Lactose › Lacayo › Labyrinth › Block › Bilateral › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. lactose
  2. Lacayo
  3. labyrinth
  4. block
  5. bilateral

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

lactose › Definition and Meaning

Lactose is a disaccharide sugar that provides milk. It is estimated that lactose is present in milk from females in a proportion of between 4 and 5%.
The disaccharides are a type of carbohydrate that is formed by the union of two same or different monosaccharide sugars from a bond one is the glucose and the other galactose. It should be noted that the lactose has a power reduction type.
Humans have in our body of an enzyme, lactase, which occurs in the small intestine, which is responsible for the satisfactory absorption of lactose. It is synthesized during the infancy of people, meanwhile, little under development may cause problems later when intake of certain products that have. So, if there is an exorbitant or little presence of lactase, lactose, may not be treated as nuisances must then be generated in the individual.
In the absence of lactase it is called clinically as lactose intolerance. This table can not properly metabolize lactose by a condition in the micro intestine villi are those concerned to produce lactase. Now this may be permanent, ie, it will never go away and comes hereditary mode. O reversible, which can be cured and is acquired from a given pathology.
The most common manifestations of intolerance to lactose occur immediately after consuming milk products or derivatives thereof, and among the most common are: abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, constipation.
Worth mentioning that as the production of lactase is variable from one individual to another, this same moves to cases of intolerance to it. For instance, in cases where intolerance is high symptoms will be more acute than in those where intolerance is lower.
The best way to avoid intolerance is eating certain foods or reduce the amount of intake of some of them.
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[ 2 ]

Lacayo › Definition and Meaning

The word lackey to reference to what or who is characterized as despicable, vile, despicable, that is, someone who is bad, who deceives another in his trust will be considered lackey also something that we find unpleasant may be designated thereby.
It should be noted that once the word lackey was used to name the servant that employee, who looked to accompany his master on foot, by car or on horseback, as appropriate.
Per case it is also used this concept and is often used as a synonym for employee or slave, because the word has always been linked to the idea of serving another. In the military field he was told footman to that soldier who was on foot and armed by a crossbow and mission was to accompany a gentleman in the war.
Nowadays, it is also common to use the word to describe that person shown slavish other, generally, when an employee constantly served at all times and everywhere your boss and never contradicts anything this does, says or asks, though it be crazy. The policy is where we can find more assiduously with this kind of situation because it is precisely those people in power who surround the lackeys in order to continue firm with its authority.
An adviser, a secretary of state, a minister, among others, can establish itself as lackeys of the president of a nation and thus, supporting and validating every decision and word manage to become indispensable allies in return receive his favor and financial reward for the service provided.
Those who act in this way do not mind being submitted and on sale at most negligible, who flatter, to the meanest comments, because the idea is that the more you submit and comply with more sympathy and favor will earn from your boss.
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[ 3 ]

labyrinth › Definition and Meaning

The word labyrinth designates that place is made up of streets, roads and crossroads and from which is certainly complicated to find the way out that way intentionally try to confuse the above with respect to whom it passes through them. It is customary in the search for the correct output we choquemos with roads that go nowhere and you have to try again another way out.
It should be noted that the mazes are a manifestation of the truly ancient humanity, and in ancient Egypt there is a history of these, preferably square and rectangular shapes that were in the graves. Later, in the seventh century BC, they appear as new circular labyrinths.
The mission for the good old days were the labyrinths was that whoever came into them cost him a lot to find out, ie species traps were seeking to hold a person in these places, making it difficult for the exit. Then with the running and the evolution of time it was changing the objective of these particular spaces. For example, in the Middle Ages they had the mission to symbolize the way of encounter between the faithful and God and today the labyrinths have a goal of entertainment.
It is common in amusement parks we meet games that consist of labyrinths. One of the most entertaining is the labyrinth of mirrors where participants must find out in a space that is all full of mirrors. This creates a lot of confusion and it is common that one is hitting the mirrors believe they have found the exit thereof.
Moreover, taking into account the original reference we have already indicated, in the language conversational, it is very common that the word labyrinth is used to refer to that issue or situation characterized by confusion and mess.
And at the request of anatomy it is called as a labyrinth to the inner ear.
For these reasons it is that terms such as entanglement, confusion and muddle are often used as synonyms for the word. Meanwhile, the word simplicity is the concept that is opposed, as just refers to that which is not difficult or complicated.
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[ 4 ]

block › Definition and Meaning

The word block is a term that has widespread use in our language and also use it to refer various questions.
One of the most popular uses is to designate that enormous, angular and faceted stone or concrete piece that is loose and is that can moved by the action of natural processes such as water currents, movements of the planet, the force of gravity, among others.
It should be noted that its large size makes not so simple its movement by a human being because it will take a lot of strength to do so. Among the most commonly used synonyms for this sense highlights of stone.
Moreover, in the political arena, the word block has a recurring use and it is designated to the coalition, circumstantial alliance of political groupings. Even many of the groups are calling themselves Block this or that. Also this regard may appear called by the synonym coalition.
Continuing on the political level but which corresponds to the políticaexterior, the word block also designates the set of countries with similar characteristics and shared in military, economic and political matters.
In the construction field, the word is also used to designate a block block or building of houses or apartments that share physical characteristics.
Also in computing is a reference block because there is called the set of characters that are treated as a unit and move from the main memory of a computer to a peripheral device, or vice versa.
And instances of combustion engines, is that the block casting which provides one or more cylinders in whose interior water passes charge cooling.
Meanwhile, the expression block action is used when trying to tell when a group of people, organizations, among others, act together with the same objective.
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bilateral › Definition and Meaning

The word bilateral use it extendedly in our language when we express what is on both sides.
On the other hand, in the field of diplomacy, international relations, bilateral word is a widely used concept since it is used to account for the pact, agreement or negotiation in which two parties involved that have been agree on an issue. Argentina and Venezuela signed a bilateral agreement very beneficial hydrocarbons for both states.
The bilateral agreement is the official document through which generally mentioned agreements between two parties are expressed in relation to a matter. It should be noted that the signing of this agreement immediately generate between the parties obligations and reciprocal rights of course like any other contract must be respected to the letter because otherwise you may receive a penalty, and also because at that if the agreed deal runs some risk of being interrupted.
Moreover, at the request of biology, the word in question also has a special use because it helps to compose a concept as that of bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry designates one single plane, the sagittal plane (perpendicular to the ground and at right angles to the flat front), by which the body of animals and humans is divided into two equal, identical parts, one half corresponds to the right side and the other to the left.
Meanwhile, in the field of diagnostic medicine we also find this word more precisely with regard to diagnostic studies to detect breast pathology, as in the case of bilateral mammogram. It consists of an X - ray is performed in the two breasts of a woman and having the task of analyzing breast tissue.
Among the most commonly used synonyms for this concept highlights of double, while opposing the concept is to univocal.
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