Extramarried › Paella › Pantry › Trespassing › Overestimating › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. extramarried
  2. paella
  3. pantry
  4. Trespassing
  5. overestimating

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

extramarried › Definition and Meaning

The marriage is a commitment of love and respect between two people who promise fidelity. Married life can be altered by situations like infidelity. For example, a person can maintain a parallel to have a relationship with a loving life. This extramarital affair occurs at the margin of marriage. In fact, the infidel usually careful not to leave clues and not be discovered. It should be pointed out that in addition, through the era of new technologies, there are new forms of infidelity.
Not all of them are embodied in a sexual encounter, however, people also may be having conversations pitch rises through internet as the couple suspected absolutely nothing for the confidence it brings see the couple at home.
The issue of extramarital affairs has had a starring role in the film as the film shows Infidel starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane. Similarly, Richard Gere also plays the role of a man who maintains a double life on tape fraud.

Having a lover

An extramarital affair produces a lot of inner tension that maintains this double life, a secrecy that brings excitement remarkable encounters many who live in hiding. However, the stress of guilt makes this personal situation is nothing pleasant. It is also possible to have a child out of wedlock. This is the case of illegitimate children.
Extramarital relationships can be discovered by the couple who arrived constant absences suspected the other or, the unbeliever can make the decision to confess moment in history. In some cases, couples can overcome infidelity but in many others, an extramarital affair is synonymous with rupture.
Extramatrimonial concept not only refers to a long relationship in time but also a causal encounter with another person.

Life outside of marriage

The life of a person is not confined to marriage level, however, other areas must be consistent with the commitment in marriage. Very few couples who have an open relationship and establish agreements in this regard. Most mortals suffer infidelity as damage to the confidence placed in your partner.
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[ 2 ]

paella › Definition and Meaning

Paella is a typical dish of the gastronomy Spanish and originally comes from the province of Valencia, located on the east coast. This dish's main ingredient rice, which is cooked in a paella and hence its name. Paella is made with a traditional ingredients can vary but include rice, chicken, rabbit, green beans, salt, tomato, olive oil, artichoke and saffron is incorporated for this rice its characteristic yellow color.
This dish originally was part of the power of the Valencian peasants, so its roots are extracting humble. The chicken or rabbit, or seafood paella known as mixed: currently three types of paella are made.

Gastronomy specialists contend that paella has its tricks and secrets

Some of them are: the preparation of a good stock, a suitable sauce, the use of olive oil, fresh ingredients, cooking paella preferably wood fire and at a temperature determined using the type rice pump and leave the paella for a few minutes before serving.
Another key aspect is the time to fry rice (for some, it is appropriate before adding the broth and others must be made later). One of the issues most discussed is the ratio of rice and water, as well as the right amount of rice per person.

More than a plate

Paella is a dish that usually like everyone and is perfect to enjoy in the company and in an atmosphere cheerful. However, his popularity goes beyond its taste, as has become a symbol of Spanish culture. In this sense, the millions of tourists visiting Spain want to know the famous paella and savor preferably on a terrace air free.
From a historical standpoint, the paella became an international dish from the 1960s, when European tourists visited Spain as a developing country and offered all kinds of attractions for visitors. Spanish cuisine was one of the keys to the success of the tourism industry and paella stopped being a simple peasant dish Valencians and transformed into a icon for tourists.
Thus, the emerging tourism in Spain offered some attractive ingredients for visitors: good beaches, happy holidays and good food.
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[ 3 ]

pantry › Definition and Meaning

There are different rooms in a house. In many houses there is a pantry. This is a specially designed products to leave power, so it is an area of storage very useful and practical that is complementary to the refrigerator and kitchen. The pantry usually has a size smaller than other rooms like the living room or bedroom. Generally it consists of shelves that from a practical point of view, have provisions allow.
Generally, families make the shopping a weekly or biweekly mode. To go to the supermarket to do the shopping with a previous list, pantry area is used to store part of the purchases made.

Food store

Being a room in which are stored food, pantries typically also meet specific conditions, for example, they are fresh. Furthermore, due to its direct link with the area of the kitchen, the pantry is usually one fourth Annex.
Thus, the person can go quickly to take a particular ingredient while cooking a dish. It should be pointed out that not all homes have a specific room pantry for being small houses where other rooms are prioritized. But in those cases, it is possible to put a specific area for such use taking advantage of a balcony area or some kitchen furniture.
Here, you can save canned products can be very necessary if in the case of unexpected receive home visits, you have to prepare an improvised menu to be the perfect host.

How to organize a pantry

One of the keys to success of a pantry is the organization through the order. For this reason, it sort products by shelves. It is also appropriate to place on those shelves easier to access those products use frequently. Storage furniture are also very useful and practical.
In fact, in creating an efficient pantry it is advisable to prioritize the functionality of this area of the house, on top of its aesthetic value. Restaurants and businesses also usually have a kitchen storage area. The ideal size pantry is in relation to the concrete needs to be covered.
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[ 4 ]

Trespassing › Definition and Meaning

The concept shows the ability to transfer an element has to move from side to side. For example, it is possible to say that the sunlight pierces the living room curtains illuminating the room first thing in the morning. Similarly, in the days of heavy rain, water can penetrate the shoes if it is not suitable for this kind of weather, getting wet socks and foot of the person.
Of course, it is also possible to transfer limits. This occurs when a person feels that another has gone beyond the limits of trust between both getting too personal questions that are not considered appropriate. A teenager must respect the authority of parents can also transfer the rules to breaking the time back home on a Saturday night.

Cross a line

From a Metaphorical view, we can say that memories also cross the barrier of time. That is, still alive in the heart of that person from the present revives the nuances of a story yesterday. From the point of view of feelings, sensations there are also costs more to transfer, for example, pride.
From the point of view of location, this concept also has significance in the spatial context. For example, we can say that a person lost in crossing the forest in the dark of night.
Furthermore, in some cases, transfer a finish line is synonymous with success as the case of cyclists who pass the finish line in first position.
From the point of view of morality and ethics, actions that are considered ethically bad, also cross the line of good. In education, the most undisciplined students are those who transgress the precepts established in maintaining order in the classroom and rebel against the establishment.

Transferring a property

From the point of view of the property, a person can also transfer a property to another person (usually a relative) to waive the right of possession in a heritage for the benefit of another family member. In that case, the person waives able to have such property, giving this right of enjoyment over the house, the other loved one (a decision that is taken for personal reasons).
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overestimating › Definition and Meaning

The love is part of our life, however, we do not always give proper value to everything. Very often, we may suffer for having overestimated a well above its own meaning. In fact, in today 's society marked by values such as the cult of the body or consumerism that prioritises having and the appearance external above being, we run the risk of being very vulnerable if we put our happiness on goods that can be as ephemeral as outer beauty (which has no expiration date).
However, those who neglect the cultivation of his own mind giving priority only care body worship, overestimate their physical appearance and give an inordinate value. Similarly, people who suffer greed also overestimate the value of money and the economic level becomes a fundamental apex of his own happiness.

Give a little fair value of an asset

People who are addicted to work and no longer remember when you went to film the last time or when quietly enjoyed a couple plan without interruption mobile phone also give the wrong value to their own developmentprofessional. A development that can be very important but it should never be a substitute for other areas of life such as leisure.
When we receive help from someone else who supports us in achieving an achievement staff we can also make the mistake of underestimating our own role as overestimate external support (this way of thinking you can lead us to believe that we are little worthy of reaching a goal). The attachment to material things can be a way of overestimating the memories when in fact, the most important thing is not the last but the past.

Overvalue youth

In today 's society also we overestimate the value of youth at the expense of the value of old age. Thus, it seems that life is more life at one time or another just for a matter of age. Similarly, many people idealize life partner and underestimate singleness regarding the possibility of being happy. Inclso can overstate a apersona that does not value us, using us and plays with our expectations.
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