Vitality › Preconception › Relay › Planning › Sal › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. vitality
  2. preconception
  3. relay
  4. planning
  5. Sal

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

vitality › Definition and Meaning

Vitality is a condition that usually have people and involves the presence of vigor, energy in all that is done and effectiveness with regard to vital functions.
It will have the vitality that what counts is carried out with a special impetus and if its result is expected to be very good or extraordinary, because the energy involved is outstanding and exceeds the average energy.
Who has them afraid vitality is hardly the face of adversity and even more, know them resist bringing into play all the energy that dispenses the vitality and then will eventually achieve your goal or target satisfactorily.
Moreover, the concept of vitality is usually associated, linking with sexual power and capacity available when a man sexually satisfy your partner.
Normally this vitality is manifested in the possibility that the man of maintaining a sexual relationship long term, or failing with a high frequency, ie, every day of the week without exception.
In contrast, when a man presents some difficulty in this regard, that is, when good sexual performance with their partners will discuss a problem of sexual vitality.
The absence of sexual vitality has been associated with various factors such as: overweight, high stress either on work or personal, depression, abuse of drugs or medications that affect libido negatively, fashion or simply lack of skin or wear with your partner.
There are various treatments, and even products that help counteract this problem and thus help to regain vitality, among them are: Viagra side of drugs, and pollen, honey and watermelon on the side of the natural remeasured.
And finally it is important that the vitality often associated with young people, ie the younger someone greater vitality is assumed to be present. And conversely, the larger will be less vitality.
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[ 2 ]

preconception › Definition and Meaning

That of preconception is a term in our language is used mostly to express the formation of a trial or a concept in someone about one thing but in an anticipated way, that is, the person in question in his mind an idea or thought early, prematurely and before such evidence or have a real and direct certainty about it.
Mostly, usually accompanied by a critical, either positive or negative, about a situation or an individual without having prior information sufficient to do so.
It should be noted that the preconception is an extremely common and common observed in all areas and activities of a community issue, too, in the various social groups to which we belong, regardless of age. And the most important thing to note is that in most cases the preconception is intimately dominated by a behavior or attitude discriminative that can cause dangerous and harmful effects.
Because when the preconception that someone has about another individual is negative, it will tend to reject it without more, to object, you even with no elements or sufficient reasons to do with concrete information. Of course this tends to divide people in any society, because when someone spread the word that another is wrong with that generated in the other an attitude of contagion and so rejected.
Moreover, at the request of pedagogy and with regard to meaningful learning, the preconception is that representation available to a student about some aspect of reality and that means the kick of the learning process for the apprehension of the true concepts.
Meanwhile, in science, is designated as the inclination preconception research scientist certainly give prior knowledge about a situation or issue. This situation helps maintain the paradigm dominant.
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[ 3 ]

relay › Definition and Meaning

The word relay has widespread use in our language and is used in various contexts.
In its most general and widespread use, the word relay allows designate the action to replace a person in a job, position or activity normally performed. The relay Mary arrives at eight in the morning, just when you end your call.
But once over from someone materializes, that replaced individual ceases to perform the activity or work which had been doing and be who relieves that will continue to develop the practice in question in compliance similes functions and displaying the same capacity, ie not by this change of individual activity will suffer much less.
In the military sphere the word relay is commonly used to describe the change of guard.
And at the behest of sport we also find a reference to this word as it is used in a competition to name one athlete who relieves another after having traveled part of the journey involved in the competition in question. So when an athlete relieves another will receive what is known as post, vacated the place and from which the athlete will start competing in relief.
On the other hand, the relay race is a widespread practice in the athletics characterized precisely because members of a team must spend a witness, testimony or post, as it is called popularly, consisting of a metal bar around 50 cm. long and about 50 grams, which is due to transfer to the partner to continue with the race. It should be noted that all team members travel the same distance. The relay will end when the witness reaches the last participant.
The mission of this sport is that every athlete achieves its maximum speed, so that the sum of speeds of each participant's media team is the most important thing you can achieve, and of course, in this is key at the time of each relay, the participant loses the shortest possible time handing the baton to his teammate.
In the Olympic Games, the relay race participates in the category of athletics.
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[ 4 ]

planning › Definition and Meaning

It is termed as planning to that methodical process that is designed with a mission to achieve a goal, putting it in simpler terms, planning involves developing a plan that will allow us to reach the realization of a proposed end. Also the concept is often referred to as planning or planning.
Then it will be through just planning a person, a company, a group, among others, a given and establish the different steps and actions that must travel to reach the same goal successfully be set.
It noted that planning may hold a variable duration, ie can be short fast achieving the target, or may have a long duration in time until the end is achieved; also available various stages at which decisions must be taken. Regardless of this in that way will be considered issues such as the resources available and the impact of external situations that clearly influence the development and the end result.
Planning something usually begins with identifying a problem and analyzing alternative solution to it. Obviously the team or individual in charge of it should lean toward one that considers more suitable to resolve the issue and from there give free rein to plan.
Meanwhile, planning is a typically human activity and we are putting into action almost daily and at different levels. Thus, an individual who wants to arrive early to a job interview, plan to get up early for breakfast so early and wake up well and then take the transport public earlier than it does most to avoid traffic jams and arrive on time. Furthermore, planning will be carried out by a multinational company to maximize sales next semester.
However, it noted that beyond the level at which planning is carried out will be sine quanom and essential conditions to reach a satisfactory conclusion that there is a deep knowledge of the subject, analysis of the variables and a share of intuition by those who have planning to run.
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[ 5 ]

Sal › Definition and Meaning

The word salt is the most popular and widespread in our language denomination with which designates the sodium chloride, chemical compound whose chemical formulation is NaCI (sodium-chloride). The salt is characterized by being soluble in water, by its pungent, spicy taste, a white color and appearance crystalline.
There are four types of salt : sea salt and salt spring that both are obtained by evaporation of seawater; rock salt, resulting from the extraction mining of rock known as halite ; and vegetable sal a gramineous plant is achieved through concentration, boiling.
Meanwhile, its main use is as a condiment and food meals because it attributed to these one of the basic and most requested flavors, which is salty. The taste buds, as called sensory receptors that we human beings in our language and they are responsible for making us feel and recognize tastes are what allow us just feel the salty taste that so many love so much. The papillae are on either side of the front of the tongue.
Undoubtedly, the presence or absence of salt will help draw us when or away from certain foods, but, mostly, will bring us closer to them, so that makes them glad.
It should be noted that it is used both as a condiment and food preservative food in salting of fish, meat and vegetables.
But also, from the nineteenth century, salt, participates in the production of various industries such as cosmetics, paper, chemical and other industries.
Salt intervenes in the lives of human beings since ancient times, even by the importance attributed hundreds of years ago used to be the reason for wars, engine economies and even currency... However, that assessment today has changed considerably, in principle, because he got down the high cost of production and partly because it is linked to the development of some diseases such as hypertension.
Today it is common that we recommend reducing the consumption of salt and even many foods in their packaging notified of the absence of salt intake to attract consumers who will escape this component.
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