Lithosphere › Jubilo › Oscar › Formal Education › Record › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. lithosphere
  2. Jubilo
  3. Oscar
  4. Formal education
  5. record

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

lithosphere › Definition and Meaning

Lithosphere is the outermost layer of our planet Earth and is formed by the bark and a part of the mantle is strong and rigid and the surface there.
Then, being the outermost part is that we can make contact with the outer side precisely because such it forms the continents and islands.
However, this layer is fragmented into tectonic plates, as referred to that portion of the lithosphere precisely characterized by the movements generated therein. That movement be noted that given type block without there being thereby any deformation.
It is worth noting that in the edges of these plate tectonics is the confluence of very common phenomena of our planet and that usually trigger, according to the virulence hold, complex situations with loss of life, serious injuries and severe damage, such is the case: volcanicity, volcanoes presenting activity and magma may appear as lava, ash or gas emerged.
Moreover, the earthquakes, which are certainly strong shaking and passing the crust of the earth. The release of energy that accumulated in the form of seismic wave is generated by the earthquake or earthquake. Among the most common causes we find geological faults, volcanic processes, or some human action such as the detonation of nuclear elements under the earth.
And finally the orogeny is another phenomenon which houses the lithosphere and consists of shortening the crust of the earth and after that folds into an elongated area for the drive, generating just a mountain fold.
At present, thanks to advances in technology is that they have been able to develop special devices that allow a detailed study of what happens in the layers of the planet and consequently predicting some of the phenomena mentioned, or now, their greater knowledge.
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[ 2 ]

Jubilo › Definition and Meaning

The concept of joy we use it in our language to express the enormous, tremendous joy that makes us something or someone and that is expressed even by one who experiences a very intense and physically. That is, the individual who feels jubilation use your body to express their happiness. So you can scream, mourn for joy, jump, dance, among so many ways that our body gives us time to speak out.
Now, we need to mention that the word joy is not used in a widespread manner to refer to the statement but mostly people use some of their synonyms, which are more popular such as joy, pleasure and happiness.
Joy, joy, they are one of the emotions most common that people can live and always will be related, linked to something super nice and good that happens to us or happens. Joy can never be the result of something bad or negative, precisely because it would be against his nature.
When someone feels joy feels hyper recontra happy, overflowing energy, vitality and also feel they can do anything, which is an ideal place to undertake projects or doing things that are left out when not quite right state. Because joy, as we say, is accompanied by a huge share of energy it will always be critical to develop plans and bring them to fruition.
Moreover, we can also attribute a contagious power because who surely are around someone who feels joy will be attracted and affected by this energy so positive, and he also surely feel great.
But of course, also the emotions contrary to this as it could be the sadness also are very common emotions in people and somehow are those that allow us to identify, establish, those moments and pleasant and unpleasant issues that we experience along our lives.
The flipside of joy is sadness because it involves a state of grief and sorrow which is usually the cause of something bad has happened to us.
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Oscar › Definition and Meaning

The concept of Oscar used extended way in our language to designate one of the most popular and important awards, but most of the film industry. Undoubtedly, for most players, receiving an Academy Award is the highest honor and recognition they can achieve in his career.
Popularly they are called the Oscars and are delivered by the Academy of Sciences and Arts Motion Picture, United States, on an annual basis and within the framework of a lavish ceremony attended by nominees and celebrities from film, tevé and the music, among others.
Towards the end of the twenties, when the film industry achieves a great push begins to phase out the prize, and eventually its importance was in crescendo.
But it is not delivered a single Oscar but there are several that are delivered on the day of the awards since the organization divided by category prizes and so we are awarded inter alia: best film, best director, best actor, best actress, best supporting actor, best supporting actress, best production, best foreign film, among the most important and undoubtedly the most attention are aroused in the public and the press.
Hollywood Academy selected the year's production that considers the most outstanding in each category and then a while before the ceremony announced at an event broadcast by television nominees category by category.
Of course the awards ceremony is also televised the whole world for the enormous expectation generated and is always animated by actors or drivers trajectory, among the most memorable presenters for their performances will feature Billy Crystal, Steve Martin and Ellen DeGeneres.
But there is a flipside we can not ignore is that the pair of the importance they hold wake a firestorm of controversy as a result of those productions and artists left out because the Academy did not consider. So critics of the deal term and certainly do know great pre and post delivery conflicts Oscars, for the excluded and those who did not end up winning the award, respectively are generated.
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Formal education › Definition and Meaning

The education is one of the most important in the development of the pillars personality. Education is synonymous with culture, training and not only have more options to find a job vocational study but is also synonymous with having better judgment to make a certain decision. Formal training refers to formal education through the student performs some paperwork certain until the final title.

Structure Formal Education

The training regulated begins in the incorporation of the child to the academic stage and ends by getting a college degree. Formal education is marked by a schedule of studies which are fixed on school days (school period) and the period of own rest of the Christmas holidays or summer.
The formal education is one that has an organization and planning according to the fulfillment of specific objectives in each course academic. For example, there is a schedule of topics to deal with a chronological way along the course in each subject or subject. The teacher assesses students on their knowledge of each topic through an examination or performing a job. The method of assessment also varies depending on the academic course.

clear and transparent rules in education

In formal education there is a timetable, and therefore there are specific dates that must be met. For example, students receive their grades in a particular period. Students attend class and receive the teachings of a teacher who is who has the authority in the classroom. In formal education there is also a criterion in relation to the number of students that can be in each class.

Establishments with the aim of learning

One of the objectives of formal education is the personal development of students through training in different subjects. The teaching formally takes place in the context of academic centers of formal education. For example, in colleges, schools and universities.
Formal education is based on compliance with a program, with specific educational objectives, certain methods of evaluation. In addition, the educational program also shows the importance of adapting education to the needs of each student.
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record › Definition and Meaning

The concept of recording is used extended way in our language to designate performing several actions that should normally be performed by someone.
The making of an incision tool or a specific item on a hard surface with the aim of generating a drawing, a figure, etc., is called recording. In both it finished its outcome is known and recorded.
Engraving is one of the oldest and most important art in the field of artistic practices. And precisely it is that the artist uses various techniques for printing an image on a rather rigid surface (matrix) to which is attributed ink and then the pressure is transferred to another surface which may be fabric or paper.
Moreover, the word record is used to describe the recording of images, sounds, or any other information, from a specific device and has a system of storage especially also then allow recovery to see or hear. Video cameras, CDs, diskettes old and newer pen drives, are just some elements that allow you to record images, sounds and data. Also they stored and then as noted above can be recovered.
The action is widely used to record instances of mass media, especially the TV stations and radio as it allows registration of current events that will then be promptly disseminated to the community through the appropriate channels.
Also, recording establish itself often a crucial test when solving a court case to clarify a crime, among others. Cameras security arranged in large cities, which record everything that happens every minute in a given area, have become in recent years an important tool when deter crime but also in case of the consummation of any crime, its Transcription allows in some cases resolve cases and arrest the culprits.
And we finally find use symbolic concept in language colloquial to refer the deep attachment in the mind or in the minds of either an idea, a concept or even a memory.
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