Intelligibly › Chocolate Volcano › Citric Caviar › Parónimas Words › Verdura › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. intelligibly
  2. Chocolate Volcano
  3. Citric Caviar
  4. Parónimas words
  5. Verdura

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

intelligibly › Definition and Meaning

The human being understands reality through its direct contact with the surrounding environment. There are realities that are unintelligible by be incomprehensible to human understanding, for example, contradictions and mysteries.However, in the context of the logic of understanding human there are many facts and fully intelligible objects, ie they can be understood in their very essence.
It should be pointed out that the intelligible is the proper object of knowledge which apprehends reality itself. Knowledge manages to make intelligible the information received through the senses. Understandable meets the canons of rational, ie, is information that is consistent in itself.

understandable information of reality

Knowledge has an intellectual action that deals with the known action. This immanent action, ie, that develops beyond time, is the process through which reason makes the information understandable.
In the context of philosophy Platonic intelligible reality is one that connects to the essence of things. Where appropriate, with the transcendental universe of ideas marked by a unique and eternal perfection. This transcendental world is opposed to the changing, corruptible and imperfect essence of physical and sensory world.
It is in this context that lies the true happiness of man since Plato believed that the body was the true prison of the soul. And the soul is freed in death upon contact with the happiness of the perfection of eidetic universe.

intelligible knowledge

Tomás de Aquino also reflects on what is intelligible knowledge as a source of information through which the person assimilates the universal knowledge. That is, the idea that a person table has in mind is a universal designs covering all tables contained in reality.
This process of achieving universal is possible through the power of abstraction. Understanding becomes intelligible sensitive information because while the object has physical conditions, on the contrary, the idea is immaterial and refers in its intention to its real model.
We can also say that a message or a voice is intelligible, in that case, we mean that can be understood.
For example, if two people held a telephone conversation with constant technological interruptions on the line, then the conversation is unintelligible. The constant abbreviations WhatsApp messages can also be an enigma for someone not used to this form of communication.
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[ 2 ]

Chocolate Volcano › Definition and Meaning

The volcano of chocolate is very appealing to both the eye and the palate dessert. It is a cake intense flavor that being chopped leaves pour melted chocolate inside. It was created by Michel Bras, renowned French chef, in 1981, who called coulant chocolate.
To accomplish this aspect, the preparation comprises two phases, the first chocolate to form volcano filling and subsequently the cake is performed is made.

Preparation of filling

To begin by melt chocolate in water bath with cream, butter or margarine, water and instant coffee or coffee extract.
After obtaining a liquid chocolate homogeneous must cool to temperature environment, and then arrange it in small molds having an approximate size of about 4 X 3 cm to be carried to the freezer for at least one day, there being demoulded one hour before being used to prepare the volcano.

Preparation of cake

The chocolate cake is prepared by mixing melted chocolate covered water bath in margarine, ground almonds, flour, egg yolks and sugar until soft dough.
The egg whites beaten stiff with which you are given an added texture spongy the cake, care must be taken that by placing the egg whites do so gently enveloping movements so they do not lose their height.

Armed chocolate volcano

Once cores made chocolate filling and cake is important to follow a series of steps to proceed to assemble the volcano, ensuring achieve the desired look.
Cylindrical molds of about 8 cm which must be coated internally by properly greased baking paper must be used, this has the purpose of facilitating demolding the cake after baking.
First mix the cake is poured into the mold up to approximately half of its height, then the core frozen chocolate is placed right in the center of the mold, taking care not contact edges finally covered with biscuit dough, smooth the surface and left in the refrigerator for about 6 hours.
After this time are removed from the refrigerator, they are passed to a tray and baked 20 minutes at 180 ° C without opening the oven. Once removed from the oven ready let cool slightly and demolded just before serving, they are delicious if eaten warm.

6 recipe for making chocolate volcanoes

Chocolate filling: 120 grams of chocolate bar, 200 g cream, 50 g butter, 20 cc of liquid coffee.
Cake: 120 g of chocolate, 50 g of margarine, 40 g almond flour, 40 g flour, 2 eggs, 90 g of sugar, one teaspoon vanilla.
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[ 3 ]

Citric Caviar › Definition and Meaning

Citric caviar, also called vegetable caviar, is not really any type of caviar (remember that the caviar is roe sturgeon). Citric caviar is a wild fruit of a shrub native to Australia, whose scientific name is Microciturus australasica. The reason why this fruit is called caviar is due to the similarity between the beads is in the fruit and appearance of caviar.

Key aspects of the fruit and its main culinary uses

A cylindrical and with a similar sized finger of a hand form. Has a different color according to their degree of maturation, they can be yellow, green or red.
In recent years the so - called gourmet food has popularized a number of new products and food. One of the most novel is precisely citric caviar. It is used to flavor fish and seafood and is highly valued in Asian cooking for its characteristic sour taste. Moreover, it is appreciated in the world of cocktails as well as complement the most sophisticated pastries.

Citric caviar in Australian Aboriginal culture and its evolution

Australian Aborigines consume this fruit for thousands of years. For them, the consumption of this fruit had a dual function: flavor enrichment of other foods (especially fish) and, on the other hand, the nutritional contribution. In this regard, it should be noted that although primitive people did not know the properties of food did have an intuitive idea about its benefits and in this case his intuition was right, because the citric caviar is a source of vitamin C.
In recent decades the Australian Aboriginal culture is recovering at all levels and in relation to traditional cuisine. Remember that Australian Aborigines have been oppressed by various governments and currently attempts to return to the aborigines that once that was taken from them (their language, their traditions and their way of understanding life).
This movement political and cultural restitution is also reflected in the cuisine. Recovery of culinary traditions is known as Bush food. Bush's approach food is very simple: consume food while respecting the rhythms of nature. One of the foods that have been rescued is citric caviar, but do not forget others like acacia seeds, mistletoe, worms, Manuka honey or nectar from flowers.
The Bush food as new gastronomic current is not a phenomenon unique to Australia, but there are similar trends across the globe, as the Slow food, macrobiotic food or veganism. In all these streams a new way of understanding food with healthier consumption criteria and advocated greater respect for the environment.
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Parónimas words › Definition and Meaning

From a semantic point of view some words can be confused with some ease. This is what happens with parónimas with words and homonyms.

The parónimas words

The word comes from the Greek paronym, namely the prefix which means along or near plus onoma word, which means name. Therefore, the parónimas words are those that are similar or close to each other and therefore can be confused easily. The parónimas words have spelling or writing very similar but its sound and meaning are different. Let us illustrate this definition with some examples: aptitude and attitude, affect and effect, maya and mesh dozen and dozen, anticipate and provide, tile and earthenware, etc.
To try to avoid possible confusion between the words parónimas a useful trick is to look at your writing and sound.

Paronimia and paronomasia

The paronymy is used frequently as a rhetorical or literary device, especially in poetry. When this occurs we talk about the paronomasia. Thus, the paronomasia is to use a poem terms homophones in order to create a sound effect. Paronomasia also used as a resource in some jokes, puns and tongue twisters (TTT is a meaning example of wordplay based on this figure).
Note that the paronomasia used as a pun is like another literary figure, the calambur, which aims to joke with the words (for example, hiding the count or you want, but do not want tea).

The homonyms

Homonyms are words that have different shape, different meaning and also a different etymology regarding their origin, but because of the evolution of language have ended up with the same or a very similar way. In fact, the term homonym means the same words.

There are two types of homonyms: the words homographs and homophones

The first they are written and pronounced exactly the same, for example when it is a close adverb proximity and close synonymously fence. Homophones sound similarly but spelled differently (for example, hello when greeting or wave when referring sea).
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[ 5 ]

Verdura › Definition and Meaning

Vegetables are part of plants that can be eaten either raw or cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, dried or as juice. They can be divided into two main groups:

Vegetables that grow below and above the ground

In this classification are the roots and tubers of plants such as carrots, onions, turnips, potatoes, artichokes, radish, garlic, sweet potato, among others.
On the other hand, when we look above the earth are greens such as spinach, cabbage or lettuce; flowers such as broccoli, cauliflower and artichokes; stalks like celery, asparagus and fennel; shells such as peas, beans and corn ; fruit vegetables, such as eggplant, pepper, chili or tomato; berry fruits like cucumber, zucchini and squash; and fungi, such as mushrooms and mushrooms.

Why do we need to eat vegetables?

We should eat vegetables every day simply because it is not possible to find another group of foods that perfectly suits our everyday human needs.
For starters, they are so low in calories that help maintain a healthy weight, even if ingested in large quantities. This, of course, does not apply if cooked fried or mixed with other fatty foods, like cheese.

Another reason why plants are important is that we provide an important daily intake of vitamins

The human body is capable of storing only certain types of vitamins for future use, such as A, D and E. However, the B vitamins are not stored in the body, but in small quantities. Since the body can not produce these vitamins itself, we have to get them from the foods we eat and vegetables are the best source of them.
Finally the digestive benefits of this food group are surprising. Dietary fiber is essential to our health, it allows food to move through our digestive tract in a healthy way. Vegetables are some of the richest sources of very fiber that we consume.
The daily amount of vegetables recommended for an individual depends on age, sex and how much physical activity practiced regularly. A simple way to get the daily portion is adequate to ensure that half of the plate is composed we eat them.

Differences between fruits and vegetables

Speaking in terms of botany, a fruit is a structure with seed that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, while vegetables are all other plant parts such as roots, leaves and stems.
Under this rule, seed products like apples, pumpkin and yes, tomatoes are considered fruits.
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