Ignoto › Item › Atorrante › Snob › Track › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Ignoto
  2. item
  3. atorrante
  4. snob
  5. track

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Ignoto › Definition and Meaning

The adjective means unknown unknown and ignored. Usually refers to something that is not yet known or is discovered. Thus, a browser can enter a territory unknown, as it is an area on which you do not have any information.

A formal language own word

Ignoto the term is generally used in formal contexts of communication. However, in ordinary situations unknown or ignored as synonyms are used. Thus, this term must be understood as a cultured form of expression.
While it is common to use ignoto to refer to unexplored places, it can also be used in reference to people whose identity remains hidden (for example, the unknown creator of a literary creation) or in relation to a dimension that goes beyond what is known (eg, the unknown areas of the human mind).

connotations associated

The use of the adjective ignoto has some connotations. On the one hand, it indicates that what is unknown is a mystery and a true enigma. Not forget that the term comes from the Latin ignotus, which literally means unknown. In this sense, all the unknown generates a dose of uncertainty.
Human knowledge seeks certainty and security of their approaches. However, in the search for truth there is a limit, which remains unknown. This implies that ignoto rating is linked to a certain unease and a fear of the unknown.
The unknown goes beyond the known. And to refer to this area use prefixes as a goal, as is the case with terms like metaphysical, meta or metacognition. And what it is beyond the evidence it becomes a "uncharted territory".

ignotas dimensions today
Ignotas talk about this supposed dimensions refer to everything that today is not within our reach

They are very diverse enigmas to solve. So we know that the universe is totally unknown aspects and the same happens with the brain and mind of humans or the knowledge of nature.
If we look back at history it teaches us that what was once ignoto he eventually discovered and on the other hand, it also reminds us that there is something that remains unknown and is presented as a new challenge for humans.
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[ 2 ]

item › Definition and Meaning

The adverb latino item or item, since both forms are accepted, means originally also in addition to or in the same way. This latinismo used in this sense only in legal texts and in a very formal language worship. Moreover, item means timely topic or section, being widely used in both Spanish and English in the field academic. As for its plural form, it must be written items and not items.

An examination with several items

An item is a unit of information, which may be a question, a section or a certain aspect. While in Spanish we can speak of an examination or text with a series of sections, the term item in the academic or field of education comes from the English, whose language is widespread and has ended up joining the Spanish.
In many tests the teacher presents a text from him and asks a series of questions or items. In this sense, there are items which have a closed response (e.g., multiple - choice tests) or open response items (for example, those in which a response should be developed). In any case, the use of the item concept in the academic sphere is due to its usefulness, since it is a way of structuring and organizing information. Not forget that for a teacher correcting a more operational test with a number of specific items rather than making a general and open - ended question. At the same time, for the student who faces a test using items it allows you to have a very rough idea of the possible outcome of the review (if correctly answered six items of a total of ten already knows approved).

Item synonymous with commodity

If an establishment there are thousands of items to buy, to refer to them you can use the term item. Thus, in an online business the consumer can find their disposal a wide variety of products and purchase them when you're likely to see the following message: "select the item you want to purchase." Thus, an item is part of a catalog of some products for sale or a computer system storage.

Latinisms in the formal language

Latinisms use is widespread in everyday language but most especially in the formal language. Sometimes we use without realizing their remote origin. In letters or emails we use the abbreviation PS, which corresponds to postscript. To measure something we use a ratio. In many texts placed in brackets sic, meaning well and refers to the way a word was expressed. Latinisms formal list is extensive: ibídem, quid, curriculum vitae, item, etc. (short for so is also another latinismo).
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[ 3 ]

atorrante › Definition and Meaning

If an Argentine or Uruguayan hear the word atorrante knows that refers to a vague, lazy person who likes to lounge. You can also refer to a marginal individual that does not have a life conventional, for example a bum.
In countries like Republic Dominican or Costa Rica atorrante the term used to mention someone with a messy life. But in Venezuela this word is used to describe someone who behaves outrageously, vulgar or rude manner and a second meaning indicates that someone atorrante is an arrogant and pretentious.
From the above, we can conclude two ideas:
1) we are facing an Americanism, it is a word that is not used in the Spanish spoken in Spain and
2) it is a derogatory and pejorative term.

The discussion of the etymology

The etymology of the word is uncertain. In fact, there are conflicting versions of its true origin.
States that can come from a manufacturer of pipes surnamed Torrent and became a very popular figure in Argentina in the late nineteenth century. There is a very similar version according to which sewer pipes Buenos Aires bore the name of the manufacturer, A. Torrans. According to another etymological approach, it could come from the Catalan atorrante because turrar means roasting or burn and it is said that a person is torrada when suffocated by the sun and, therefore, is tired and dejected. There are students of language who say that atorrante is a word of rioplantense lunfardo a hypothesis quite reasonable when you consider that this word appears in the lyrics of some tangos.

The problem of some etymologies and usage of foreign words

The controversy of the etymology of the term atorrante reminds us a reality: it is not easy to determine with absolute certainty the origin of words. Spanish vocabulary comes mainly from Greek and Latin. However, language is a living, changing entity and therefore is influenced by other languages, whose words have their own etymologies.
In Spanish we use words of French origin (such as acne, affaire or bonbon), Italian (a cappella, watercolor, crescendo or cornet), German (toast, fiefdom or homosexual) and, of course, English (club, football, link and many others). The use of foreign words is an enrichment of the language, a way to broaden their horizons and take on new forms of expression.
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[ 4 ]

snob › Definition and Meaning

The term is used in Spanish snobbish but comes from English, so it is an anglicized as football, hobby, show, thriller, reality and many others.
In the language stream it is said that someone is a snob when it pretends to be something other than what it actually is. Normally the term snobbish to refer to someone who imitates the style and aesthetics of the wealthy used. In this sense, a pretentious snob is someone who pretends to be part of a social class but, basically, is someone vulgar can not hide who he is.
It is a word with a connotation clearly contemptuous, because the mention indicates that someone has no category enough and all it does is "dress" with a dress and posturing that is not commensurate with its status of origin.

Snobbishness and postureo

Since language is a living thing, word Snob has created another term, snobbishness. Someone practices snobbery when he expresses his admiration for trends most innovative and cutting - edge fashion but does so in a forced way, that is, not because they really have interest in it but because it is fashionable and thus acquires a higher status social. One could say that the snobismo is a variant of postureo (the postureo word is a new way to express interest in appearance). In any case, snobbery and postureo are two strategies to gain prestige and social recognition.

The etymology of the word snob

Scholars of the origin of the words do not match their analysis in explaining the etymology of the word snob. In fact, there are several different versions:
The most widespread version holds that snobbish is an abbreviation of the Latin, specifically the sine words nobilitas, ie without nobility. Snobbish abbreviation was first used in prestigious and elite British universities, which initially were admitted people without nobility but in the nineteenth century those whose origin was not nobly began to join the university and this fact was reflected in the books record with the snobby abbreviation. This circumstance created a difference between students, as some had nobility family background and not others.
Another version claims that the snobbish English term is related to the figure of the apprentice shoemaker in antiquity, as well were called young people exercising this profession in the English spoken in Scotland (the word snab was used and time became snobbish).
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[ 5 ]

track › Definition and Meaning

Track means looking for the trail left by a person or an animal. For example, when an owner has lost his dog, put posters with data identifying the animal and some contact details so that anyone who can indicate some reliable track can call to inform about it. At this stage of research, working from data corresponding to possible conjectures and hypotheses in order to give more reliable keys.
Today, many parents put their children wristbands when traveling on vacation to the beach. Thus, if the child is disorientated and lost, it will be easier to locate and track her down.

Find the whereabouts of a person

To search for a person who has disappeared, researchers are working from clues that help to define the whereabouts of that someone. Today, the mass media have also become a tool very important support to provide information on the news of a missing person and citizen collaboration is requested to meet. Thus, the collaboration of different media can facilitate tracing of their whereabouts. In addition, there are also tracking dogs that through your nose can follow the smell of people who are untraceable.
For example, if you have lost a child during a tour of the school to the field, tracking plans that zone are programmed to look closely at each part of the land in order to locate the child. In that case, it is attentive to any track, for example, possible traces.
Some people also choose to hire an investigator to keep track of your partner when you have doubts about a possible infidelity. Track action is also closely linked to the search for truth that involves elucidating the keys to a situation that has major unknowns. This track action has inspired many films and fiction series. One of the most memorable series is "Murder, She Wrote".

Other meanings of

In a different context described above, the trace concept can also be applied to the commercial sector to refer selling wholesale meat on the trail and make some kind of cooperation with this market.
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