Epitaph › Porn › Tragicomedy › Sociogram › Pseudonymous › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. epitaph
  2. porn
  3. tragicomedy
  4. sociogram
  5. pseudonymous

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

epitaph › Definition and Meaning

That of epitaph is a concept that has widespread use because we use to refer to this registration message is placed in a tomb and is intended to honor, pay tribute to the deceased and whose remains rest there.
Recurs there are people who before his death will make it known to your loved ones and friends what they would like to enroll in his epitaph when they die, then, in that case, the deceased himself is the creator of his epitaph. Meanwhile, in other cases, family or friends of a deceased person usually spend the deceased some phrase or expression that his life was significant or describes at some point, and stamped on the epitaph.
There may then be epitaphs sentences consisting of some author admired, or those given phrase or chorus of a song that the deceased loved.
Another common question about the epitaphs are given about the writers who are themselves their own epitaph are created.
Also religion often plays an important role at the behest of epitaphs since the holy books of religions, as in the case of the Bible, the Koran or the Talmud phrases often lend epitaphs of those very believers dead.
Moreover, aphorisms, which are those short phrases or statements that are proposed in the sciences or the arts as principles or maxims, tend to dominate in the universe of the epitaphs.
Generally, the epitafios is the part of a slab or plate. The tablet is a very flat and solid stone, carved with a format rectangular, in which precisely epitafio recorded.
Epitaphs are present in our culture really ancient times, the ancient Greeks, the civilization Roman emperors used especially his extended way to honor and honor its most famous dead.
And this habit reaches our days, that is, not faded or anything, but it is still very common on gravestones of unknown or very personal epitaphs extraordinarily distinguished personalities register to honor after his death.
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[ 2 ]

porn › Definition and Meaning

It is called pornography to gender and material it contains and reproduces in any format (graphic, visual) sex acts or explicit type in order to awaken the viewer or reader sexual arousal and stimulation.
That is, pornography exhibits openly or restrictions on professional actors who have sex with each other, without any kind of simulation as often happens in the film conventional, in which sexual acts are suggested or act in a manner more veiled than nothing.
In the specific case of pornography, actors maintain real sex, and in some cases nothing specific that they imply is performed or simulated.
To sharpen this reality, the porn film or pornographic magazines, for example, perform camera shots or publish photographs in which the genitals of actors openly see the bodies completely naked, and even more, a display of them is This situation clearly will increase more excitement at the receiver.
It noted that in this exhibition without restriction even carried out practices which for much of society rub against the evil or sadomasochistic.
As a result of high sexual content that has this type of content it is that it qualifies as XXX. This rating means that are prohibited for individuals under 18 years by the huge display adult content.
This provision qualification is endorsed by the rules of most of the countries where they are sold and exhibit these types of content.
Obviously your single violation will be punished by the same law.
Being sensitive material in which the sex is exposed in an open, such content count equally with the same amount of opponents as defenders.
In some parts of the world where the uses and customs are very conservative obviously it is a content that is no guarantee, and even its presentation is persecuted and prohibited.
It noted that this type of genre and what material is often referred to as just porn or XXX.
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[ 3 ]

tragicomedy › Definition and Meaning

The concept of tragicomedy called one of the most important genres and disseminated the teatroclásico and characterized by the presence and combination of dramatic and comic elements.
Mostly, the comic aspect that holds a tragicomedy is dominated on one side by the sarcasm, consisting of a sharp mockery by which he meant the opposite or express the deep displeasure that generates something. Is closely related to the irony, however, it is that it is considered an indirect criticism exposed to loud
On the other hand, in the tragicomedy we can find parody when evidence that shows that comic side. Usually recreates a character or a fact and ridicules or highlight its main features but grotesquely so make them very obvious.
The origins of tragicomedy date back to Ancient Greece where it certainly was anger and constituted per se one of the shows that more public summoned.
Tragi was common for those years occupy to address legends, while the touch of humor was set by the choir.
The choir was formed by a group of performers who through song or declamation were busy commenting on the actions that were happening in the scenes. Somehow, he attended the public so that they can continue smoothly the events presented on stage. Would the public but within the work itself. Usually they are sung but also expressed through the word.
While there may be some other variant, tragicomedy, especially tells the story of a hero who pursues an aim that can be associated with love, the justice, a desire to meet, among others. In this sense it will face various obstacles to be overcome to succeed in its mission.
Usually it has a happy ending, though many times that happiness just arrived in the last minute and after much suffering.
We must emphasize that in the language conversational attributed extended to the word in question use to refer to the situation of life itself that just as comical mix tragic elements.
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[ 4 ]

sociogram › Definition and Meaning

The sociology is one of the most studied science society itself. The company is a dynamic entity composed of the sum of people. There are several possible tools to study society. For example, you can use a sociogram as a means to obtain specific information about a social group. Sociograms are a simple technique that shaped graph used to show the structure of a particular social group, whether a large or small group.

The importance of common ground to connect the objects of analysis

To use the sociogram in the study of a particular group is important that there are linkages common among members of the same with the aim to establish similarities. The graph allows a better understanding of the affinities between group members. What sectors are most often used tool of sociogram? This method is often used in the field of education.
The sociogram is a fantastic technique analysis data showing an objective reality. Focuses of particular mode in which the emotional ties are established within a particular group. As we said earlier, through the use of sociogram, it is also possible to obtain very important on relations information that children establish with each other in the classroom context. For example, it is possible to identify who is the group leader, which people have more popularity in the classroom and with a higher level of influence through their words and actions.
Conversely, it is also possible to identify who is suffering from the void by peers, with the consequent deterioration of their self - esteem. Knowledge of reality itself is essential to do something about it as teachers, as adults, have a role to guide students.

What kind of questions might include a questionnaire like this?

For example, the question: Who do you like your teammates work together? What do you prefer mates play playtime? What you seem more likeable fellow?
Ultimately, the sociogram also includes the preparation of questionnaires with questions that contain valuable information for interpreting reality objectively.
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pseudonymous › Definition and Meaning

The name is very important for a person as a name refers to the identity essential to the core of it personaliidad of a human being. However, there is a possibility that a person call herself differently in certain contexts. For example, a person working as a journalist can sign his columns and collaborations professionals in various news media under a pseudonym, ie with an alternative name.

A word that identifies us and expresses originality

In that case, the pseudonym shows an alias with which the person wants to be recognized. From this point of view, the use of a pseudonym can also refer to the fact of wanting to be creative and original. Many authors of the history of literature counted on a certain pseudonym, a nickname that became famous thanks to the prestige of its author. For example, when it was rare for women to access areas of social success level professional, there were writers who used a pseudonym in order to hide their true feminine identity and fight for their chance.

The pseudonym as a protection tool

There are cases in which the person may need to use a pseudonym to protect his identity and maintain maximum privacy. This usually occurs, for example, literary contests, since when candidates are presented for a prize, must present a signed with a pseudonym in order to enhance the objectivity in choosing the prize to work ignore who fits work.

Nicknames within the family

Moreover, in the context of family privacy, it is also possible that members of the family use a suedónimo, an affectionate nickname to refer to a member. Moreover, there are popular professionals who are also referred to by a pseudonym, for example, there are professionals in the sport are also popular for a nickname.

When you decide to use another name

There are also singers who have a name art that is different from your real name. Undoubtedly, the choice of a good pseudonym is also essential marketing level because a nickname communicates a specific message itself.
When a person has used long a nickname, it ends up feeling very close ties with the term to the point of establishing identification.
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