Fantastic Story › Historical Account › Villa › Matrices › Substrate › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Fantastic story
  2. Historical account
  3. Villa
  4. matrices
  5. substrate

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Fantastic story › Definition and Meaning

The literature can recreate reality in many ways and even invent a different reality, with other coordinates. And a fantastic story is, indeed, a work of fiction in which the characters live in an imaginary world with real and unreal elements and usually with a dimension of supernatural kind.
The fantastic tale is a literary genre that became popular in the nineteenth and twentieth century world - famous masterpieces: The Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland or different Harry Potter novels. The margin of its quality unquestionable literary, they all have something in common: the plot takes place in a fantasy world where the impossible becomes real. The reader encounters imaginary beings with powers other than human, with laws of nature impossible and ultimately, with a distorted reality.
The fantastic story in all its forms has a clear precedent mythology. Despite the similarities between the two stories, there is a noticeable difference, because the mythology is an explanatory purpose (describe the origin of the universe or teach men how they should behave). Instead, the fantastic tale intends to play with fantasy reader, entertain and feed your imagination.
The fantastic story also has a similarity with another genre, science fiction. In both genders there is a different order of reality, but science fiction emphasizes the scientific component and not in imagination (for example, in "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley humans are subjected by the power of machines, but other circumstances are entirely real).
The fantastic story combines an argument conventional (a character in search of adventure or a love story) in a few different parameters, the supernatural world, where the possibilities are endless fiction.
Reasons for the success of fantastic story
The fantastic story is so successful among some readers who have tried to offer an explanation for this phenomenon. In this regard, some feel that the discovery of the unconscious in the human mind has played an important role in this literary boom. For others, due to a need: to escape reality around us and live other worlds (one could say that would be a kind of escapism).
The fantastic element of literature has another trait that we should not forget: a child we all carry within us and, somehow, the fantastic story connects with the child 's mind, without prejudice or preconceived ideas. If a child tells such a story and as you live, surely would be telling a fantastic story.
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Historical account › Definition and Meaning

A historical story is a work of fiction that has real historical component, which may be a certain period, some truthful characters or conflict royal history. Thus, this type of accounts has two interlocking elements and the historical fiction.
One could argue that the writer of story or novel historical re - creates the past, reconstructed through a plot invented by their imagination.
One of the peculiarities of this narrative is fidelity to the historical reality. Novelist depth should be documented in a given period, know in detail for the reader to understand how living in the step described. It is a reality acclimate with real data: on clothing, food, customs, traditions, characters and values of yesteryear.
While there is no common parameters in these stories, most of them present an assessment of an era. The writer offers his personal view regarding a historical reality. Sometimes it seeks to challenge a myth of the past, making a parallel with the present or simply remember the idea that it is necessary to know the past to know who we are and where we come.
By creating an atmosphere of another time, the novelist tries to make the reader take a trip back in time. The historical narrative has become a method of great educational value because it combines two skills: the art of literature and history as science.
Two examples of historical narrative
Among the various options that exemplify the historical account, here are two very renowned novels, translated into many languages and both adapted to film : the various titles of the adventures of Captain Alatriste by Arturo Perez Reverte and work of Mika Waltari, the Egyptian.
Captain Alatriste is a character who lives in Madrid in the seventeenth century. He is a veteran of thirds of Flanders. Lives full of adventure episodes and through his adventures is possible to know the theater of the time, taverns, corruption in the various social strata, the life of the court and the prevailing values.
Sinuhe is a doctor who lives in the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten. It is a character who lives a tormented love and thanks to his experience the reader has valuable information about ancient Egypt: the meaning of death, the mummification process, the medical techniques of the Egyptians and geographical knowledge of Babylon or Crete or the warrior spirit of the Hittites.
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Villa › Definition and Meaning

A villa is a population center. It was the Romans of antiquity who originally used this word to refer to a settlement of rural type intended for working farm. In these places they inhabited by farm workers and were mostly slaves. Over time other modality was introduced, urban villa, where the owners lived.
It is in the Middle Ages when the current concept of town begins to consolidate. A villa was a population center larger than a village but smaller than a city. Cataloging villa la provided the feudal lords as a distinction and usually was accompanied by a series of priviliegios (for example, many people in Spain are known as Villafranca because in them you could enjoy an exemption on tax payments or other benefits ).
To differentiate a town from another, each incorporating another term that qualified in some sense (Villamayor, Villaviciosa, Villamarta, Villarreal...). This name is not unique to Spain, but also exists in Portugal, Italy and throughout Latin America.
In the Middle Ages the municipalities that had this denomination were far from urban centers, as happened in ancient Rome. For this reason, its inhabitants had other customs and from the religious point of view contrary practiced pagan cults to Catholicism. This circumstance made the religious authorities they referred to its people in a derogatory manner and call them villains discriminatory nuance and not merely in its literal sense, ie you live or lives in a villa. Thus the word villain is used today as a synonym for criminal, although it is a term rarely used and almost obsolete.
The stately villas
A villa is also a distinguished house type, also known as stately villa. They are usually palatial style, ie, are not a palace but have a certain resemblance.
Originally, the stately villas were associated with an institution medieval manor (one territory that monarchs donated in inheritance to a nobleman for some reason). This ancestral sense also evolved and nobles and wealthy people began to build their houses using the word villa and a complementary name (usually female name). A distinctive feature of some of them is the incorporation of the coat of arms or family crest on the porch of the entrance.
In many Spanish cities it is common to find a large mansion with the word very visible villa. Mostly they were built before 1940, because from this date another term, chalet was introduced.
A contramano
Finally, and contramano the meaning explained so far, somehow pretending to express a pun, in some Latin American countries, the case of Argentina, this word is used to understand a group of humble dwellings, from informal settlements.
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[ 4 ]

matrices › Definition and Meaning

A word, many uses...
The concept of matrices corresponding to the plural of the word matrix, while this word is used in our language with different meanings in different contexts.
A fundamental organ of the female reproductive system
One of the uses most recognized is given at the behest of medicine, and more precisely of anatomy, to designate a key organ of women, located in the reproductive system, the genital area, where the baby will develop effectively if conception occurs. We also know this part as uterus.
This is a rather muscular organ that holds a pear shape and is hollow, is promptly located in the female pelvis between the vagina and the fallopian tubes.
The importance of the womb or uterus lies precisely in this important mission which holds, of protecting the unborn baby first and then developed until the mother gives birth to him.
For case it is one of the female organs which should always be controlled, by this important function and also because it can develop some important conditions such as cancer, endometriosis, among others.
The gynecologist is a medical specialist who has the responsibility to keep control of this body, usually through physical examinations and studies such as transvaginal ultrasound, pap smears, among others.
Use mathematics
Moreover, it is in the context of mathematics which also sounds much the concept of matrix since it designates a table of numbers that are distributed in rows and columns and are arranged in a rectangle and its main function represent the coefficients in the equation systems.
A model, an original from which copies are made
also through this term designates the mold from which objects are melted metal, as in the case of coins, which are made and reproduce exactly from the original matrix.
Per case it is that the concept is used synonymously with that original model which usually similes copies are obtained. For example, when printing letters, the matrix will molds each of the letters.
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substrate › Definition and Meaning

The concept in question has several uses in our language and occur in different contexts.
A word, multipurpose
In its most general and widely used substrate would be the substance of things being the same.
In geology...
Moreover, and in the field of geology called substrate to the soil layer that is below the surface layer would terrain. I also often referred to as ground appear.
It may typically be composed of clay or sand that have undergone partial action by weather agents such as air, wind, water and the sun, among others. For this situation is that its color turns out to be a little clearer, light brown might say. It should be noted that in him are the deeper roots of the trees we see on the surface.
Following in the natural environment, ecology uses the term to refer to that area which has homogeneous environmental conditions and then allows some organisms living develop normally and linked with other living beings.
In linguistics...
in a completely different language is mentioned as a field we also find a definition for this word. So it called to influence the language of a geographic location over another language you choose for x reason to settle in the territory. For example, a Paraguayan Guarani - speaking community and sits on Argentine soil this language obviously be influenced by the Spanish language is spoken in Argentina.
And more...
On the other hand, at the request of the photograph the substrate is applied that bath on a support for fixation between the light sensitive layer and the glass.
Meanwhile, in using colloquial speech the word substrate is used often to refer to what remained long in the shadows inside and suddenly something comes out and openly displayed.
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