Idealism › Renovation › Circulation › Essence › Panorama › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. idealism
  2. renovation
  3. circulation
  4. essence
  5. Panorama

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

idealism › Definition and Meaning

When a person in words presents the inclination to raise the point of the ideal a reality or situation, or even a person, will tell you about that reality or individual with idealism, which idealizes.
Because basically what is proposed idealism is precisely extolling improve it appreciates everything, even if that reality or person do not have or have the characteristics to be elevated to that level of excellence.
In those cases where idealism ends somehow betraying the truth of a fact or person, ie it idealizes the point that is not sure what it is, it becomes a problem no doubt that will generate the person a disappointment, when suddenly discover that what idolized does not answer that construction was done.
This situation occurs frequently in the personal, the interpersonal relationships, affective, where it is common for people idealize a loved one or experiences that have lived with them.
Moreover, it may happen that when both idealize someone or something, then when that someone is not will be very difficult to get out of that situation. Consider a woman who idolized her husband, even after a separation or death, will cost a lot rearm his life because inevitably always end up comparing it with another or looking for that new love looks like or do things the other did.
Moreover, the concept of idealism we used a lot to describe aa quella posture characterized by defending and promoting the ideals and perfect belief, punishing or not accepted as contracara that has to do with the reality of things, indeed not even be perfect.
This posture or way of thinking is common in people as it is popularly it said posts have feet on the ground and only move or manifest truths based on books or theories that can not be applied to a certain reality.
And in consideration of philosophy, idealism is a philosophical system peaking ideas as the basis and principle of knowledge and wisdom of man.
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[ 2 ]

renovation › Definition and Meaning

Renewal is an action that takes place with the mission to restore, change or upgrade something that has become obsolete, which is broken in some way or it is old but still useful and then decided to give a new look through various techniques or elements.
If a device or machine that we have no longer responds to the demands imposed on us by technology today must renew it, then, as usual in that case is replaced with a new or one that will present the new date.
Moreover, the furniture are other elements that tend to subject the benefits of renewal, either because they are old and need a aggionarmiento in the field of painting, or because some of them do not like and then decided to change it.
Currently the replacement of furniture, popularly referred to as restoration, has expanded phenomenally worldwide and this has to do with the interest and demand that continue to present furniture and ancient objects and lighting.
Of course, people want to continue to use as before and give them a more recent mark and therefore is usually realizarles work patinas with current colors or being trend, or also modifies some aspect of its format that is no longer useful.
Meanwhile, for replacement of furniture it refers to the action of changing some furniture by others. Many times we decorate the house according to the fashions of the moment or the time but as with the ephemeral fashion per se, spend some time and it is old or it may be that bored, then those are the most common reasons why a change of furniture is made.
Also houses can be renovated, this may involve painting the front room or some other color or directly change it completely. You can also renew an environment specific, such as a bathroom, incorporating new appliances and fittings.
And we can finally mention that the renewal can take place and reach a document, such as a valid identity card or passport has expired and needs to be renewed to regain force and effect.
Or you can also renew personal aspects of a person, such as their ideas, emotions, among others.
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[ 3 ]

circulation › Definition and Meaning

The concept of movement we use in our language to indicate the movement or transfer of things, substances, liquids and even people from a particular place or through a pathway.
Meanwhile, the word we use to indicate what is expressed in many different contexts and areas, among the most common can include: road traffic, medical, anatomy, monetary, among others.
Because without doubt at the behest of road traffic it is one of the contexts where more word sounds, either talking about the good or poor circulation that exists in a certain street, highway, route. When a major transit route is certainly collapsed, either because it has happened a car, or failing shock because the road is being fixed, rehabilitates, driving on it will be very slow.
Also in the vial context we use the word to indicate which way is permitted circular or who is not in this or that street, place, for example, automobile traffic, bicycle traffic, circulation of motorcycles.
Furthermore, the word used to indicate the circulation passage of the blood through a path, such as a artery. Blood has body circulates through our circulatory system or circulatory system, as it is called.
Then, the primary function of the circulatory system is to allow it to circulate through the blood, nutrients and many other important issues for the operation right of our body.
It should be noted that if any complication in this regard is, on movement, normal movement and survival may be at risk.
Moreover, at the behest of the economy, more precisely when it comes to the currency issue in a country, it is customary to talk in terms of monetary circulation to refer to the amount of money that is present and acting in a given market. In all economies it is moving money from one hand to another in respect of purchases of goods and services, among other issues and that movement, transfer, as it is called circulation.
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[ 4 ]

essence › Definition and Meaning

The concept of essence we use in our language mainly in two ways. On the one hand it designates all those qualities and details and presenting things that make this thing what it is and not another. That is, these characteristics, conditions are fundamental and important because they are precisely what make this thing be recognized as such, they are part of the nature of that thing. On the other hand, the word essence is used as synonymous with perfume, although the essence is characterized by a greater concentration of perfume.

The idea of essence in the history of philosophy

While this word is commonly used in the language everyday and often speaks of the essence or the essence of something, it is in the history of philosophy where more has been addressed. Greek philosophers already addressed the question of the essence of things and reality as a whole. Thus Plato understood that universal ideas are the essences that explain reality. Aristotle referred to the concept of essence to mention the substantial part of something and felt that philosophical activity consists basically in search of the true essence of reality.
According to Aristotle, the idea of essence has helped define what of any reality (what of existence, the world or a particular object). In other words, to talk about something, we have to know what that something is, and therefore we have an idea about their essence.
From a philosophical point of view the concept of essence is complex because it is a term abstract and its definition is problematic. For Christian philosophers of the Middle Ages, the very essence was God. Over time the idea of essence was pitted against another existence.

The philosophical problem of essence has been approached from three perspectives:

1) who have argued that there is a real essence (for example, God or the substance of something), 2) those who considered that the term essence is nothing more than a name used to refer to things, but there is no essence in the strict sense and
3) philosophers who reject the idea of essence because the value as an empty term content empirical and can not explain.
At present, philosophers no longer try to explain the concept of essence.

They are pushing to change situation

It should also be noted that while the essence of someone is not easy to change itself may occur. Usually it happens when a person suffers a weight change in your life, that is, when your life gets cimbronazo on staff or plan professional, that individual can see modified its essence.
This is usually seen when a person moves from one point to another: no power to possess an absolute and almost totally. Probably the person is no longer displayed so affordable to the requirements of others as it used to be and instead is more reluctant to contradict someone at some point of view that is not right.

Perfume essence and

While these two words are used interchangeably, they are not equivalent terms. The perfume is a combination of different scents, while essences are the aromatic substances found in plants.
Therefore, all perfume has a fundamental component that makes up its essence and a series of complementary fragrances that provide a distinctive perfume aroma.
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[ 5 ]

Panorama › Definition and Meaning

The term outlook we use in our language with several references.
One of the most widespread is that which allows us to refer to this view can be seen from a certain place, for example from a window on the top floor of a building and of course offers a certainly wide view distance in the which one is standing.
Or from a viewpoint, one mountain, also places offering per se own height, you can contemplate the panorama of a city, of a people and in some cases we can fully appreciate.
Whenever we talk about panorama in this regard it will be a landscape very important extension.
It should be noted that from the point of view of tourism theme panoramic view is extremely important and in many cases is an issue that can determine the hiring of a hotel over another, if that case one offers a panorama much closer and visually beautiful than the other. We all like if we go to a Caribbean beach that the picture of our room just to the waters of celestial sea.
This sense of the term is much used also as synonymous with the concept of landscape. While landscape is a more popular term, the panorama also has great use to express the same.
And the other quite often used to attribute to this word is to express the general good appearance presenting something, a topic or issue. For instance, when talking about the big picture of something, a specific issue such as the commercial situation of a company, will be referring to the whole of that situation, that is, will be contemplating their overall economic status and no part or portion, or even a matter associated therewith, in other words, will be estimated rather the total numbers and not those reports a department thereof, to cite a specific example.
It is, then, having already addressed the various uses of the concept of landscape in any way that allows us to use it always indicate something general, broad, and that is precisely distinguished by the broad horizon that covers or covers.
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