Incentive › Fees › Championship › Distinction › Complaisant › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. incentive
  2. fees
  3. championship
  4. distinction
  5. complaisant

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

incentive › Definition and Meaning

strong> A people, some animals, we usually provide incentives with the mission to ensure that our behavior in some situation or event is so and not otherwise, or also also to get someone to give its full effort when the execution of a task or activity and thereby achieve maximum benefit, for example.
Normally the incentive is embodied in receipt of: a sum of money or substantial that the person who would receive perceived as such; or a new status on some level that generates the recipient that you feel at ease and more strength to keep working at what he does.
Where more direct and faithfully we can see that we mentioned is in the field work, which is very common that the head deliver various stimuli, which may consist of a sum of money or a promotion, so that in this way the employee feels recognized dear and committed to their work and maximize your work will bring direct benefits in the success of the company.
Because without doubt the more you work for something better is known to be obtained.
It is also common that economic activity in general sole receive incentives from the management of a government to an affected thereby recover economic sector or the economy in general be further strengthened.
But eye not only on economic matters the question of incentive works but also the incentive is a key issue in the social and personnel so that for example some people overcome any frustration or achieve succeed in a subject.
This is basically possible because the incentive, where relevant to the subject, move it to act and can establish itself as the stimulus that per se can achieve something unusual or the realization of a dream or desire longed for a long time.
A father, for example, you want your child to practice a physical activity to keep him from addictions, can encourage your child to buy a new and final team football team to which it belongs, so that in this way your child maximize his training and links with the sport and not leave him.
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[ 2 ]

fees › Definition and Meaning

Fees or fee is the sum of money a professional, a worker, charged for carrying out their work. Normally, you talk about fees when it comes to those workers who work so free lance in certain professions or occupations, that is, when it comes to a worker who works as an employee in a company and talking about money that perceives as payment for their work it is called popularly as salary or wages and not fees.
That is, the fee is equivalent to the salary.
It is important to mention this because usually this word is used this way, with this association
Thus, we often speak of fees when referring to price you have a consultation with a doctor, a lawyer, and also the money that they charge for doing work, either in the context of a transaction or a court case respectively, it is commonly called as fees.
It should be noted that the contract for x reason a professional freelance, independent, the ordinary is to be paid an amount of money for the work you do or the service provided by us and then, once you no longer need your intervention work will not be paid more than the payment it received.
For example, we were fired unjustly from our work and we have to file a lawsuit against our former employers and then hired a lawyer to do so. The lawyer in question charges for carrying out their work a certain fees that will tell us in the first interview and once the representation agreement, closing the customer will pay those fees agreed to in a timely manner agreed.
However, once the trial ends with victory or failure of the work, it does not matter, the lawyer will bill and the customer will no longer have him pay a commitment fee.
Professionals such as doctors, lawyers, journalists, psychologists, establish a fee for providing their work but once you no longer lend your client or patient service will cease to perceive it.
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[ 3 ]

championship › Definition and Meaning

In sports and games is recurrent skills development among participants thereof which have the task of finding the best team, the best player will be honored with the award of a prize and of course the compliment of being hailed as champions.
There are individuals who participate in games and in the sport with a single purpose recreational and where no part competitive issue to beat the opponent, while there are other individuals who like powers precisely because the possibility for measuring their skills with others and to receive an award for it.
Because basically it is a championship, a prize in dispute with other participants and get the championship title.
Then, having made this distinction we will find the existence of championships which aims to entertain and participants enjoy themselves and partly with championships in which the ultimate goal is to win out first.
Because they are professional championships corresponding to some practice and those who play charge money for it, ie, they receive compensation for training, to practice and thereby try to win them out first.
In both cases it is usual that the winner would distinguish with the delivery of a diploma or a drink, while the recurring professional championships is also a sum of money to the winner or the equipment is delivered.
Obviously, in those cases where money is involved, the competition that usually occurs between adversaries, and even between members of the same team, usually wild, unfortunately, being in some serious situations considerations such as fair play and to respect the other as a human being in the background, privileging the competition is clear.
In sport, more precisely in sports such as football, basketball, volleyball and tennis, they are common championships. In football and basketball it is where we find more long - term championships in time, some up to one year and in which the methodology is that every sporting event scheduled points are added or subtracted according to the result.
So, who sits at the end of the tournament first in the standings will be considered as winner of the championship.
Meanwhile, tennis championships usually have a shorter duration in time.
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[ 4 ]

distinction › Definition and Meaning

The concept of distinction we use in our language in more ways than one.
When instances of an exhibition on a subject or matter, who exposes wants to show the differences between two things, ie, list what differences can be found between two subjects or different classes are, we say that is making a distinction. Basically, the distinction aims to single out the characteristics of each class or thing and from that mark the differences between them and make them not the same.
The main distinction between animals and humans is that the latter can reason.
For these reasons it is that the word can also use it as a synonym for difference.
Moreover, it is very common that the term distinction we use to account for the elegance and education that characterizes a person in their behavior and thinking. That is, in this sense, the distinction is the opposite of vulgarity. The distinguished person knows how to dress to blend into a celebration; when it is in a context formally takes care of his language and is formal in treatment, especially those older people and those who do not know; at all times courteous and despite never loses any situation that elegance.
There are events, contexts and places are linked, associated with a distinguished behavior and therefore if we are in them will require us to behave that way and obviously be frowned upon and condemned if we do not drive with education.
It should also be noted that there is a belief popular holding in the collective imagination that those who belong to the upper class of society always have distinction when manifest, while on the other hand, those who belong to the lower class not they have, and more, are tied directly to the coarseness or rudeness.
Obviously not more than a belief imposed following the social differentiation and that has little to do with reality. We may find upper class people with little distinction and lower - class individuals with a lot of education.
And the distinction term also used it as synonymous with prize. It is customary to say that this or that received a distinction such academia for contribution made in their work.
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[ 5 ]

complaisant › Definition and Meaning

A person is willing to another if you try to be nice to her because perform some action that can please the other. Be complacent means that behaves complacently, a quality or virtue of self polite and respectful individuals in their personal relationships.
As with most words, the word complacent goes beyond its mere definition and has some nuances that are worth considering.
If we like someone, we say I'm a people pleaser. And if we are bound to be because of our profession (eg because we work in a commercial establishment) we are complacent as a necessary requirement for interacting with customers. If we were not, our behavior would be inappropriate, since in labor relations is considered that the customer is always right.
Another perspective of complacency happens in the realm of morality. It occurs in the personal circumstances of an individual who considers that imposed himself over attitude complacent, like a moral requirement in its scale of values.
Complaisant act intended to provoke the positive acceptance of others. In this case, the other person is happy, because I had some expectations have been met. So it is to say that we have been pleased. Between the transmitter and the receiver there is something more than an exchange of words, both projected intentions and desires, which sometimes are satisfied or frustrated. Anyone can claim to please but not necessarily get it.
It could be that we were complacent but excessive way. Exaggeration complacent considered a defect, even an expression of too docile and submissive character.
Pleasers are not only prior arrangement on our part because we're kind is necessary. So, if we are willing and ready to please it is because we adopt a previous attitude, also called predisposition.
There is a psychological element when referring to complacency. Exercise it is a useful behavior, knowing in advance we got a target using kind words. It is a strategy universal behavior and incorporate all cultures.
We talk about a complacent behavior when also incorporates friendly gestures. Gesticulation is very important in human relations and belongs to what is called communication nonverbal.
Words, gestures and attitudes involved in the action of complacency, a virtue practiced to a greater or lesser extent in interpersonal relationships.
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