Lacra › Párvulo › Leap Year › Dequeísmo › Formicophilia › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Lacra
  2. párvulo
  3. Leap Year
  4. dequeísmo
  5. formicophilia

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Lacra › Definition and Meaning

Curse word has no precise origin but is very likely to come sealing word, a red paste the melting is used to close a letter or to seal a document and thus guaranteed their authenticity. If we consider that the seal has a mark that identifies someone, we have an orientation to understand the meaning of the word scourge.
By scourge can understand three different things: the marks or effects of a disease or defect moral that leave some mark on the person who has to refer disparagingly to a type of person and, finally, to refer to what it represents bad for society.

Aftereffects of a physical ailment or an immoral attitude

Certain diseases leave some kind of sign in those who suffer and those with signs or traces known as scourges. Similarly, moral defects also leave some sort of visible signal (for example, look or gesture).

To refer to people

It is said that a person is a curse when you have a behavior that harms himself and others. In this sense, it is used to refer to people with no job and contribute nothing to society, vague people or those who take advantage of others and act as if they were parasites. In Spanish, we use synonyms as lazy, useless, lazy or loafer. The use of the word has other equally negative meanings in some Latin American countries (eg Argentina is synonymous with cheapskate in Ecuador equals bad person and is used in Colombia to refer to the indiscreet people).

social ills

To refer to those vices or attitudes harmful to society curse word is used and coined the concept of "social scourge". For something so contemptuous receive this qualification has to be an undesirable behavior or a social problem of the first order. In this regard, the alcoholism, the drug addiction, the terrorism, corruption, bullying, child malnutrition or violence street are some of the social problems that are considered as a social evil.
It should be borne in mind that such realities are more than a problem and cause consequences for society as a whole.
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[ 2 ]

párvulo › Definition and Meaning

Párvulo word refers to the child who has not yet been incorporated into the school system. In this sense, a párvulo has at most about 6 years. In a second meaning a párvulo is a naive person.

Different ways to refer to children in countries where Spanish is spoken

The word child in Spanish has many synonyms and each brings a nuance singular. For párvulo, reference is made to the child has not yet been integrated into the education system. The term refers baby newborn or child who is a few months old. If the child has already passed the stage of baby boy or baby used usually. Gypsies for a child is a churumbel.
Galicia is very common in the term of prey. In Latin America there are also a variety of words: Connect, kid, kid, kid or chamaquito. The list could go on with a whole series of pet names we use to refer to children : snotty, pelao chubby doll, etc.

nursery school

If we think of childhood, adolescence and young adulthood we can see that at every stage there is a specific school: the toddler attends a nursery school, the child to school, the teenager at a school and, finally, the university will to the University. This route goes from the child who is a few months old up to about 18 years.

Focusing on the term nursery school, it draws attention to the great diversity of synonyms

Parvulario word is not commonly used in the official educational terminology and others are used as education preschool, kindergarten, daycare center or school child.
The term has fallen into disuse nursery, probably because it has a connotation negative and is politically incorrect (literally a nursery is the place where children are saved and this idea does not conform to current pedagogical approaches).
In recent years has spread another denomination, kindergarten (is a German word that is also used in English and literally means "children 's garden").
"Do not be párvulo"
If we hear the words "do not be párvulo" is not likely to relate to a child but an adult. So when a person is naive and innocent is said about it being a toddler. In this regard, we must remember that one of the characteristic features of children is precisely his innocence. Thus, the innocence of some people is a certain risk, since they can easily be fooled or manipulated.
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[ 3 ]

Leap Year › Definition and Meaning

2012 or 2016 are leap years. This means that a total of 366 days and 365 days common in both years. The variation of a day in leap years is reflected in the calendar on a particular day, on February 29. Logically this change in the total number of days have a reasonable explanation.

What is a leap year and why there?

To understand this quirk of the calendar, we must remember that the Earth moves around the Sun and complete orbit takes 365 days and 6 hours. This figure makes that a year lasts 365 days, but there is a problem left over 6 hours. For the time that affects the movement of the Earth around the Sun, and the match calendar time, he created the leap year.
Thus, every 4 years there is a leap year (3 successive years with 365 days and the fourth it recovers the missing and the year has 366 days hours). If not be added one full day every four years, the seasons would be descompasadas in relation to the calendar, so that after 700 years in the Northern Hemisphere Christmas fall in summer and otherwise happen in the southern hemisphere.

The origin of our calendar

The primitives used as calendar phases of the moon. This idea was rejected when the Egyptians discovered that lunar calendars were of no use to predict the onset of the annual flooding of the Nile River. This was because the phases of the moon are very short and cause errors more easily.
Moreover, the Egyptians realized that following the movement of the sun could predict the seasons and also every 365 days came the longest day of the year. Since then the Egyptians began using the solar calendar. This conception of the Egyptians was built by the Romans. Julius Caesar was the emperor who finally renewed the schedule and introduced the concept of leap year. This happened in the l century. C since before the Romans had an annual schedule of 10 months.
The calendar introduced by Julius Caesar is known as the Julian calendar, which was reformed in the sixteenth century by the initiative of Pope Gregory XIII and thus is known as the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar introduced an amendment in relation to leap years and the new standard incorporated some exceptions to the criteria generally leap years (this adjustment was based on new knowledge about the translation of the Earth around the Sun).
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[ 4 ]

dequeísmo › Definition and Meaning

The dequeísmo is one of the most common grammatical errors in our language. The dequeísmo and queísmo normally occur on some subordinate clauses. Both errors are manifested in both the language oral and written and published in the Spanish spoken in America as it is spoken or written in Spain.

The fundamental idea of dequeísmo and some illustrative examples

The dequeísmo is unnecessarily used the preposition. In the sentence "I believe that you have no right " un dequeísmo occurs because the preposition should not be used, as would be the right thing "I think you have no right".
Normally the dequeísmo violates a rule of syntax, that according to which a preposition should not be used in front of a subject. If I say "is sure to win the game, " we have a substantive subordinate clause subject and, therefore, should read "is sure to win the game."
One of the most common cases of dequeísmo is one in which a correct preposition by preposition is replaced. Thus, in the sentence "I am confident that the notebook is in place" the preposition is unnecessary since the preposition should be used in, ie, "I am confident that the notebook is in place".
The dequeísmo also committed in some phrases (a phrase is a set of words that work unitarily as if they were a single word). Thus, the phrase "unless it" would be a case of dequeísmo, it would have to be "unless".
Note that not all dequeísmo are a mistake, because sometimes they can go on and together, as is the case with the following sentence: " On top of that you help complains".

Causes of dequeísmo

There is no single reason that causes this error. In fact, there are several reasons. On the one hand, speakers tend to economize words. Another reason is paradoxical because it is given by a desire to speak properly and this attitude is just making a mistake. Naturally, improper use of syntax is also another cause of dequeísmo.

The queísmo occurs when the preposition is not used and would do the right thing

In the sentence "I realized I had no money " can be seen that the preposition, then it would be correct to say "I realized I had no money" missing.
Photo: iStock - golero
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[ 5 ]

formicophilia › Definition and Meaning

The formicophilia is a very peculiar sexual practice. It is to obtain excitement and pleasure through small animals through the body, especially the erogenous zones as the genitals or the teats and sometimes the pleasure is that the animals are placed in a body orifice. This sexual trend is preferably carried out with animals like ants, but also worms or snails.

The formicophilia is one of the most unique paraphilias

Paraphilias are those trends sexual where erotic pleasure not obtained from intercourse conventional but is achieved by other stimuli. In the formicophilia there is no explicit sex and pleasant element is based on the sensation touch and the curiosity that produce small animals crossing the body and causing some tingling. The formicophilia has a certain resemblance to bestiality, but are different paraphilias. Thus, in both animals they are sexual stimulators, but there is bestiality explicit sexual contact and the formicophilia no.
While formicophilia refers to any animal reduced in size, there is a specific variant, the arachnophilia, ie sexual fixation spiders. Another related sexual mode to formicolilia is known as Genki genki, a typical sexual practice of Japan and consisting women excited being surrounded and covered with small animals.
From the point of view of health, formicophilia is considered a dangerous sexual fixation, because physical contact with animals can cause various diseases. From the point of view of psychology, people with this sexual orientation or bestiality cases may be due to a personality schizophrenic.

The world of paraphilias

The sexuality human goes far beyond the preliminary and subsequent intercourse between two people. Proof of this is the wide range of atypical sexual fixations. The misofilia is excited smelling clothes that smell of sweat. Urophilia in pleasure is achieved with the urine and coprofilia through feces.
If someone is sexually stimulated making obscene calls it a case of telephone eschatology. The emetophilia is pleasure through vomiting. Another of the most peculiar sexual oddities is necrophilia or attraction sexual by corpses.
In the world of paraphilias there fixings for everyone. Some are harmless (eg acrofilia is based on sexual stimulation if the other partner is very high), others are dangerous (such as extreme sadism) and in some cases paraphilias are considered directly as sexual aberrations (the necrophilia is probably more socially rejected paraphilia).
Photo: iStock - emholk
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