Fjord › Emulsifier › Ideas Leak › Fetishism › Intellectualization › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. fjord
  2. emulsifier
  3. Ideas leak
  4. fetishism
  5. intellectualization

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

fjord › Definition and Meaning

The fjord is a concept used so exclusive after checking with the geography, because with him is termed a type of landform fairly common on our planet.
The fjord is basically a valley that is shaped by glaciers and plunged into the water and then became a pretty tight and deep gulf. That is, the fjord is a sunk as a result of the action of glaciers valley.
However, it should be noted that the fjords are exclusive presences within certain geographical areas and depending on the latitude. At the latitude it is recognized because it is the distance angle between the line of Ecuador with respect to a given planet to be measured along the point Meridiano in which this point has been in question. That is, in the northern hemisphere they are observed from the latid 50 while in the southern hemisphere are possible at latitude 40.
As noted already, it is the depth of the most recognizable features of these accidents of geography, thus, the deepest part is one that is farthest from the coast while it is the least that will be nearest the coast.
Its format that seems to draw a U also is another sign characteristics of these sunken valleys.
Norway is the country with the highest number of fjords in the world, more precisely found in the western part of this Nordic country. Almost all of them are the result of the joint action of ice, rocks and stones during the ice ages.
For specific situations such as the warm currents of the Gulf, in this area as La Fjord Norway call, a live weather very pleasant to visit temperate.
Besides the beauty of the landscape that proposes the Norwegian fjords are very attractive because they can be spotted various species such as porpoises, fish, eagles and seals.
No doubt it is a tourist destination that lovers of good scenery and bounties of nature should visit, no exceptions.
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[ 2 ]

emulsifier › Definition and Meaning

Emulsifiers are substances with which we are in touch daily by forming part of most foods we eat in our diets.
Basically it is named the substances that have the special ability to bind to fats with foods that have mostly water in conformation. That is, the emulsifier does is provide mixtures that can be made of two or more liquid substances, than if they were in normal conditions it is likely not to join.
This ability to bind water and oil is a consequence that the emulsifier has an end which attracts the fat and the other that brings the water.
Because as we know, water and oil are not supported at all, however, the emulsifier realizes that union smoothly. That is, the emulsifier achieved that milestone virtually impossible without him.
It should be noted that once the emulsifier made its work will be much easier to add other components, especially instances of food preparations and in chemical compositions.
Lecithin is one of the emulsifiers par excellence and is called thus because in Latin the word means egg yolk, from which the isolated for the first time back in the mid-nineteenth century. Now, lecithin is found as we said in the egg yolk but also in animal and plant cells.
This substance fat is also important for the contribution of elasticity that gives cells, protecting them from any destructive action. Consumed in good doses helps the proper functioning digestive system, brain and heart. To consume no more than eat eggs, liver, and nuts, among others.
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[ 3 ]

Ideas leak › Definition and Meaning

The thought is very important to the human level and not just as positive habits such studies, but in the everyday environment since the understanding of reality and the interpretation of it is constant. In this article we focus on analyzing the flight of ideas, which is also known as ideofugitivo thought.

What characterizes this thought?

First, the person experiences a constant flow of associations of ideas that do not always have a connection with each other. Thus, this flight of ideas is marked by a certain disorder and drastic jumps topic.
The mind can jump from one idea to another, causing some concern in the recipient of that conversation that the other person feels not really concentrate on what is important. The absence of a vein in a mental speech, the person feels that disperses, has difficulty focusing on a particular point, and therefore also have difficulty removing a conclusion concrete. People who suffer flight of ideas are also those who have difficulty focus on a particular point because they are especially vulnerable to external distractions, respond immediately to any stimulus that can become a disruption.

Associations and searches can be irrational

Having difficulty to establish a focused argument main ideas and supporting ideas, there is a lack of sense of substance of that speech. The mind establishes partnerships for complex ideas that sometimes can be surreal.
A person who has a great mental rhythm, can also acelearse in their verbal speech at times because he wants to express everything that goes through your mind. Flight of ideas is a concept used in psychiatry to define the status of that patient gives disjointed leaps in their conversations.
This disorder can produce consequences in relations personal as it can generate incomprehension in others. Moreover, this disorder also becomes a challenge to overcome in everyday situations, such as public speaking and give a presentation.
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[ 4 ]

fetishism › Definition and Meaning

The behavior human is defined precisely because of its complexity and that is, there are different attitudes. An attitude curious is the fetischismo which refers to the habit of that used to collect certain objects that linked to a certain value, for example, good luck person. Thus, a person can collect a countless number of objects that gives a magical value according to beliefs that are irrational but which firmly believes.

Fetishism and good luck

The relationship between fetishicmo and the concept of luck is explained even in the origin of this word as it comes from the Portuguese term "feitiço". Under this concept of good luck, fetishism can also show adoration by the person figures to those linked to a supernatural character, in this way, the person in those figures an idea of protection and shelter.

Conditioned and expressing admiration for objects

The fetischista takes its relationship with these objects to the point of undue reverence to hide own attitudes of idolatry that give an absolute value to certain objects. Thus, the fetischista also establishes a relationship of dependency on these objects so that their freedom is also constrained.

Fetishism in religion

There are different forms of fetishism, for example, there fetishism religiously linked to the spiritual character of the person. Through this fetishism supernatural values are linked to material objects that are inanimate but who are given a religious value for a specific reason. This kind of fetishism shows consciousness spiritual that has the human being as that questions regarding the transience of life is death as a mystery and a turning point in human destiny.
Inflection point that represents the unknown beyond. Thus, through the fetishism towards certain objects, the person feels some security and looking for a haven in which to hold on to a hope - level emotional. In fetishism religious figures are an average, a meeting point between the person and the divine. However, it falls into idolatry when you lose sight that these figures are a means to approach God and not an end in itself.

In the field of sexuality

Another form of fetishism is sexual. Sexual fetishism is typical of a person who puts his desire in a particular object.
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intellectualization › Definition and Meaning

The human being is a gifted two human faculties that have great potential in relation to happiness: knowledge and will, two faculties which must be in harmony as wanting what is right always to the logic of reason must be in order linked to the ability to reflect on a particular subject that allows discern right from wrong and to differentiate. However, the human mind is very complex as it also has its own pitfalls.

With multiple cards up his sleeve

A possible pitfall is that hides behind the intellectualization a habit that shows the attitude of one who seeks many arguments on a particular issue in order to have absolute control over your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Through intellectualizing the person seeks avoid conflict inside to feel in control and mastery over itself.
Thinking and thinking is very positive since life itself has a deep part of theory, however, there are people who think too much and end up entangled in their own thoughts. Over - intellectualizing it reminds us to think too much is not good. The intelecualización is an escape route through which the person takes refuge in the power of reason to mark a distance emotion or a feeling that is uncomfortable.

On the basis of logic and reason

The intellectualization far from exalting the value of feeling, emphasizes the power of logic of reason. From this point of view, an issue addressed in a partially left while in the background all the emotional aspects involved in the matter when the truth is that feelings also make reality itself.

Topics that do not belong to logic, such as feelings

Sometimes, the error stems from wanting to intellectualize certain areas that do not respond to one hundred percent to the canons of mathematical logic. For example, happiness is not an equation exact because each case is unique and unrepeatable but also life is so complex that not all factors can be explained in a rational manner. For example, there is also the chance and luck showing the field of the unpredictable.
From this point of view, it is noteworthy that human beings can also be questions without a single answer since there is the realm of mystery associated with existence.
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