Gross › What Is Denotative-Objective Description › Buffet › Ambidextrous › Sábila › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. gross
  2. What is denotative-objective description
  3. buffet
  4. Ambidextrous
  5. sábila

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

gross › Definition and Meaning

If someone is considered a brute, this description can mean several things and all of them negative. Gross is someone impolite and discourteous, an ignorant person, someone clumsy, an individual with a behavior aggressive and cruel, a person who performs an action abruptly and with little finesse or someone who uses obscene words out of context. Even, you can use this word in a friendly way (sometimes the exclamation "Do not be stupid!" Can be said with a positive and loving intention). Consequently, its meaning depends on the context in which language is used.

Human brutality

Certain violent and aggressive behaviors are considered brutal. Brutality is valued as an excessive form of behavior, as it is associated with physical aggression and use of force disproportionately. In this regard, when the police exceeded the use of force talking about police brutality.
Terrorist actions, the cruelty, the torture, mistreatment of animals or violence machista are also manifestations of human brutality. Both from the standpoint of moral and legal, brutality is understood negatively, because it is undesirable and contrary to good behavior coexistence.

Other meanings of the term

The crude word has other meanings. So, certain elements of nature (eg some minerals) are referred to as gross when not yet have undergone a process of transformation.
In an economic sense, there are a number of concepts related to this term, such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product, an economic quantity that measures the wealth of a nation over a period of time) or gross salary (the salary perceived before applying a series of deductions).

A rough diamond

Diamond is a gemstone of great value. Its high price has a justification, because it is very difficult to find one in nature and, on the other hand, when the stone is properly polished diamond becomes a piece of great beauty.
However, when we talk about a rough diamond no reference to any diamonds but a person who has great potential it becomes. Thus, someone who has not studied formally in the education system but it shows that has an intelligence natural is a rough diamond, as with dedication and effort could achieve any goal in life.
Photo: Fotolia - auremar
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[ 2 ]

What is denotative-objective description › Definition and Meaning

Any word has a double meaning: denotative and connotative. The first refers to what you want to say a word properly, that is, which means proper and, therefore, its definition is to be found in a dictionary. Thus, if we take as reference the word sea in a dictionary it will be described as mass of salt water covering the Earth mostly. However, the denotation of the term is accompanied by a set of values or subjective ideas, the connotation.
For example, for a sailor, the sea is much more than the definition in the dictionary. Thus, when we use a particular term this can be interpreted with a double reading by the receiver of the message. In other words, what it is objective for someone has a subjective component to another and vice versa.

Describing the reality as it is

The difference between the denotative and connotative meaning of a word is extrapolated to any type of description. When we make a denotative description, we are saying how something objectively. So, if we say that a girl is blonde, tall and thin we make a portrait based on his reality as a person. This kind of description is we do when we want to communicate information rigorously and without any evaluative component. In the scientific, technical, legal or strictly informational level, communication is denotative-objective, as the subjective aspects of the issuer are irrelevant.
In a zoological description of an animal that matters is anything that explains what the animal (its size, its weight, its physiological characteristics and all the words used in their classification as a living).
In the literary language the writer combines the denotation and connotation depending on the message you intend to convey. If a person is described referring to his features and visible physical characteristics it is made, but also the emotions personal that transmits or his human qualities.

The objective denotative description is fundamentally neutral

Scientific texts are the paradigm of denotation and in them the reader seeks a neutral information, ie, without any subjective point of view.
Must be taken into account to describe implies representing reality through words and the tendency to objectivity is the basic criterion for any text scientific or technical. In this type of text abounds specialized terminology, logic and message management strictly descriptive data.
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[ 3 ]

buffet › Definition and Meaning

When we go to a restaurant we value a number of aspects: the kind of food we like, the price we can afford and the type of service. With regard to modalities, restaurants have all kinds of versions and one of them is the buffet. It involves the distribution of foods hot and cold for the own client decide what to eat and in what quantity and at a price previously established. In this way, the customer can eat whatever you want without any limit and paying a fixed amount. As a rule generally buffet restaurants include food but not drinks.
In addition to the variety of dishes to choose and closed beforehand, the buffet price is characterized by the self, because the client is responsible for serving food and collecting the cutlery and dishes to be used. To this can be done comfortably, food is distributed in sectors (for savory dishes, hot, cold or desserts).

This type of service can be presented in different ways

- In most hotels are presented for breakfast.
- In some breakfast establishments and food combined, ie, a brunch.
- There buffet evening, gala or night.
- With a specialized food (buffets of any food ) or international cuisine.
From the point of view of the organization of the establishment, there are two possibilities to distribute food: tables attached to the wall or table island (also known as free table). These options have a purpose: the customer to move in a certain direction rather disorderly manner.

The right type of customer

A fancy restaurant or fast food is intended for a profile client. The same applies to a buffet. This option is valid for people who want to eat plenty and those who do not want surprises when paying the bill. And they are not suitable for those who prefer to be served food comfortably in your seat or for people who eat little.

The term buffet is an example of the importance of French gastronomy

The word comes from the French buffet and originally referred to a type of table. Over time the term was used to refer to a type of restaurant.
In any case, the term buffer reminds us that the terminology of French gastronomy is very present in the world of cooking and catering. Not to forget that terms like gourmet, mise en place, maitre, mousse, croissant, bistro or barbecue are all French but internationally recognized.
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[ 4 ]

Ambidextrous › Definition and Meaning

A person is ambidextrous when it is able to function with the same skill with both right hand and left. It must take into account that normally each individual has greater dexterity with one hand to another and it is very unusual ability to use both hands with equal effectiveness.
Regarding the use of the hands, there are three options. The most common is to be right - handed, which is to use the right hand for most actions ( writing, eating, throwing, etc.).
Those who are best handled with the left are left - handed and this possibility is less frequent and, moreover, historically the prevalence of the left hand has been regarded as a suspicious deviation (curiously left word has the same etymological root as sinister).
A third possibility is to be ambidextrous, a very unusual circumstance and could be regarded as a rarity. Among the three options, only the last is valued as something extraordinary and unusual.

Why we are right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?

The left hemisphere of the brain controls movement of the right side of the body and, conversely, the hemisphere right is the one that regulates the activity of the left side of our body. Despite knowing much of the brain functions, neuroscientists have no definitive answer to why we are mostly right - handed (over 80% of the population worldwide).
One explanation to this question could be the fact that language ability is in the left hemisphere and as the human being is the only animal that has developed language would explain the prevalence of right over left. In any case, it remains a mystery that has ambidextrous people. What we do know is that ambidextrous are just 1% of the world 's population, do not have a dominant hemisphere and, according to some studies, they are likely to develop schizophrenia and problems in learning.

The importance of hand in human evolution

From an evolutionary point of view we could say that the hand has its own "history". In the physiological process of transformation early humans took an important step when we became bipedal.
Bipedalism allowed our hands stop acting as support for walking and turned into useful tools, both for grabbing food to manipulate objects. Thus improving manual dexterity is one of the genuine features of the evolution of man.
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sábila › Definition and Meaning

Certain plants receive different denominations and this is what happens with aloe or aloe vera, known popularly as aloe vera. As its name comes from the Arabic word "sabaira" which means bitter.

Plant characteristics

Aloe vera is a plant evergreen own hot climates, it is easy to care and you can have both outdoors and indoors. In male aloe vera leaves they are smaller than those with the females. It is a plant which normally has a low price and is available at most nurseries. To care for her, you should give the sun directly or indirectly and watering should only be done every 15 days.
Aloe vera is known for its healing properties, which are based on the active components, principally glutamic acid and ascorbic acid of the sheet, essential oils and minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium.

healing properties and other functions

This plant acts against bacteria and, therefore, is useful for treating problems with fungi. On the other hand, it has anti - inflammatory and healing properties. In this plant the leaf gel is used for the preparation of perfumes and cosmetic, such as soaps, lotions, beauty creams for skin or shampoo to prevent hair loss or dandruff. It is also used to treat acne, insect bites, to combat stretch marks or superficial burns.
In addition to external use, it is also possible to use it as an infusion to treat acidity of the stomach, flatulence problems, to soothe colic or gastritis. Aloe vera is considered a revitalizing plant and in this way provides energy and helps the locomotor apparatus, the endocrine system, the circulatory system and central nervous system. When it comes to mild vaginal infections, aloe vera is also very beneficial.

From a cultural standpoint, aloe vera is used as a symbol of good luck in some countries and for this reason it is customary to give one of these plants when someone moving house

According to some studies aloe vera absorbs negative radiation appliances used in the home.
There are references to the aloe in the civilization Egyptian, it symbolized immortality and it was used for its medicinal properties among Egyptian physicians.
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