Happy Hour › Tentative › Lecturer › Still Life › Telekinesis › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Happy Hour
  2. tentative
  3. lecturer
  4. Still Life
  5. telekinesis

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Happy Hour › Definition and Meaning

business strategy of bars and pubs to increase sales

The Spanish language is full of anglicisms and happy hour is one of those many today in our language are used as extendedly language and English. Translation literal in Spanish refers happy hour and their use is strictly linked to a proposal very common in bars, pubs, discos and other places similes and whose mission is to attract customers. Because the happy hour basically consists of providing for a certain time, for example 19 to 20 hrs., Or in a longer time period, 20 to 24 hrs., Succulent developments in regard to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, preferably.
Modality emerged in the Anglo - Saxon world, therefore imposing on the name, but then spread phenomenally for the rest of the world.

Second free drink, drinks at half price or free drink during happy hour

For example, one of the most common proposals in this regard is to offer the customer the gratuitousness of the second drink or drink consumed during the time period established as happy hour. Or it is often the case that during that happy time is paid a basic consumption and can get a free drink, as in the case of beer. Or directly during happy hour drinks cost half the normal value.
This practice, as noted, is widespread hyper throughout the world because it is a strategy business that has proven to bring good results to bars who propose it as such, being that they are filled with customers during times of happy hour.

Its extension to other items, such as clothing

We must also emphasize that this practice so successful in the plane of the bars and pubs has spread to other areas, such as the clothing, then in recent years it has become common practice at the behest of festivals like Christmas in which people often make gifts massively. The mechanics are pretty much the same as with the drinks, it offered a pledge to value list and another at half price at happy hour schedule. The aforementioned is a business strategy especially exploited by the big shopping malls.
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[ 2 ]

tentative › Definition and Meaning

Action with which you try to test or something

The concept of attempt is used in our language to denote that action with which you try to test or something, being an action certainly among the people. That is, the attempt involves achieve a goal. "Mariano already made two overtures with his family but so far received no positive responses."

Objectives usually not achieved

We must emphasize that the concept is largely associated with the actions that are carried out to realize a target but fail to be successful, ie, they can not achieve the objective in conformity.

Use in law: criminal act that fails to be realized

On the other hand, the concept has a recurring use in the field of the right to appoint the principle of commission of a crime committed not reach. That is, an individual intends to commit a criminal act given but fails to concretize because something in the process failed, for example, a murderer hanged his victims to kill her but to no avail because someone avoids or a thief is stealing a bank and at that moment the police arrive and aborts their action. In these situations and according to what the law proposes we face an attempted murder and attempted robbery, respectively.
As regulations generally understood that the right an attempt will be considered a criminal act when it intends to execute a specific offense.
For example, an individual points it at his head with a gun to someone else but the bullet did not actually go out and then the crime is frustrated, however, that person had every intention of shooting, went wrong because the gun failed but had been materialized action.
We must emphasize that attempts criminal offenses are punished with the harshness of the law in force, but of course, usually the culprit is imposed on a minor sentence which would have obtained if fully commit the criminal act. The punishment will come with the full weight of the law when the relevant authorities establish conclusively that the attempt existed, but of course, should always be tested to find punishment.
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[ 3 ]

lecturer › Definition and Meaning

The essence is to share knowledge, ie, even the wisest person learns more by sharing their knowledge that saving all his ideas to himself. The essence of knowledge is to share as shown in the legacy of wisdom that have left us the biggest names in the history of literature that allow us access to his thinking through his books. There are different ways through which a person can share their knowledge.
A highly recommended is the method of the conference through the speaker (lecturer) presents to the audience a lecture on a topic previously resulted in the presentation of the event. The theme of the conference should be known by the lecturer prepares his exhibition consulting sources of information quality to document their data and to transmit objective knowledge to the public.
Speakers are more experienced than others, however, in all cases the challenge of public speaking involves a responsibility important.

Public speaking

There are professions in which is more often the worker must also develop its role as a lecturer. University professors frequently participate in academic conferences in participating as lecturers and speakers through communications that revolve around the theme of the congress.
A good speaker is one who has a good command of the language thanks to a wide range of vocabulary, not only values what he says but also how it is expressed (the tone also communicates) and takes care of the details of body language.
The conference is an opportunity to enhance the feedback between the speaker and his audience. From this standpoint, the speaker attends the final round of questions at the colloquium.


New technologies have also opened new doors for professionals working as lecturers as through YouTube, many speakers have achieved great projection to reach not only the public face a chat but also the virtual public. In addition, in the professional context it is also possible to organize an online conference through videoconferencing system in which the speaker can contact the public through the computer.
Photo: iStock - Brauns
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[ 4 ]

Still Life › Definition and Meaning

Artworks depicting everyday objects and natural beings

The concept of still life has a use exclusive in the field of painting to name those works of art that represent objects, animals, flowers and items manufactured by man, that is, natural or not, and which appear within a context. Along the landscape and portraiture, still life has been one of the most recurrent themes in the tradition of painting.

One of the topics most addressed by the painting of all time

Also known as still life, still life, supports the representation of all the elements that have an everyday use in the lives of people as in the case of books, fruit, cooking utensils, food, jewelry, furniture, among others. We must say, that over time they went incorporating other elements of current use. Now, we must say that this type of production art is recognized more by the representation of elements from nature. Bowls or containers containing substantial amounts of fruits, tables which exhibit large facilities, are some of the most widespread and classic still life representations.

Details, symbolism and great freedom

Artists who favor the representation of still life like detail, of the symbolic and how this issue can express all this and more from great artistic freedom is choosing this theme over others as landscape and portrait found to be more limiting. The artist decides to communicate a particular message and still life will allow you to do so from various edges, the possibilities are endless.
Of course born a few centuries ago and standing out especially in the movement baroque, still life, remains as current as at that time. Of course the objects changed shape and were replaced by everyday use today, however, the issue is now widely used by contemporary artists.
Religious symbols once earned the scene in this area and found items can be used today and even images generated by the computer, ie, the technology is also incorporated in this genre painting and Aggiorna.
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telekinesis › Definition and Meaning

Ability to move objects with the mind without the use of physical force

Telekinesis, or also called telekinesis, is a term used to instances of parapsychology to designate that capacity that presents a person and allows you to move, move objects only through your mind without the mediation of any force or energy visible. In some circumstances there may be presence of a medium, as is called one who is considered to be endowed with paranormal powers that allow you to communicate with spirits or mediate other phenomena.

Believers versus detractors

As a phenomenon that many argue and argue but has not been demonstrated scientifically, it always has been reduced to the realm of the paranormal.
Just as there are many who endorse and believe in telekinesis, as in the case of parapsychology confirming its existence, there are also many others who disbelieve of the possibility that someone with your mind move something, a heavy object, for example, while who do not believe at all in this regard as phonies and liars who say so.
The concept was developed by Russian and expert philosopher in spiritualist practices Alexander N. Aksakof in the nineteenth century, and from it a huge door opened since the question began to be addressed by more people and of course increased his belief to despite the naysayers.

Subject widely discussed in the literature and the mass media

Beyond the proven or not, beliefs and what is not believed at all, we must say that telekinesis is a phenomenon that has always aroused a lot of attention throughout the world. Proof of this is that it has been addressed in the literature fantastic and also well on television and in movies.
If we have to choose a proposal entertainment to reflect this phenomenon, this is undoubtedly the novel Carrie the American writer Stephen King and was adapted to film several times.
There, Carrie, is a young student who lives repressed and tormented by his mother and by his fellow school that plague. Suddenly, Carrie discovers she has telekinetic powers and begin to use against all those who in school destrataron generating a tremendous slaughter among his people.
Photo: iStock - Fergregory
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