with the Haitian people and learned of the stories told about zombies. From this circumstance it was feed the myth of zombie. In the collective imagination it has been building an idea of these subhuman, lacking soul and roam the night with his sinister appearance.
This terrifying vision of the zombie became a very attractive element for literature, the comic book and movie horror (most especially the fantasy of an invasion of zombies and how you use humanity should face them). Today, a zombie is a very suitable character for carnival costume for an attraction of fair or a video game. In another sense, the term also refers zombie to a type of computer virus.
The word zombie is incorporated into most languages and can be used in several ways. So, to say that someone "like a zombie" indicates that looks bad or if someone says "Today I woke up zombie" is saying that is not fully awake.

Solanum virus, a possible scientific explanation of the phenomenon zombie

Solanum virus can cause a false death. Thus, when someone has this virus bodily functions stop working. However, the person is not dead but it seems. In fact, your brain continues to function while the virus impairs your body. When the virus Solanum stop acting the body returns to normal. Understandably, who notes that someone has come back to life what can be considered a paranormal phenomenon and understand that the dead have returned to life. Thus, the effect of this virus would provide an explanation for something inexplicable rationally the existence of zombies.
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[ 3 ]

milk › Definition and Meaning

Milk is a staple and is part of the power human in most cultures. The properties of milk are well known: it has calcium that strengthens our bones, a percentage of fat necessary to our body, serves to feed infants, has iron and proteins that help our metabolism and has vitamins B, C and A. These properties are essential and because of that milk is used in several ways: in the form of yogurt or kefir, combining it with coffee or tea, transforming it into cheese through a process of fermentation or different dairy products we consume.

A staple of the family economy
milk as a food product is usually obtained from cow, goat or sheep. From an economic point of view, milk is part of the first sector of the economy, ie the livestock

Thanks to pasteurization this food can be kept fresh with all the guarantees for more days, which makes it a key product in the basket of families and therefore part of the list of products included in calculating the or CPI price index consumption. A possible rise in milk would direct harm on the economy of families, especially the most needy.

Milk in language, culture and history

Milk is more than a staple food. In this regard, it is worth remembering some very familiar everyday expressions (ie milk, do not mourn over spilled milk, thousand milks, give milk someone, be bad milk, shop milk, the whole milk, etc). In the refranero also it has a prominent role (nobody buys a cow having free milk or milk anything you throw).

From a cultural standpoint, references are varied

We've all heard the story speaks of milk or milk donkey with which Cleopatra bathed. On the other hand, do not forget that the Milky Way is so called because it has a look reminiscent of spilled milk.
In times of crisis or war milk is a symbol of survival (eg, after the Spanish civil war, the children were fed powdered milk that replaced traditional).
If we think about the origin of civilizations, milk had a starring role. In fact, the human being abandoned nomadism and began to lead a sedentary life when he learned to domesticate cattle, which allowed him to obtain a staple food for the nutrition of a community, milk.
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Perfect › Definition and Meaning

When we speak we use verbal forms to refer to actions, which may be related to the present, past or future. So when we refer to the past it is possible to use the simple past (for example, I walked, her work or rose) or, on the other hand, we can use the past perfect (I've seen, he has worked or we have achieved).

How the present perfect is formed

The present perfect tense is a compound and is formed with the present of the verb to have (I have, you have, he has, we have, you have, and they have) over how participle (seen cattle out... ). In this regard, it should be noted that there are two types of participles: regular and irregular. In the first case speak of those finished in "ado" or "gone" as I worked, managed or drunk. In the second case seen speak of, again, fact and many others.

When the present perfect is used

The present perfect is used when we want to express that last happened recently. So if this morning I've done a ride say "I walked, " because I mention the action has already occurred but still part of this, because it is something that has happened today. This means that the present perfect refers to past experiences that are connected with the present. Usual employ temporary markers that have happened today (for example, this morning or afternoon).
You can also use the present perfect with other temporary markers that have the word this-a, these-as, for example, "This week I went to the beach " or "these days have run many kilometers". Thus, temporary markers like today or indicate to us when this-happened something, but that something has any relation to the present.
Sometimes the present perfect is used without temporal markers; For example, if I say "I have often seen Real Madrid matches" I'm not saying when I saw them ).

A curiosity about the present perfect

While the present perfect tense is a part of the grammar Spanish, in practice it is used normally in Spain and very rarely in Latin America. Thus, an Argentine says " I studied all morning" while a Spanish says "I studied all morning." Argentina uses the past tense (also called single or simple past perfect tense) and the Spanish use the present perfect in its compound form.
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kefir › Definition and Meaning

Kefir is a yogurt made with milk, fermented milk and specifically with nodules kefir, a typical Caucasian region and especially popular in Bulgaria ferment. Both traditional yogurt and kefir are very similar but are distinguished by the way it is fermented milk, the cost of processing more expensive in the case of kefir and their probiotic potential. This food an ideal product to maintain good nutrition and natural medicine.

From a nutritional standpoint, kefir has calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and B-type vitamins and vitamin K

One of its peculiarities is the beta-galactosidase, an enzyme that helps transform lactose, which is very suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

Its health benefits

It is a food that regenerates the intestinal flora of the body due to the variety of bacteria probiotic aforementioned. In addition, a compound thereof (the kefiran) has healing and antimicrobial properties. Kefir is very digestive and helps prevent constipation.
It also protects the renal system, nervous and liver. Popularly it has been consumed in ancient times as a remedy to combat tuberculosis. It is recommended to improve symptoms of fatigue chronic and is equally healthy for the heart. Moreover, its consumption helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. Finally, it is an antioxidant, which acts as a regulator of the nervous system and is effective as a detoxifier in cases of high consumption of drugs.

Form Preparation

First, we must pour 3 liters of milk in a saucepan and heat over low heat (the milk may be whole or skim). When the temperature reaches 40 degrees Ferment kefir sprinkled and mixed with a spatula. The container is then introduced into the furnace to heat it at 55 degrees for two minutes and off. Thus, the kefir is ready to pour into glass jars, which are introduced into the warm oven for eight hours.
After this time, the kefir is stored in the refrigerator and is ready for consumption. Note that is not as strong as other yogurts and very creamy. As for its conservation, it is recommended that is not in the refrigerator for more than 10 days.
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