Expedition › Premium › Diversification › Approach › Corruption › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. expedition
  2. Premium
  3. diversification
  4. approach
  5. corruption

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

expedition › Definition and Meaning

It is correct that in our language we use the word expedition to refer to the act of delivery of something, usually any authorization, permission, a decree or a special document on something, such as a passport, identity card or identity card.
Without the certificate of good conduct you can not apply for the job. The expedition driving record has been relatively slow, more than expected.
Usually are bodies or authorities responsible for carrying out the above action, ie, any individual can not issue a driving record or certificate of good conduct, that such should do it authority on the subject as is the police and justice through what appears on criminal records.
But undoubtedly the most recurrent and widespread use of this word is one that refers to the journey that a group of people perform to a particular destination with a recreational purpose or in its scientific default, ie, is done in the context of an investigation that they are carried out and that can make them valuable data and knowledge.
It also noted that usually the route and final destination of shipments are not all that simple and that is why they are often provide a quota of adventure.
Also, to all the people who make up an expedition they are generally referred to with this term.
The case expeditions are groups of individuals generated very common and always as we said have a mission or purpose to fulfill ahead.
In addition, these organizations people are certainly old long since used, especially with a discoverer or investigative purposes on any matter of interest or historical ago.
In the fifteenth century, for example, after the accidental discovery of the continent American conducted by the navigator Cristóbal Colón, expeditions became a frequent activity among the so - called old world and the new world. The various adventurous, more or less experienced, organized these trips for you to discover territories and also material wealth, and that had many.
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[ 2 ]

Premium › Definition and Meaning

While the concept of Premium we have adopted and transferred to our language from another language such as the English must emphasize that having achieved widespread use and we take it as a word our most, despite clear that foreign origin indicated.
However, it is important to also mention that word in the English language has several references but the sense we have done himself in Spanish is one that allows you to indicate the supreme quality of excellence that has something, usually a service or a product consumer.
So when something has a condition or sublime nature in comparison with those that belong to their class tell you is Premium.
Meanwhile, one of the traits characteristic of these products is that they always cost much more than the rest of the products or services and this is precisely because knowing that plus they offer make it worth, they impose, through the price.
For instance, premium products and services are consumed or purchased by individuals mostly middle - class and upper or millionaires who have that envelope value that characterizes them.
Obviously this question is what makes them super exclusive, because when a product is good, it becomes fashionable and above has an affordable price, everyone will acquire, meanwhile, when a product of excellence is given a certainly high cost, it is known that only people with good purchasing power can buy, what is being done is also make it more exclusive, more select, so you do not have it all but only a few who will be in a unique point to have it.
In short, premium products and services are intended for those who handle succulent amounts of money.
Financial institutions, cable companies, food products, hotels, airlines, apparel brands, among others, often have services or products of this type. Even normal propose basic options for the general public and other premium for the public to have greater economic capacity.
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[ 3 ]

diversification › Definition and Meaning

Something different is something that has variety. And diversification refers to the procedures and various actions regarding something. The idea is simple: to transform one thing into another.
It is in the business arena where this concept is used. Diversification is a strategy business. Some entities are engaged in the sale of a product or service. Your marketing can be profitable, but there is a risk that competitors achieve significant market share. Faced with this threat diversification: a new entrepreneurial approach is activated. It is dividing the effort. A product or service ceases to be the central element and others appear.
The main purpose of diversification is to reduce risk. It's easier than a product fails in the market that are five that do not work. In addition to minimizing risk, diversification aims to exploit the prestige and brand image for the additional benefit. Another aspect of business diversification is finding new markets. It's a trend own business, investment and business activity as a whole.
An individual may also have a strategy of diversification in its investments. Instead of putting your money into an investment fund, you decide to invest in several entities. The loss of part of the investment does not involve all of it.
In popular language there are expressions referring to diversification. There is a saying that reads: Do not put all your eggs in one basket. It is advice applicable to many circumstances.
The development of educational systems or models, diversification approaches are used to organize the teaching of certain groups with special characteristics. There are students with difficulties learning or have some kind of disability. So that they can be integrated into the school curriculum diversification plans, ie projects tailored to their personal circumstances are made. For the school to be inclusive and not any kind of marginalization, it is necessary to apply different learning methods, since a system is not useful for everyone. Therein lies the educational diversification.
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[ 4 ]

approach › Definition and Meaning

Approach is to raise, which means exposing an idea. In an everyday sense we say we want to know what the approach someone about a problem, which means we have curious to know your main idea.
There are different uses of the word approach. One is the main idea about a asunto.También means strategy. An example may be helpful in this case. A football coach explained before the game to players on your team what their approach will find that dispute. With few words and ideas move a message. If you say "I want all defendáis the goal, " coach is bringing a defensive approach. From his words, players already know how they have to play. Another of the most common uses of the term is related to problems in general. An individual is faced with a problem of some complexity. First try to understand best and finally makes an explanation thereof. At that time the approach, the vision of the problem arises. If there is no correct approach to a problem it is impossible to find a solution.
In the literary vocabulary, particularly in the world of theater, the word approach as the first element of the structure of classic plays used. First there is a statement of the issue (the general idea for the viewer to understand the argument). Then the knot appears (the initial idea develops) and eventually the outcome (the time of the conclusion, which communicates what the end of the action account).
In philosophy and science using a very precise idea of the concept of approach is needed. Ethical reflection before (for instance in the field of philosophy) on a social problem, it is necessary to define the principal coordinates analysis to be performed. Similarly, medical researchers have to do first tests serve as the basis for a diagnosis, ie, an approach that defines the subsequent healing strategy.
If an approach has a wrong item or a fault, it is said that the approach is absurd or illogical or wrong. There is specifically a branch of philosophy, logic, where the structure of words and ideas is studied and basically the validity of the approach is analyzed from a rational point of view.
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corruption › Definition and Meaning

Corruption is a term that appears frequently in the mass media and in everyday conversations. Its original meaning is simple: the process of wear something. In this sense, food is corrupt. And so do the materials (e.g., oxidation). This general sense is unrelated to the news media.
Corruption is mainly applied to the activity policy. It is a widespread and at the same time very complex phenomenon. If we were to define corruption in a nutshell we would say it's cheating. Naturally, there are many ways of cheating in politics. There is a very wide vocabulary to describe them: bribery, bribery, influence peddling, prevarication, cronyism, etc. All these words express a form of corruption. In almost all there is an economic motive. The mechanism of corrupt activities is complex because it tries to corrupt their traps are not discovered. To perform dons a launch strategy with appearance of legality. Thus, lying and manipulation are hidden in an apparently normal technical and administrative procedure.
The police and the judiciary pursue corruption and when a case appears, the media present it as a scandal. Most of society disapproves corrupt practices because they are a symptom of degradation.
Corruption involves a criminal act, but also immoral. It is a behavior that does not respect rules. From this point of view, corruption occurs in any activity not only in politics. Can there be in the sport, when two rivals agree a result. There is corruption in business, hiring a worker outside the law. There may even be corruption in the estates pursuing corruption (eg police).
Corruption can affect any sector. Not easy fight, because the human condition is imperfect and economic interest is tempting. In some countries is widespread and political activity is corrupt mechanisms.
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