Firing Squad › Uprightness › Commendation › Inevitable › Evacuation › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. firing squad
  2. uprightness
  3. commendation
  4. Inevitable
  5. evacuation

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

firing squad › Definition and Meaning

The execution is the execution of an individual through the discharge of a firearm. Generally, the person or people to shoot it places them in front of a wall and can be several individuals that trigger and shoot many direct shots at point blank on all their humanities.
Undoubtedly, shooting is one of the modalities of murder and violent bloodier that has existed throughout history and unfortunately in some parts of the world is still practiced even today. It is in the military and war instances where it has proliferated as a way of execution.
Indicáramos lines as above, one of the characteristics of execution is often deployed on multiple individuals simultaneously, i.e., in the execution runs simultaneously to multiple people.
Among the most memorable cases of shootings in history has called on May 2 or May 2 uprising in Madrid, Spain.On 2 May 1808 just after the mutiny of Aranjuez and the establishment of French troops in the country, by the brother of Napoleon, Joachim Napoléon Murat, a group of locals they gathered in the morning of that day in the Royal Palace and knowing the intentions of the French to take the palace to the infant Francisco de Paula to France. Under this circumstance, the Spanish citizens abruptly stormed the palace. Amid the assault the infant out on the balcony, a fact that will eventually increase the tension.
Taking advantage of this situation, Murat, sends a mission of the imperial guard company of artillery that will eventually open fire on the crowd of Spaniards gathered there.
The slaughter spread even more hatred against the French and so is that the struggle against them spread throughout the capital.
It should be noted that in this survey were not state forces which the French occupiers but the popular classes who reacted against the country faced the violence of these.
As a tribute to these heroes Spaniards shot was erected the famous Monument to the Heroes of Dos de Mayo at Plaza de la Lealtad, next to the Paseo del Prado.
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[ 2 ]

uprightness › Definition and Meaning

The word righteousness is used in our language with two senses. On the one hand, allows us to refer to the quality of straight, that is, when something such as an object or figure have neither curved nor inclined to both sides, nor have angles, will be discussed in terms of righteousness.
On the other hand the word righteousness can refer to the integrity and severity and it is this sense of the word often linked to issues such as: justice, fairness, honesty, integrity and fairness.
When the word is applied in relation to an individual, that is, if someone is said to have righteousness is because it behaves and acts correctly, carefully and with great fashion education.
Incidentally, straightness is a quality typically humans but not all people the hold, ie is proper and is present in those who behave and express honesty and consistency always, displaying it and also respecting supreme values such as justice and truth.
With the above what you want to refer to is that righteousness is not a question based or dependent on the personal desires of individuals but the fact act righteously always require a close relationship with the truth that has nothing to do with intentions but with provable facts.
If for example a person hides some interesting information there can never be considered as owner of righteousness, however, when someone despite threatening their interests reveals information then yes will be working with righteousness.
It should be noted that the person who acts in the latter manner mentioned in addition to respecting the truth has enormous respect for your neighbor.
And on the other hand, opposes the concept is that of dishonesty because just implies a lack of rectitude, honesty and ethics in action.
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[ 3 ]

commendation › Definition and Meaning

The word praise is used in our language to designate that praise is made of the virtues and qualities that presents an individual, an idea, a thought or thing.
Meanwhile, the concept of contrasts is critical. One criticism is the criticism or questioning of the qualities and virtues presenting something. Then when something or someone drop us well, we are pleasing, the will praise, and conversely, when something displeases us and not at all our preference will tend to criticize.
It should be noted that both praise and criticism do not usually have the same effect on all people, although there is a trend that says that praise everyone loves while criticism does not and even more, triggering strong anger and tensions in those who are subject to it, it also mentioned that there are many people who are absolutely indifferent to praise and criticism, ie, not in the least affect either their behavior or what they planned to do or say.
In clinical cases such as autism and schizophrenia it is important to note that those who suffer are very permeable to criticism and praise as a result they are not open to verbal stimuli pathology suffering.
Now, on the other hand, there are some theories of psychology to ensure that praise is beneficial for physical and mental health of an individual, generating a super positive influence on the personality and character of the person who receives them. This state of affairs occurs more forcefully in cases where the person has low self - esteem, then, receiving praise about what you do or say will make your performance in every way to improve and be an additional incentive to continue acting in the sense that it does.
At work and in the practice of any sport, praise, it can be widely beneficial in the performance of the recipient and predispose to continue acting in this direction, excelling and standing.
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[ 4 ]

Inevitable › Definition and Meaning

The word inevitably is used in our language to refer to that which can not be avoided, ie, we use specially associated with an event, event or event that can not or could not help. It was inevitable that the ceiling is completely divest after the explosion.
It mentioned that when a fact is said to be or was unavoidable it is because beyond what was done or is done to prevent it or stop it, anyway happens, that is, nothing can stop your event and will happen Although everything is done so that does not happen.
There are many situations and things in this life are inevitable, though, there is one that is most associated with this issue and is not avoidable death. Death is a fact of life which no one can escape him and sometime happen later or earlier, caused by a disease or an accident but it will be yes or yes. Therefore it is common in the language slang the phrase is used: the only thing that is inevitable is death itself.
Synonyms that are commonly used instead of the term are unavoidable and inexcusable, though, it should be noted that the most widespread when want to refer to that which is impossible to avoid use is the word in question.
Moreover, in the field of music, the word inevitable is the title of one of the most popular songs of the Colombian singer Shakira.
This topic is contained in the second studio album by the singer, named Where are the thieves?, Which dates from 1998 and is also the best selling album of the singer.
The song is part of the current pop rock ballad, because it has a combination of both genders. At times it is a typical ballad and in some passages exploits the strength of the rock. The letter addresses the issue of heartbreak while the author takes the diverse and various defects posing in her life.
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evacuation › Definition and Meaning

The word evacuation is used in our language to describe the eviction occurs from one place, a house, a building, a neighborhood by the people who live there because of staying in the same life can correrpeligro, or your default because it has been damaged and must leave. Undoubtedly, the evacuation is a precautionary measure.
The evacuation may occur voluntarily, ie the inhabitant or local resident perceived danger or harm then decides to leave to save his life, or may be directed by the forces of security or defense civil nationals before the succession of a disaster, such as floods, earthquakes, fires, landslides, among others.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes and heavy rains, and disasters such as fires are the most common reasons why the evacuation of people living in areas that could be affected or occurs. So, if you have information provided by the National Weather Service indicating that a heavy storm of rain and winds will happen, the authorities responsible for ensuring civil security approach the area and urged residents to leave the place in order to save their lives.
Normally evacuees, as they are called, they are moved to a safe place and ready to receive them.
Meanwhile, in cases where the disaster site uninhabitable because it has become a place hostile to the survivalhuman and animal, the evacuation of those living there can be definitive.
Also wars or invasions often trigger evacuation scenarios, as people living in a sensitive place in this regard decides to leave to save his life and his family. Because they know how difficult and dangerous it can be for citizenship civil continue in that place in the battle between sides.
On the other hand, the word evacuation is used in the field of medicine to refer to the expulsion of feces or organic waste from the body.
It is also common sense that this is expressed with terms such as deposition, defecation.
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