Foundations › Evident › Inexorable › Make › Escaping › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. foundations
  2. evident
  3. inexorable
  4. make
  5. escaping

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

foundations › Definition and Meaning

The word foundations corresponds to the plural of the term foundation.
It should be noted that the term foundation we use in our language with lots of recurrence and to refer various questions.
One of the most common uses to reference the effect, the result of carrying out the action of founding, which involves establishing something somewhere or is the origin of something.
At the beginning of nations, it was a fairly common activity by the conquistadores or travelers arriving for the first time to a place that had no registration, the founding cities. Among the most commonly used synonyms for this sense we find that of creation.
On the other hand, at the behest of law, it is called foundation to a kind of legal entity consisting of an organization, an association that carries out a particular activity but no profit. The foundation has a heritage monetary and also can dispose of movable assets comprising the same, and that is usually the contribution made by the creators of the foundation in question.
The main mission must fulfill the foundation is satisfactorily perform its social objective, namely that for which it was created. Now if actions arise that involve a profit or economic benefit these will be accepted and respected as part of the mission of the foundation in that way. In other words, everything that makes richer the foundation to carry out their objectives will be welcome.
Generally, foundations have charitable purposes, for example, a foundation created to fight cancer, in addition to deploying campaigns prevention and information on the disease, organize fundraisers that allow them to assist patients who do not have the resources needed to access treatment.
It is worth mentioning that the foundations are also referred to as charities or trustees.
Furthermore, after consulting the field of construction it is called as foundation to the foundation or all elements that serve as axes of a base or building construction. These are extremely important in any construction since they bring stability and sustainability to the building in question.
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[ 2 ]

evident › Definition and Meaning

When something, a fact, a document presented evidence, or someone's opinion about something or someone is very clear, certain and indubitable say that is obvious.
What is obvious it can not be denied and therefore no one can doubt it. It should be noted that the obvious is closely linked to what can be seen directly through the senses. For example, if a person filing a frown, a gesture totally dour and not at all sympathetic, will obviously angry about something.
Moreover, in the language colloquial, it is common to use the word in question in this way: clearly this or that... From this expression people can say that no doubts about any issue that is exposed before their eyes.
Meanwhile, the obvious is a word that has a huge variety of synonyms such as: true, unquestionable, obvious and unquestionable, among others. Meanwhile, the word is to oppose doubtful, instead of the present one refers to that which exhibits doubt is, that is unlikely.
Doubt is the uncertainty, hesitation someone experiences a situation or event that observes and then it will awaken that person a state of uncertainty and lack of belief in what is being said, exposing, ie they prevail doubts over the true and obvious questions, that's what happens when there is doubt.
For these reasons it is usually doubt paralyzes action someone you plan to carry out, concrete, while certainties, what is clear, move to action because they are sure about something, and then not be afraid of making a mistake.
On the other hand the word is used to express clearly yes, of course something.
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[ 3 ]

inexorable › Definition and Meaning

The word inexorable can be used in our language to express this or that does not move left or simply overcome with repeated requests.
Generally, a person who does not usually accept or admit the opinion opposite, or just the opinion of another, can be described as inexorable. Meanwhile, in whom is shown in this way is usually a fee of cruelty and harshness in his personality and from these characteristics can be interpreted, recognized, that relentlessness in acting and thinking another.
The word that opposes this regard is to flexibly, precisely because refers to that or those who do not happen to be rigid and therefore is generally easily accommodate situations.
The other use is attributed to the word is to indicate what is inevitable. For instance, it is used just as synonymous with the word inevitable. It should be noted then that is more common in our language, when you want to indicate that something is not avoidable to happen or occur, are more unavoidable use the word synonymous with its inexorable.
Delving further into the scope of this sense of inexorable term we can add that when something is said to be inexorable, nothing that is done you can avoid it finally happens, that is, beyond precautions or preventions case that do or take, it will happen and against that nothing can be done.
With an example we can see more clearly that we mentioned, if in a given area, as a result of the absence of relevant works, it is proven that every time it rains flooded, while the aforementioned works not practice will be inexorable if it rains heavily the area as always is extremely flooded. So even though the neighbors put gates or using other element with a mission to stop the action of the water, the water will be inexorable cover the area.
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[ 4 ]

make › Definition and Meaning

The word does r is a term in our language presents a widely used and is used to account for various issues.
Mainly use is ascribed to indicate the completion of an action, either the production of something, such as an object, generation, manufacture, creation, construction or composition, among other actions.
For instance, this word is always imply an action, the movement of something and as such opposes anything that is an attitude of passive type or directly not do anything.
It should be noted that the term then do an activity typically called beings that are alive, animals, humans and plants, because only alive who can do things.
And as we said at the beginning of this review, the word do have a tremendous amount of uses in addition to those already mentioned.
When we express the transformation or conversion that someone has experienced as a result of any particular action we do through this term. Juana became Islamist after his trip to the Middle East.
On the other hand, when someone pretends or appears something that is not really what we express by the word in question. Laura does not listen to her mother to avoid punishment but actually listen to everything she says.
Another common use we give to the term to refer to is the kind of weather that takes place in a time and place and determined. It makes cold today I'll take the jacket.
Also, the word is used to express the passage of time between fact and another. About a year ago that Laura does not come to visit.
And also we can find popular expressions containing the word such as: make one of their own (used to express that someone has acted as usual for his personality and custom), gain (to reference the domination of one) and be someone praying (when a person makes another pray and pray to finally concrete action or activity).
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[ 5 ]

escaping › Definition and Meaning

The word escape we use in our language with recurrence and to refer various questions.
One of the most common jobs is to express that has gotten out of the place in which someone or one was enclosed by x circumstance. Three prisoners managed to escape from the hall where they hoped to be transferred. I was able to escape before the car fell into the river.
Moreover, this word is also used to account for the hurried and clandestine departure from one place. Actors escaped through the back door without speaking to reporters.
Also, when you get rid of an issue that causes harm or grief is expressed through the word. Luckily I was able to escape his abuse.
Another use is to indicate when something or someone stood outside the domain of another. I'm sorry, but if your sister escapes my competition and I can not help you this back.
Also, when a liquid of any type or a gas that has been deposited in a particular place suddenly come it may be expressed in terms of escape. There was a gas leak in our building.
On the other hand, when something happens involuntarily examples, ie arises spontaneously without being expected, we usually express with this word: escaped a smile though he was very angry about what happened, let out a fart at the meeting.
And instances of the sport, athletics, more precisely, it is common to run that takes an athlete to overcome and anticipate a rival and thus continue the race to get first reach the goal, is termed as escape.
It should be noted that in specific situations, both animals and humans use the escape action as a defense mechanism against the threat of harm or danger, ie they perceive an attack and then the immediate response will be to flee. The main mission of this behavior is to avoid an unpleasant situation. For example, an individual who has maintained a strong and violent argument with another, escaping from the place when he sees coming.
This term presents a variety of synonyms and among the most commonly used we find: run, leak, slip.
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