Godfather › Admission › Disavowal › Ginger › Treasuring › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. godfather
  2. admission
  3. disavowal
  4. ginger
  5. treasuring

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

godfather › Definition and Meaning

Godfather word has two distinct meanings. One has to do with the Catholic religion and the other with humanitarian aid.

Figure Godfather in Catholicism

In the Catholic religion when a child receives the sacrament of baptism must be accompanied by a sponsor, the person who undertakes to ensure the baptized child (his godson) and guide you in the Christian life. Godfather function is to collaborate with parents for a child to be educated properly, to the point that if parents passed the sponsor should assume its responsibility and caring for his godson as his own son. The sponsor should be chosen by the child's parents, having fulfilled the age of majority and profess the Catholic religion. This tradition has been lost roots in recent decades and now the godfather is a figure with more value symbolic than real.
In the Catholic tradition there is also a sponsor for weddings, which is the person who accompanies the bride at the church entrance and guide him toward the altar. Prior to the marriage bond, the sponsor has the responsibility to guard the rings and after giving do want the best man must sign the book of record. Traditionally, the best man is the father of the bride but this custom has been relaxed in recent years.

Sponsorship of children with limited resources

Some humanitarian organizations promote sponsorship, which is that a person financially helps a child so you can improve their living conditions, especially on issues related to health and education. The person who regularly contributes an amount of money is the godfather, who normally get a picture of your sponsored, as well as letters, drawings and general information about its evolution personal and academic.
Sponsorship is a way to exercise solidarity. It should be borne in mind that a small amount of money in the first world can be a significant aid in developing countries.

A sponsor for all types of projects

The idea of sponsorship of projects related to children has changed and now someone can help by sponsoring a tree, an animal or a project social. Such actions are usually performed through institutions or campaigns that promote solidarity in some form. In any case, a sponsor who provides a lot of money to a cause you know you are contributing their bit in which he considers necessary and valuable, whether child -centered projects, reforestation of a forest or caring for abandoned animals.
Photo: iStock - Neustockimages
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[ 2 ]

admission › Definition and Meaning

Admission means accepting the fact someone in an activity, that is, in admitting. This same definition can be applied to things, so it is possible to talk about the admission of a document or a claim.

Admission referred to people and procedures

For a person can access certain places you must have some sort of permit or authorization. So if someone does not belong to a club you can not use its facilities, since there is a right of admission (club members are accepted but not so with those who are not partners). The admission fee applies to all those who do not meet any necessary requirement. On the other hand, we must not forget that some locals have a sign reminding that there is a right of admission, with which is meant that if someone behaves inappropriately can be expelled from the premises.
To have some services or benefits is necessary that previously a series of steps are taken. When they finish an application is submitted and this should be assessed to be admitted or not.
In any case, admission acts as a filter to determine if someone can do something or to consider whether some procedures are properly met. In everyday life we speak of admission to college, processes or deadlines for admission, admission exams, etc. People want to be part of organizations and receive services and we must be admitted through some sort of procedure.

Situations of non-admission

In the field of law you may file a lawsuit against someone, but it must meet certain legal requirements because otherwise the demand will not be admissible.
Non - admission about someone or something can be rejected and, accordingly, it is possible to make a claim or an appeal against the dismissal.
There are private entities that have their own criteria to allow entry to attendees. The dismissal of someone may have some justification (eg not accept people drunk or some indication of danger) but sometimes people are not allowed for questionable reasons (for example, in some clubs do not dress forms considered allowed inappropriate).
In whatever form the non - acceptance functions as a selection mechanism, such that no valid and admissible issues and, in parallel, other that are unacceptable.
Photo: iStock - FlairImages
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[ 3 ]

disavowal › Definition and Meaning

Repudiation is defined as the action of repudiating, that is, reject anything relying on some sort of reason moral. The act of repudiation occurs, therefore, in situations where an observed behavior that we consider reprehensible and should be eradicated.
Repudiation is also known as a legal form of dissolution of marriage in Muslim countries reject area it allows the husband's wife unilaterally, without there is objective because neither the woman or the judge may oppose.
In the civil code repudiation of it it is also contemplated heritage, which is the dismissal of the latter by an heir.

Repudiation as a coercive tool

Generally, the use of the verb is often used to express repudiate a degree of superlative rejection, which can be considered greater than usual. Repudiation occurs to actions that shake the deepest values of the person. Actions are manifestly unfair or harmful, malicious acts or disriminatorios, or in general all those ways of acting that violate the most elementary ethical or moral.
Repudiation is not an intimate action. Because the act that causes it shakes the structures of value that a person or group has about life, the individual is not limited to exercise their rejection of quiet and personal way, but needs to show it so obvious to all the world take aware of their dissatisfaction with this way of proceeding.
In this regard there are two types of manifestation of rejection, spontaneous and another planned. Materializes spontaneous shouts and demonstrations of disapproval, and is, for example, the kind of attitude that takes the audience attending a football game when he attends a mistimed challenge that puts in danger the physical integrity of a rival.
The other formula seeks to go further and get who has carried out the action or made certain statements, take a step back and retract. For this often used letters, speeches, or even organized events to put pressure on who has made the offense.
Repudiation is therefore a way of trying to eradicate attitudes and modes of action that is considered to have no place within the framework of values which a society is governed.
Photo: iStock - william87
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[ 4 ]

ginger › Definition and Meaning

Aromatic, twisted and slightly spicy flavor, ginger is a plant grown in tropical regions around the world and is highly prized for its medicinal value and use in the kitchen.
Rhizome or underground stem, is that most take advantage of this plant part. It has a texture firm and ridged, and their flesh may be yellow, white or red, according to the variety. Brown skin can be thick or thin, depending on whether it was harvested when mature or young. It can be eaten fresh, dry powder as a spice, an oil or juice form. Ginger belongs to the family Zingiberaceae, along with cardamom and turmeric, and is commonly produced in India, Jamaica, Fiji, Indonesia and Australia.

The benefits of ginger for health

Eat fruits and vegetables of all kinds it has been long associated with reduced risk of contracting various diseases. Many studies suggest that eating more foods of plant origin, such as ginger, helps prevent obesity, diabetes, certain diseases of the heart and overall mortality.

Throughout history, ginger has been used to relieve digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness and pain

Its phenolic compounds are known to help alleviate the gastrointestinal irritation, stimulate saliva and bile production, in addition to suppressing gastric contractions and improve the flow of food and fluids through the gastrointestinal tract.
This result has also been used for centuries as a reducing of muscle pain and a natural inflammatory, especially useful for inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.

Nutritional value

Use fresh ginger is an easy way to add flavor to food and beverages without adding unnecessary sodium. Because normally consumed in very small quantities, does not add significant calories, carbohydrates, protein or fiber.
This food also contains numerous anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants beneficial to health such as gingerol, beta-carotene, capsaicin, caffeic acid, curcumin and salicylate.
Finally, providing vitamins B6 and C, as well as potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals.

Are there risks to consume ginger?

Natural ginger is safe for most and its side effects are unknown, however, some people may increase symptoms of acid reflux. Moreover, the effectiveness and the side effects of ginger supplements can vary by brand and formulation.
The total diet and general habits of consumption are the most important in the prevention of diseases. It is preferable to eat a variety, rather than focus on a single food.
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[ 5 ]

treasuring › Definition and Meaning

Treasuring concept is used to refer to the accumulation of a good value. For example, a person with a good economic position, boasts an important fund to deal with potential unforeseen expenses in future savings. We can also say that fashion bloggers hoard a large wardrobe with clothes and accessories to dress accordingly to the occasion. A person who is stamp collector treasures ample material value.
Some readers who are great lovers of reading also treasure a comprehensive bibliography in your personal library reading at home. This process of treasuring a particular good is also accompanied by other virtues, one, perseverance and patience. Since for treasuring a well, it is essential to develop an action plan and through this planning have proper organization in the management of such property.
The value of hoarding has a connotation positive, ie, it does not refer to the mere accumulation of goods but the value it has itself well.

Treasuring a well

It is not only possible treasuring a well on a personal level it is also possible to say that a city treasures a great artistic and architectural heritage in the old town. Similarly, a museum with an extensive collection of paintings treasured valuable works to his credit.
Property that holds a person can not only be material. We can admire someone for the qualities you have, for example, for the gifts that treasures: their strengths, their attitude positive, an effort to overcome... In short, among the qualities that we all cherish include those skills that make us unique and different in a positive way. Hopefully over your life, hoard many moments of happiness.

Treasuring emotional value

A level affective and emotional, a person treasured memories through photographs of her album, images showing the value of a life shared moments with loved ones and friends. A person can also accumulate knowledge as a specialist in a subject in which he is an expert. For example, we give more credence to the claim of a professional prestige thanks to its experience hoards great knowledge and extensive practical experience.
Photo: iStock - gradyreese
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