Light Energy › Right To Equality › Legal Status › Anterograde Amnesia › Final Judgment › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. light energy
  2. Right to equality
  3. Legal status
  4. Anterograde amnesia
  5. final judgment

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

light energy › Definition and Meaning

If we observe nature and everything around us, things are always happening. Everything is in motion : clouds, tree leaves, ourselves and the machines we use. To make this possible it is necessary to act a type of energy. There are various types and discussing energy source to explain the cause of each activity. Man lives because it has enough energy that will provide food. The same applies to other sources heat, air or water.
One of the energy is light. As its name suggests, it comes from sunlight. The sun emits light rays and activity on Earth is maintained by the action of light energy from the sun.
The light energy is present at the origin of most phenomena we observe. Day and night there by the projection of the sun's rays on the Earth is rotating on itself. In the film we see how light is projected. Mirrors used are smooth, concave or convex, and when the light hits them we have a certain viewing angle. These simple examples demonstrate that light energy is part of the world in which we live. It is impossible to imagine a day without observing a phenomenon without light energy.
Understanding of light as a phenomenon and the mechanisms of light energy have changed from antiquity to the present. We now know that light energy comes from the waves of light, and it also exists in other than the sun, like fire or a simple light bulb sources. Light waves (eg a computer or personal mobile phone) are perceived by our eyes through the cornea and retina, so you can see things. Although not all rays are visible (UV are best known).
Imagine a situation. A guy with glasses is looking at the sea. His vision will depend on the type of lens you use. If they are convex lenses not have a good near vision. At the same time, the light impinging water causes refraction and the individual glasses believed that the water is less deep than it actually is. This scene we imagine that there is light energy, also called light. The main energy of this type is facilitating the Sun and its advantages are very emphatic: it is a cheap, clean and non - polluting energy is not exhausted and respects the environment.
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[ 2 ]

Right to equality › Definition and Meaning

People are different. We have physical, intellectual capacities and very different social situations. These differences are obvious, but this does not mean that the difference between people having to be advantageous in all circumstances. So there is a sense of justice in a society is desirable to have a clear idea of equality. Differences between people are equal through the law. There are a number of historical documents (the declaration of human rights, the rights of man...) expressing the idea that man is about individual rights. One of the most important individual rights is the right to equality.
Where does this idea? The ancient Greeks were the creators of philosophy Western. They reflected on the nature and also on ethics and society. They were the drivers of democracy and it is based on two ideas: isegoria and isonomía. Isegoria means that all citizens are equal in an assembly, there is no one above the other. Isonomy means that we are all equal before the law. These two concepts are the source of equality and therefore the concept of Right to equality
Right to equality exists when a law contemplates and protects. Throughout history it has expanded this idea. For many years women were not equal before the law (for example, could not vote). Slaves were lower class citizens and were not equal mainly because of their race. In some countries, homosexuality is cause for discrimination legal. These examples demonstrate that the right to equality provided for in the laws (mainly in the laws of democratic nations) to try that differences based on sex, social status or race among people not discriminate against people.
Consider the symbol of justice: a woman with scales and eyes covered with a bandage. The message of this symbol is simple, that justice is true only if you ignore differences between individuals, ie, believes that all people are equal before the law exactly. For this reason, we keep talking about equality in many current debates. There is gender equality when laws and regulations ensure that men and women are in the same conditions. And there is the idea of equal opportunities. This concept is key within the right to equality and means that regardless of our personal, we all have the opportunity to participate in the same circumstances as others.
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[ 3 ]

Legal status › Definition and Meaning

The law is the way to order human relationships within a society. So that there is harmony and respect for rules among individuals within a community, you need to develop rules to organize the coexistence. The law develops various regulations, codes and application areas (civil code, penal code, administrative law, commercial...). One of the key elements are the basic principles of law, ie those general ideas from which the laws are developed: the equality, freedom and justice. From these principles they are beginning to realize the concepts of law; there are general concepts, requirements, enforcement, etc. The personality legal is one of the basics own right.
The fundamental idea of legal personality is to recognize that someone (a person) or an entity (company, association or foundation) has rights and certain obligations. In other words, the legal personality attributes the ownership of duties and obligations as the holder thereof has them for the simple fact to exist without their acceptance needed. Having ownership of rights and obligations, the person or entity can now work legally.
Each nation has its own definition of legal personality, although in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically in Article 6, the formal recognition of the notion of legal personality in a general sense explained. A person or entity has recognized legal personality means that the law will protects and protects you, allowing to fully perform all their legal capacity. It is considered that the legal personality is an achievement of the right, as there have been and there are cases where there is no such recognition: in times past slavery and women in some countries today.
Taking the Civil Code legislation Spanish, the idea of natural persons and legal entities are distinguished. The idea of a natural person is based on birth and disappears at the time of death. Person or legal entity is established when it is formalized as such. A concrete example is the case of a partnership, which would have legal personality at the time that its statutes are approved. From the administrative and legal recognition of the statutes, an association already has a legal personality and can act legally.
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[ 4 ]

Anterograde amnesia › Definition and Meaning

The human brain is the great computer of our organism. Intervenes and regulates all activities: movement, language, emotions, reasoning... And memory is one of the mental functions that are organized in the brain.
Memory allows us to assimilate information, sort it and keep it. You could say that memory is our store of information we handle. Through it, we have the ability to put ourselves in the framework of past, present and future.
However, the memory has alterations, ie failure. It is not small errors not remember a particular fact, but of pathologies. There are several types of problems that affect memory. One of them is amnesia, which involves not remember any information.
There are various forms of amnesia, since the concept of memory is its very broad time. Anterograde amnesia is where he does not remember what happened so recently. The individual affected by this amnesia has memories of the past with full normality, however not assimilate the nearest information. It is a peculiar pathology, because information stored is not the facts, events and no specific data. Thus, a patient with anterograde amnesia can not remember a conversation that has stayed an hour ago, but it is able to learn a new game.
Anterograde amnesia is caused by some kind of brain damage, usually aneurysms. This condition severely affects the daily lives of those who suffer. To partially overcome the disadvantages of not remembering recent events, patients have to write down or record what happens throughout the day. So they can have some control over their lives. It should be borne in mind that this amnesia forced to live in the immediate present. The recent past is forgotten and there is only the remotest past, memories prior to the onset of anterograde amnesia.
A variant of anterograde amnesia is Korsakoff syndrome. It's a recent memory disturbance caused by abuse of alcohol.
The concept of anterograde amnesia is opposed to the last retrógrada.Ésta amnesia is the inability to remember the past, there being no problem in retaining this information. Both amnesia and other severe, since memory is the basis of what we are. Without the near or distant memories we stop being ourselves. Our identity as individuals is based on memory.
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[ 5 ]

final judgment › Definition and Meaning

The judges are responsible for judging legal disputes between two persons or litigants. In the development of a trial, the warring parties (plaintiff and defendant) present their arguments through their respective attorneys. Meanwhile, the judge will thoroughly knowing the facts. Finally, the judge or a qualified court shall issue a ruling, a final for or against a resolution of the two parties. This final resolution is the sentence. In it, a series of legal arguments are presented. In conclusion end (operative part) the judge issues a ruling. This is the general idea of a sentence.
There are several types of statements. They can be acquittals when the judge agrees with the defendant. It is damning when reason opts for the plaintiff.
In general, the law contemplates the possibility that litigants may appeal to another court for the case to be reviewed. It is what is called a resource. In the event that the law provides that it is not possible appeal, the sentence will be considered final. To have this consideration, the law that applies in the fault must expressly indicate. In addition, another requirement that the sentence is final is that litigants have missed the deadlines for appeal.
Thus, the final decision is final. The ruling is final and must be applied as the judge has completed its resolution. The origin of the final judgment comes, as most legal situations, the Roman law. The purpose of the final judgment is to avoid a retrial, understood in this way so both parties are protected.
The idea of a final judgment is clear: that there can be a new trial. However, the legislation of most countries provides for the possibility to review a final judgment. The first requirement for this is that one of the parties requests a higher court, usually the Supreme Court. This body has the power to reopen the case and therefore void the final judgment if any of the following requirements are met: the emergence of new relevant data, demonstrating the falsity of the information or testimony from experts or some kind of irregularity (the reward, for example) to justify the cancellation of the original judgment.
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