Glamor › Paroxysm › Moods › Greedily › Plausible › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. glamor
  2. paroxysm
  3. Moods
  4. greedily
  5. plausible

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

glamor › Definition and Meaning

The term glamor comes from English and like many others has been added and adopted by the Spanish language as a result of the enormous extent of their employment in using colloquial.
Meanwhile, the concept applies to those people, situations or objects that stand out for their elegance, charm and appeal and the case is that they generate a huge fascination for those who appreciate them.
The word is closely linked to the environments of fashion and art, more precisely in the case of the latter to those actors and actresses renowned and integrate what we might call the star system Hollywood to name one of those considered most glamourous. Anyway we note that in almost all relevant artistic industries, their figures most important feature is the glamor or associated with them.
While on the other side of fashion, top supermodels and designers also are considered by ordinary people who squander celebrity glamor.
While each person will have their own vision of what he sees as elegant and attractive, there are conventions that are already installed and establish that someone has or not glamor. So, attend an important event in jeans and sneakers will be considered very unglamorous while doing a stunning gown and accessories in keeping itself will be.
But beware that not only people we can apply this word, we must also say that there are places or things per se have glamor. For example past buildings that enjoy architecture very special and unique and are well acclimated with furniture precious time are considered authentic representatives of glamor.
It should be noted that behind this concept is a story that has much to do with the use of the word we apply today but that it was decisive for use in the sense that we do.
Because in the past the word was used to indicate a spell that attacked a person and caused this change your perception of things, seeing them beautiful and attractive.
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[ 2 ]

paroxysm › Definition and Meaning

The concept of paroxysm terms in our language the supreme exaltation of something, usually feelings, opinions, feelings of sexual arousal or passions. That is, it is the most intense and acute mentioned time.
We really must emphasize that it is not unusual for people to talk in terms of paroxysm to refer the above lines above is more current than just the word exaltation is used, is more popular latter to be used, however, it is correct that also expresses the word in question to refer.
In the field literary and the oratory, the paroxysm is widely used as a resource or tool to exaggerate something, exalt, or to express an exaggerated manner and with great passion a situation. For example, when someone says that there is another one better than him in life, you will incur a paroxysm. In this sense then, the paroxysm generally turns out to be the consequence of admiration extreme you have for someone and if such is the need to put it grandly that there is nothing better than a paroxysm to do so.
Many politicians in his oratory often include the use of paroxysm to speak to his people and thus enlarge a situation to move them. And also his staunchest followers often respond with paroxysms when people talk about them before we know them both or to defend against those who depose.
Moreover, the medicine is given a specific use to indicate precisely the time, stage sharper a disease that suffers, that is, the paroxysm of a condition will be that stage at which it deteriorates remarkably and then symptoms and general condition of the patient is the worst.
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[ 3 ]

Moods › Definition and Meaning

A person experiences different moods that can be realized in a more specific way through a feeling or an emotion. It is possible to say the following expressions: I'm lively, cheerful, enthusiastic, happy, motivated... They are examples that refer to a particular state of mind. Well, it is also possible to use the expression "I am happy" to express in a way colloquial a cheerful mood.

An expression of happiness that makes us forget the problems

When a person is happy you feel relaxed, feel that there is cause for joy in your mind that are stronger than their concerns, experiences a joy in your heart that is also transmitted through body language. When a person is happy he can not help but smile. The feeling of being happy is ranked in the line of emotions pleasant. It should be pointed out that there is a gradation in the feelings defined by joy.

A reflection of being well with oneself

In this sense, be content implies a lower intensity of joy that joy marked by a feeling of inner fulfillment. In essence, being happy means being satisfied with oneself or, to be satisfied by some event occurred recently. The connection between happiness and happy is related as a cause and effect because a person is truly happy when you feel happy with herself and her life.

Faced with a scenario of concern, what is recommended to re-find stability?

As opposed to the feeling of being happy you are the situation of those who are unhappy or worried for some reason in your life. Learn to be happy on a day to day is a learning need to be happy owning your own emotions and not being locked in external circumstances. What can you do to be happy?
1. First, put the spotlight on everything you have and do not pay much interest to everything that you need.
2. Celebrate your successes as long downplays your failures.
3. Power the attitude of gratitude to your friends and your loved ones to be there in an unconditional way. Similarly, you can also enhance gratitude to yourself for being your best friend.
4. Learn to be your own time and not a slave to it. You can make a good management clockwise adjusting your schedule to your priorities.
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[ 4 ]

greedily › Definition and Meaning

Greed is a behavior that develop people and is characterized by the phenomenal desire to possess something, a good, data, information, knowledge, power, for example, and among many others, or specify any targets, plan being planning or which has been prepared long.
The desire aroused greed is so, so intense that it can even make the person experiencing it is able to carry out unthinkable actions, crazy, unusual and even illegal, who are outside the law.
Basically, people naturally and without exception we hunger for something, that is, we could say that it is a characteristic and identifying the human being, who always proposes and raises achieve more and more in life... in your work better position in its economic life more and more money, and we could list many more.
Avarice and greed are without a doubt trigger craving.
Greed is understood as a totally disordered desire and end having a person and that leads to gather as much material and hoard goods. It is an attitude that does not rest and has no limits because the more avaricious has more want to continue saving. And there is also an extremely selfish side by the miser because no way to share with anyone think of what treasures, even in extreme circumstances. It is so blinded by the desire that nothing moves.
From the point of view of religion Christian, greed is doomed plane and is regarded as a sin which the good Christian must be waged.
It is newly exposed avidity the term is often used interchangeably greed and greed.
However, we must also mention that greed is not only linked to material matters as anticipated line up but can also trigger it other situations, such as the study or practice of any sport, they can make the person involved in them avid demonstrate in achieving success both in this study and which faces the sport practiced.
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plausible › Definition and Meaning

The concept of plausible we use in our language with two senses fundamentally. On the one hand, when something is worthy and deserves praise, applause, for their conditions of excellence, for that which expresses or implies respect any action that has developed, it will be discussed in terms of plausible.
On the other hand, when something is credible, recommended, acceptable will be said of him that is plausible. This sense would normally apply in relation to those facts, circumstances which conditions are to be real, certain absolutely possible.
Undoubtedly this is the sense that we use at present.
It is plausible that your brother was not able to call on time because in that area there is no phone signal cell. The hypothesis put forward by the prosecution about the cause of death of the prosecutor is absolutely plausible.
So we must say that when something is said is plausible, in this second sense of the word mentioned, will be coherent, logical, ie, all the elements that comprise it are in close harmony with the coherence and make it credible, possible. By case not too much of it is doubtful.
However, we must emphasize that when something is said is plausible is that it gives it for real, that is, with that qualification is placed in the context of the probable, possible and logical, but we must advance the deepening their study to find evidence to determine it as true and undeniable, especially when it comes to events that require a ruling that determined as true or false.
The concepts that are opposed to this concept are on the one hand reprehensible, according to the first sense of the word addressed, and secondly it unlikely or not credible would be the counterpart of the second sense.
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