Lynching › Burritos › Witch › Burger › Lasagna › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. lynching
  2. burritos
  3. witch
  4. burger
  5. lasagna

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

lynching › Definition and Meaning

A lynching occurs when a person is assaulted and then executed by a group of individuals as a result of an alleged crime. Naturally, lynching brought to term the margin of the law and, therefore, is a criminal act, since an alleged offender is innocent until he is judged by a court of justice. Usually, this type of violence is the result of a vendetta or application of justice in a barbaric sense and outside the law, an action inspired by hatred and the idea of an eye for an eye.
While the concept of lynching is indicated above, in practice, this term is used to mention violent actions unjustified and that have nothing to do with the idea of "people 's justice" (eg aggression street gangs by racially motivated or similar situations).

The moral lynching

In any of its forms, lynch someone is a reprehensible action, both from a legal and ethical point of view. It should be borne in mind that when a collective justice is taken by his hand is acting uncivilized manner.

Lynching is an action based primarily on physical violence

However, the action of mistreating someone is not necessarily an aggressive physical as it can be verbal aggression (insults, disqualifications, insults or threats). When this happens the known lynching takes moral. There are several ways to complete a moral lynching: bullying, mobbing labor, ruthless criticism of a person without consideration of the presumption of innocence or disqualifying some campaigns that occur in social networks.
The moral lynching is objectionable in most circumstances, but exceptionally may have a justification ethics (imagine that someone is lynched in a social network that has racist behavior).

The historical origin of the term

There are two versions regarding the word lynching. One says that comes from the English word lynching that, in turn, comes from an Irish mayor of the XV century surnamed Lynch, who took the decision to execute by hanging his own son for having committed a murder.
Another version holds that the term comes from Charles Lynch, an emigrant of Scottish origin who lived in America in the late eighteenth century and organized a band to execute the rustlers who stole cattle and they were caught red-handed (these executions were known in the US as the Lynch law, the law of Lynch).
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[ 2 ]

burritos › Definition and Meaning

A burrito is a flour tortilla wheat or corn in roll form and inside is stuffed with stewed meat combined with refried beans, vegetables and accompanied by the spiciness of the chile. At present coiled so you can eat with your hands. This is a typical dish of Mexican cuisine and authentic source must be placed in the state of Chihuahua.

Its historical origins
The history of burritos must be situated in the border town of Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua state

There is evidence that a man named Juan Méndez, the owner of a modest food stall, devised a system to keep food hot, for which introduced the meat in a tortilla roll form. The invention of Juan Méndez soon became very popular and had the idea to buy a burrito in order to sell your dish to other neighboring towns and even across the border Mexican and reach nearby towns of the United States Over time, the new dish He caught the attention of visitors, who arrived in Ciudad Juarez and asked for food burrito.
The fact that the burrito was a good solution to keep food warm is important, because you have to keep in mind that the burrito was popularized during the Revolution Mexicana and in times of instability and war is very useful to eat a food hot.


As its source must be placed on the border between Texas and Mexico, this dish is part of the Tex-mex culture, ie fusion culture between Texas and Mexico.
Some ingredients are usually used separately (eg, chili and cheese) and so each diner can add or all your burrito.
Burritos recipes are varied: chicken, vegetarian, mole with rice, egg with potatoes, of chilorio and so on. The burrito can be done at home version or, on the contrary, in an industrial version (in America there are networks with thousands of workers burritos).

The burrito is a type known in the US as fast-casual, as opposed to the fast-food hamburger that has as its main icon food

In recent years, the burger chains are losing market to boom burritos. The current trade war between the burritos and burgers are winning the disciples of Juan Méndez.
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[ 3 ]

witch › Definition and Meaning

It is not known exactly the etymological origin of the word witch. In fact, some experts believe that it is of Nordic origin, while others argue that it is a Germanic term and others argue the thesis that comes from the city of Brugis, the present city of Bruges.

The historical sense

The margin of its origin as a word, a witch was a woman who did not fear God and who lived freely and leading a vicious life, especially in the sexual arena. Witch as a historical figure is lost in a blur of time and place it is not possible at a given time, but his role was reached at the time of the Inquisition. By then, the witches were persecuted because they were engaged in suspected witchcraft practices. In this sense, witchcraft consisted of a series of actions intended to cause evil to someone else through some kind of spell. Moreover, epidemics or natural disasters were attributed to witches because there was no awareness about the patterns of nature and scientific character.

Ancient societies and religions forbid witchcraft under death penalty, on which we can find some references in the Old Testament

Christianity also fought witchcraft during the Middle Ages. This phenomenon also occurred in the US in the seventeenth century and is known as the episode of the witches of Salem.
This persecution of alleged witches was based on strange behavior of these women (some historians consider obeyed hallucinations caused by some drug and other theories maintain that their conduct was related to religious fanaticism). In any case, that historical episode is the foundation of an idea that is still in use, the witch hunt. Thus, a witch hunt is the pursuit of a collective even though there is no legal basis to justify such persecution.

Other meanings of the term

The word witch can be used as an insult. This way, if someone says that a woman has painted witch is referring to his physical appearance, probably its ugliness. To say that a woman is a witch can also have an appraisal moral.
The historical character has been used by fiction, so the literature and cinema have resorted to witches to embody evil, perversion and sinister aspects of life.
The concept of witch is also related to the world of the paranormal or supernatural. Those who believe in witches argue that these women have strange powers that allow them to know a part of reality that remains hidden to most.
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[ 4 ]

burger › Definition and Meaning

A piece of ground and processed meat, circular shaped and cooked on the grill or grill a hamburger. Normally this food is presented in a soft bread and flavored with a variety of ingredients. Likewise, hamburger can taste combined with other food (such as bacon, eggs or cheese). Too often it accompanied by potatoes and consume refreshments.

A food that symbolizes globalization

It is very likely that in any country in the world can consume a hamburger, it has become a symbol of the globalized world. Naturally so, since it has a number of favorable characteristics: it is an economic food, processing simple, of consumption fast, with a powerful marketing partner and endorsed by the American lifestyle. These elements make hamburger in a commercially competitive foodstuff. In fact, if we think of other popular foods known internationally they have greater complexity and a higher price.
One aspect that complements its good image is the diversity of denominations that receive and versatility when consuming (you can eat walking in a park in the car, carrying a cardboard box or make a phone order).

The least friendly face of burgers

In principle, a hamburger is a food with good image and a whole icon of Western culture. However, in recent years this type of food (the fast food) have been harshly criticized. First, it has questioned the quality of the meat used and manufacturing processes. Second, its high calorie content makes it considered unhealthy food, so the burger is understood as the prototype of the so - called junk food.
Burger criticism are implied a critique of American life model based on consumerism, in a work - centered life and profitability. Thus, a simple hamburger is much food. If anyone says that does not eat, he is not saying he does not like the taste or excess calories but is most likely communicating that does not share representing the hamburger as a cultural icon.

Birth of this phenomenon

Emigrants of German origin who came to the United States in the nineteenth century introduced a part of its food, particularly meat steaks cooked in the style of the city of Hamburg, whence comes the name hamburger.
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[ 5 ]

lasagna › Definition and Meaning

The lasagne is a typical dish of the Italian cuisine made from thin sheets of dough are filled with meat, tomato, vegetables, onions and are usually cooked with oil olive.
This dish presents a variety of possibilities as there are all kinds lasagne (minced meat, vegetables, tuna or chicken) and can be incorporated very different ingredients. In any case, it is an easy dish to cook and very nutritious.
As for the origin of the word comes from the Italian Lasagna which in turn comes from the Latin lasania and it is believed that this term has its origin in a large pot or kettle called lasanum, which was used by the Romans of the ancient world that, in turn, they inherited from the Greeks.

An approach to history

While it is a typical Italian dish, different migration of Italians to the United States provoked the lasagne proyectase internationally. There is evidence that in New York the first pulp mill in America was built in 1848.
With regard to the historical origin in 2007 a British newspaper started a controversy by stating that the lasagna was a dish of British origin and not Italian. This statement was based on a book of recipes from the late fourteenth century when the first appears recipe for this dish. Naturally, this version is opposed to the Italian historical sources, which have documented evidence of lasagna from the early fourteenth century.

Curiosities of this dish which is part of Italian culture

The lasagne has its role in the world of fiction, because the cat Garfield is a true fan of this Italian dish.
His name has some variants (for example, in Venezuela called pasticho).
One of the theories about the origin of Italian pasta says it was Marco Polo in the thirteenth century who introduced pasta to Italy on his return from his travels in the East.
Italian pasta maker of the Renaissance was called lasagnare and from the eighteenth century was known by the name of vermicellai.
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