Immanent Acts › Branch › Sensitive Impressions › Reduction › Redesign › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Immanent acts
  2. branch
  3. Sensitive impressions
  4. reduction
  5. redesign

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Immanent acts › Definition and Meaning

There are different types of events at the human level. There passersby acts that show a movement and a process (actions that have a particular sequence).
There are different actions that are passers -by, for example, cook a dish kitchen and prepare a recipe. Learn to play an instrument, send a letter via postal mail, do the shopping, drive the car for a trip, biking, planting in the field...

Remaining shares

Such actions are governed by the time factor to occur in a temporal context showing the principle of action, during and the end of it.
However, humans may also be subject to immanent activities, activities in which the subject is the beginning and end of the action.

Love as immanent act

For example, the infatuation is an immanent action. The act of love is not different from the proper object of love and this feeling is part of the soul of the subject and the personal essence own end. The act of living itself is an immanent exercise since life is an instrumental purpose in relation to another end. Contemplation of a landscape is also an immanent exercise since it is an action which begins in the subject beginning and ending, the agent of knowledge.

The love of knowledge, another immanent act

Infatuation has no purpose other than love itself. Similarly, knowledge is also an immanent action to be an exercise whose purpose is intrinsic to human beings, this is one of the reasons I stated at the grassroots level that knowledge does not take place. Passers shares are subject to change while the immanent actions show the value of the permanent.
There are examples of immanent actions: the experience of peace inside, serenity of mind, joy by unrequited love, self - esteem and self - esteem, the feeling of hope... there are actions that are immaterial and whose entity is not viewed from the visual point of view, however, its essence is very real.
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[ 2 ]

branch › Definition and Meaning

A branch is that part of a tree on which they grow their leaves. This initial idea helps us to understand the concept analyzed here. Thus, like a tree has different branches, a given subject also presents different aspects or subdivisions. Thus, the structure explaining certain aspects of reality is precisely branching.

Branch of knowledge

Every science or knowledge is general knowledge, ie a common core and a number of strands or branches. Think of the same nature. To understand it, naturalists have created a model of explanation of general areas (various natural kingdoms) to be branched subdividing way. In this sense, there taxonomy biological and organizational system and is a clear example of branching (taxon is a category or branch and goes from the general to the specific species).
If we refer to the field academics, the various disciplines are organized with a branch and every specialization would be one of its branches.
There are many examples of this way of understanding a more or less scientific subject (genealogy, evolution of species or structure of chemistry). Its theoretical goal is organizational and practical. You could say it's a way of knowing where we are at all times.

Flowcharts in entities

Any group has a way to organize and is generally subjected to a certain hierarchy. Therefore, it is useful to set a branch to explain the organization of a group. Think of a multinational company. It has all kinds of areas, divisions and departments and all this must be operational and effective.
For this reason, it is very desirable to plan a coherent organization, so that the various functions of the company are realized. Making a comparison could say that every job is like a leaf on a tree, each department would be a branch and the company as a whole would be equivalent to the tree.


Generally speaking, a branch is a representation of something, that is, a theoretical model that serves to illustrate a particular point. The pattern of branching is analog type, since there is a similarity between what happens in reality (eg a company) and its organizational form. In conclusion, it can be said that every branch is a conceptual map that explains something.
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[ 3 ]

Sensitive impressions › Definition and Meaning

From a philosophical point of view there are concepts that are particularly relevant in the theory of David Hume, one of the empiricist philosophers par excellence that gives an important value to the value of observation experimental criterion of truth.
The theory of knowledge of David Hume provides significant value to the senses. Such senses receive sensory impressions of external objects, these prints show the connection between the stimulus external to which there is a response from the human who is in constant interaction with the environment.

Information about the world

Sensitive printing provides information about reality because the man knows more direct information from your environment through the external senses that filter specific data according to the object itself every sense.

Colors, forms and information that our eyes and mind receive and process

The sense of sight receives sense impressions defined by color and shape, while the sense of touch receives information about the texture of a particular object, the sense of smell receives sense impressions on flavorings, taste receive specific nuances on the flavors of the food and appreciates the sense of hearing about the sounds. The amount of information received through different senses allows humans to get a fair idea of reality itself.

Knowledge begins with experience

This experience sensitive displays, in essence, an experience of the world of the person who constantly interacts with its environment. David Hume gives a very important value to this sensory experience as the author claims that he can not go beyond experience. Impressions collected the most significant data directly experience.
The observation of reality allows humans to establish partnerships as a cause and effect due to the high value of the probability also based science. This association of ideas next space and time can be the basis for laws. From the standpoint of Hume, sensible experience is not only the source of knowledge but also the border since it is impossible to go beyond experience.
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[ 4 ]

reduction › Definition and Meaning

The reduction concept is used in our language with different senses.

Decrease affecting something

One of the most common uses of the word can designate the reduction, shortening or weakening suffering something, a thing, an object or situation. "Weight reduction Laura is certainly amazing, the diet will work barbaric". "The new president announced an imminent tax cut." "The skirt needs a reduction of about 4 cm. to make you look good. "

Obedience by threat or use of force

Moreover, the word is used to indicate reduction obedience or compliance with someone because someone else has forced normally from a threat or use of force. "After reducing family, criminals ransacked the whole house."

Change to a lower gear in a car

When the word is applied in the automotive plane designate the change rate, from highest to lowest. Reaching the curve had to make a reduction in third gear to second.

Method for solving equations

In mathematics, the reduction is a method used when solving linear equations.

indigenous people converted to Christianity during the Spanish conquest in America

And finally the concept is used to designate those indigenous people who have been converted to Christianity in due course.
As soon as the Spaniards set foot in America after the discovery of the new continent by Cristóbal Colón, the Spanish monarchs, they extended their political evangelizing to the new lands. The Catholic Monarchs attributed enormous importance to religion and of course America meant a vast place that had to spread the love of God and the Catholic faith.
The settlers carried out an important task in this regard, making indigenous people. Once evangelized calls were organized reductions were characterized by community life, that is, assets available to it, plus that occurred there, belonged to her. The Jesuits and Franciscans were able to organize many reductions that would achieve significant development and importance in Mesopotamia Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.
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[ 5 ]

redesign › Definition and Meaning

Redesign something

Re is one of the most used after checking with our prefixes language and we used before some words to indicate repetition of an action. In this case then a redesign refers to the action to redesign something.
The design is the creative activity through which a person thought objects and useful elements and with a specific aesthetic impression, and then be serially produced and commercialized in a market.

Improve the original version

The redesign of an object, an item or whatever can be done with several intentions, an alternative may be to improve the original version of that object, make it more attractive, more current, incorporate new features if outdated, by example. And redesigning may be due to dissatisfaction that the creator has on its design and then decided to rework it from scratch.

Technological advances will set the pace redesign

The revolution experienced by the industry from the nineteenth century and allowed many products manufactured in series and the constant advances proposed by the technology that continues to advance toward better options has generated many material goods are the subject of redesign.
Think of a car, one of the defendants in the real world, often of a redesign plausible by the company that manufactures and markets if it faces compelling reasons to do so. Often proposals to the market that finally meet expectations and satisfy the needs of users, then released, these do know designers through their criticisms, and the manufacturing company to avoid losing market space, decides to redesign the car.
Some common complaints often occur in those popular models, ie those who are the cheapest in the market, and are linked specifically to issues obviously missing comfort to them and they end up being annoying for the customer.

The redesign also can be applied to intangibles

But not only tangible objects can be also redesign the redesign can be applied impalpable things, such as a strategy of marketing or communication.
So it is very important redesign because thanks to it can rework objects and things that do not satisfy the consumer.
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