Warm And Cool Colors › Conformation › Acatalepsy › Hazing › Kamasutra › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Warm and cool colors
  2. conformation
  3. acatalepsy
  4. hazing
  5. Kamasutra

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Warm and cool colors › Definition and Meaning

The colors used in painting are known as pigment colors and are formed by three primary colors magenta red, yellow and blue cyan cadmium. These three colors are primary because they can not create from others. If two primary mixed together, a new color is obtained, which will be known as secondary.
Combining cadmium yellow with blue green cyan get mixing yellow with magenta cadmium red obtain orange and red mixing magenta with cyan blue violet is achieved. Moreover, green, orange and purple are secondary colors. And by combining a primary tertiary another secondary one is obtained as greenish yellow, blue - green or orange.

In the chromatic circle warm and cool colors are distinguished

Palettes indicated above can be placed as a circle, also known as chromatic circle. This circle can be divided in half and one side hot and the other cold colors appear.
Those who are close to the red and yellow are warm and on the other hand, are cool colors that are closest to blue. In short, between warm are the different shades of the colors: red, yellow, brown, gold and orange. Cold are blue, green, turquoise, indigo and violet.
The distinction between these two groups of colors is made from the sensation of temperature that transmit each.

The language of color

Each color tone communicates feelings and moods generates. On the other hand, the impression we have of a space is given by the colors in it. In this sense, the warm colors produce a stimulating effect and communicate vitality, energy and dynamism and visually produce closeness. Instead, they cold generate a sense of relaxation, sadness and quiet and visually create an effect of distancing.

The meaning of the colors is present in all kinds of activities

In the world of marketing experts know what messages they want to convey with the choice of colors of the products. In activities such as fashion, makeup, policy or design choice of one color or another it is also aimed at a particular purpose.
Somehow, each color has an effect on our mood. This relationship is studied by chromotherapy, also known as color therapy.
This discipline is part of alternative medicine. However, we must not forget that in conventional medicine colors provide relevant information on the physical status of patients (eg, yellowed eyes are a symptom of a liver disease).
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[ 2 ]

conformation › Definition and Meaning

We analyze the word is formed from two elements: the prefix and substantive training. As the prefix indicates that something is done by the union or the cooperation of both parties and, on the other hand, training means that something brought to term or performed. Consequently, there is talk of forming to indicate that reality is shaped by the intervention of various parties. In a second sense, it is referring to the action of shaping something, whether an object, becomes project or an individual. Some synonyms forming could be the following: configuration, structure or placement.

Examples to understand easily

- If you think of a football team, we are facing an example forming, as eleven players form a union of individuals and groups of individuals (defenders, midfielders, strikers and goalkeeper).
- A cell is a unit composed of three elements: the nucleus, the cytoplasm and the membrane. The same applies to the atoms, which are set by the interaction of electrons, protons and electrons.
- If we think of a language anyone (eg Spanish), its shape is the result of the evolution of an original language (Latin) and the incorporation of new terms from different backgrounds that create a form of communication.
- A company is made up of a series of elements: an infrastructure determined (for example, an industrial machinery), a group of workers in different categories and an organizational system.

Everything that exists has its own conformation

The above mentioned examples show that the idea of forming is applicable to all kinds of realities, both tangible and intangible. It should be borne in mind that all there is, somehow, a process of creation and construction.
Imagine that we have a thing we've ever seen before. After his observation we will the following question: what is this? This question seeks an answer that allows us to understand what we are talking about. In response we can get we will be informed about the origin of that thing, its composition and its parts and its potential usefulness. And the set of all responses that represent the creation of what we ask.
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[ 3 ]

acatalepsy › Definition and Meaning

The philosophy is one of the most important science, since it helps the human being to think for himself, although, in today 's society, the very first wisdom of teachers like Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, does not occupy the place that really It belongs by right itself.
In philosophy there are different positions on the theory of knowledge, ie, different prospects on epistemology human. The acatalepsy is the position which states that for humans is impossible to conclude certainty in knowledge.

Theory of Knowledge

From this perspective, this current skepticism is a way of showing the inability of the mind to grasp objectively the object itself.
This is one of the thesis for example, the pirrónico skepticism, a current approach concludes that the human being to its environment is conditioned by the filter of the senses, as such, they are misleading.
Therefore, this current is a projection of skepticism as a conclusion to life that concludes the impossibility of mind to affirm a truth or assimilate one thing. However, this theory falls on the principle of contradiction as the assertion of inability to know the truth is already a thesis that input is presented as true.
From this philosophical states that the human being does not have the necessary means to test whether learned really fits the reality of the object.
Pyrrho was contemporary with the great teacher, Aristotle. It should be pointed out that this author denied the real possibility of the subject to achieve the objective essence of things, however, he remained no credence to the view, ie the subjective experience that every human being has as a connoisseur of reality.

subjective knowledge of the world

For humans it is possible to achieve a subjective reality as such, it is marked by the filter prior experience, own point of view, personal values and many other nuances. Here it is revealed the opposition between subject and object. Therefore, there is a barrier between the world and the mind while objectivity is a limit impossible to get.
This discussion is very interesting because it has been a constant in the history of philosophy.
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[ 4 ]

hazing › Definition and Meaning

A newbie is a person who starts an activity or a profession and, therefore, lacks experience. In some contexts rookie is welcomed by veterans with some kind of test or joke that must be accepted by rookie to form part of the group again.
Traditionally the "victims" of hazing students are often the first university course, recruits who start military service or new members of a sports club. In any case, the ritual term that takes place between young people is because such uncommon practice among middle - aged people.

These have very different versions jokes

There are moderate, such as making the rookie dance and sing in front of the entire group. Others are heavier, like him believe the rookie coach has some kind of hobby that annoys him. In some cases, hazing may be associated with some sort of dangerous or vexatious and in some exceptional circumstances action these jokes have ended tragically.
Hazing on two opposite approaches. While some consider it a tradition sympathetic and should be maintained, others understand that are potentially dangerous and therefore should be prohibited exhaustively.


There have always been hazing and represent an initiation ritual. Veterans who impose their law once were "victims" and in this sense the hazing is part of the cycle of life. It is not reasonable to abolish this tradition claiming that there have been accidents or traumatic humiliation at times, because according to this argument all the jokes should be banned.


There are people who really suffer with hazing and the suffering of others can not be understood as a joke. Its prohibition is a reasonable measure, as this dramatic and painful situations are avoided. Forcing someone to pass a test is a form of abuse psychological. In this regard, in recent years some student groups have joined forces to fight them and to report them to the courts of justice.

The term "ragging"

This expression colloquial refers to the lack of experience of those starting in a profession or activity. So when you do something for the first time it is very likely that some mistake committed or target the leg and this situation creates some discomfort. In such circumstances it is said that someone has paid the hazing.
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[ 5 ]

Kamasutra › Definition and Meaning

The Kamasutra is a text Indian created by Vatsyayana dating from the fourth to sixth centuries. It is a book dedicated to worship the carnal love, from which life arises. The word derives from Kamasutra Kama, God of love and Sutra term meaning rules.
This text originally in Sanskrit, has been translated into all languages. It is perhaps one of the best known books worldwide, which even today are effective.

Carnal love as a means to attain Nirvana

Indian culture seen in the sacred and philosophical carnal love, so that different sexual positions are described in written form in the Kamasutra, as in the ornament of a lot of sacred temples throughout India. As it is the case of Surya temple located in the town of Konarak, where the theme erotic used to worship the sun, which corresponds to God Surya for this culture. In this culture to cultivate the carnal love was an important way to reach Nirvana, state in which the soul is freed from the suffering and its cycle of rebirths.

Kamasutra, the oldest and still existing manual eroticism and sexuality

This text deals with various aspects of the full life of the individual, which includes eroticism and sexuality as an important part of life. However much of its content refers to sexual preamble, techniques to kiss, bite and caress your partner to achieve sexual stimulation including various kinds of sex play, including how to caress the vagina described woman or a man's penis with his mouth, which is now known as oral sex.
An important part of the text illustrates the various positions that can be used during sexual intercourse, covers a total of 64 positions, which are complemented by the way of moving and help couple achieve greater penetration and stimulation to help achieve the climax during intercourse.
The Kamasutra is not limited to sex partner, also it includes group sex as part of eroticism in the individual's life.

Kamasutra: Male, female and third sex

Although the woman was completely relegated to the man, he enjoyed the right to a full and satisfactory sexuality. Many of the described sexual positions in the Kamasutra give an active role to women during intercourse, while men in a passive role carries out actions that give more pleasure to your partner as caressing erogenous areas such as breasts, the clitoris and buttocks.
Another interesting aspect is the issue of homosexuality. The traditional Hindu believes that all beings irrespective of their phenotypic sex is not completely male or female, even raise the possibility of a third sex in which both are combined. In this sense the Kamasutra covers carnal love between individuals of the same sex.
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